Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5401

Chapter 5401

Since the appearance of the White Whale Taizu, Su Han's chest has felt very annoyed, and that kind of grievance and complicated emotions can't help but rise from his heart.

He wanted to hide it, but he couldn't hide it!

"You are the White Whale Taizu... You are one of the people I have ever respected the most!"

Su Han raised his head sharply, his teeth locked.

"Brother Shen!"


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Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer, and then progresses step by step, and eventually is expected to become a guardian.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

If you want to stay in the town magic department, getting used to blood is a necessary condition.

Other people are like this, so is Shen Changqing.

"Shen Changqing, the apprentice of the Huang Department, asked to enter the library!"


Sitting in front of the attic, the dozing old man opened his sparse eyes, and a faint blood light flashed from his eyes.

That moment.

Shen Changqing seemed to be stared at by some beast, causing the hairs on his body to stand on end.

If it wasn't clear that everyone was his own, he would have turned around and fled in that instant.


Shen Changqing also understands that the person guarding the Book Collection Pavilion in front of him is a strong man in the Demon Suppression Division.

The instinctual crisis that gave him was only a little breath of the other party's body leaking.

"Show your ID token."

"Please take a look!"

"The apprentice slayer has the right to enter the first floor of the library, and stay for two hours. Don't overstay."

"Thank you!"

Shen Changqing took the token back, and the old man also closed his eyes, as if he was already sound asleep.

He ignored it too much, went straight past the old man, and officially entered the library.

There are not many rules in the town of magic.

But every rule, once violated, has the possibility of death.

And one of the rules is not to inquire into the privacy of others without authorization, and not to be overly curious.

Over the years.

Because some slayers were too curious, they angered other people by inquiring without authorization, and there were many examples of them being beheaded by the other party.

Although in the Suppression Division, killing each other is strictly prohibited.

But if you want to kill someone, you don't necessarily need to do it on the bright side.


Although the people in the Zhenmo Division are not lunatics, there are also many impulsive and violent people. If they really want to be angry, they will kill them if they kill them.

Although Shen Changqing had been here for almost five days, he had never seen such an example.

However, it has been almost a month since the predecessor came to Zhenmo Division.

within a month.

The predecessors have also heard of some such cases.

As a person who inherited the memory of his predecessor, Shen Changqing kept it a secret.


It is the place where the entire town magic department collects martial arts.

If you want to deal with monsters and monsters, with the flesh and blood of ordinary people, it is naturally impossible.

Only by practicing advanced martial arts can one have the capital to initially fight against monsters and monsters.

Therefore, the existence of the Book Collection Pavilion is to allow the people of Zhenmo Division to improve their strength as much as possible.

It is also because the Zhenmo Division itself is an organization that protects Daqin and needs to train enough experts.

Therefore, there are not too many requirements for understanding the martial arts in cultivation.

As long as there is an identity token.

Download iRead Novel to see the latest content. Then you can enter and exit the library at will without charging extra.

But in order to prevent some people from immersing themselves in the library all the time, to avoid the task of the Suppressing Demon Division, or to become a waste who is only proficient in martial arts, but has no fighting experience.

The Town Demon Division has set up rules to limit the time and number of times each person can enter the library.

The first floor of the library is very large.

When Shen Changqing arrived, there were also many people staying here, reading the books above.

for those people.

Some he knew, others were completely unfamiliar.

After all, the town magician is too big, and the fresh blood is exchanged very frequently. Although the predecessor stayed for a month, the people who really know him are limited.

No one noticed Shen Changqing's arrival.

Everyone is using the limited time to memorize the martial arts that they need to practice as much as possible.

Shen Changqing also ignored other people's plans. He came to a bookshelf, and then skillfully took out a book among the many books that were placed in a complete set.

On the book, there are several large characters written.

Thirteen Taibao Crossing Practice!

The characters are unique to Daqin, which is very different from the characters Shen Changqing knew in his previous life.

But with the memory of his predecessor, he could understand the text above without any difficulty.

After taking out the Thirteen Taibaos to practice the exercises, Shen Changqing sat cross-legged directly beside the bookshelf, bowing his head and reading the books silently.

time flies.

Two hours passed quickly.

Shen Changqing put the book back in place, then got up and walked outside.

when he left.

The old man sitting in the library pavilion opened his sparse eyes, and then closed them again.

That moment.

Shen Changqing felt a sharp edge on his back, forcing him to leave a little faster.


He went back to his residence.

Because once you enter the Zhenmo Division, you are the person of the Zhenmo Division in life, and you die as the soul of the Zhenmo Division, and there is no possibility of leaving at all.

Therefore, everyone in the Demon Suppression Division, even the lowest-level slayers, was treated unusually.

It's like saying.

The place where Shen Changqing currently lives is an independent yard, with wooden figures, stone locks and other martial arts tools placed in the yard.

After returning to the residence.

Instead of practicing immediately, he sank his mind

Name: Shen Changqing

Faction: Daqin Town Demon Division

Status: Apprentice slayer

Martial Arts: Thirteen Taibao Crossing Practice (Not beginner, can be improved)

Kills: 3


Seeing the words that can be raised on the panel, Shen Changqing's face suddenly showed a smile.

After coming to this world.

The reason why he has the confidence to continue to stay in the Town Demon Division is because he has discovered his golden finger.

A plain and simple looking panel.

But Shen Changqing can understand that this is the foundation of his future foothold in this world.

There was no hesitation.

He directly put his thoughts on the practice of the Thirteen Taibao Hengqiong, and then silently recited one sentence: Improve!

Thoughts fell.

The killing value decreased a little, and the words of the Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian were violently distorted.

at the same time

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A powerful force rose from Shen Changqing's body, followed by a surge of qi and blood all over his body, and his bones made a crisp explosion, as if he was under some kind of powerful oppression.

Don't wait for him to react too much.

Immediately after.

There is also a powerful oppression, acting on the internal organs.


Shen Changqing opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood, and the expression on his face was already twisted together because of the sudden pain.

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The painful feeling disappeared, and a sense of comfort that had never been seen before washed his body completely.


That comfortable feeling made Shen Changqing completely forget the uncomfortable feeling just now.

Come back to your senses.

He stood on the spot, simply moved his hands and feet, and began to adapt to his physical state after his breakthrough.

"Strength and speed have improved a bit compared to the past. Although the increase is not very large, it will not be too difficult to defeat me before breaking through!"

"But the real main function of the Thirteen Taibao Hengqiong practice is to improve the defense of the physical body."

"Successfully upgraded to the first level, my physical defense should be improved more than the strength and speed, but if I want to resist the sword, it is still a lot worse."

After the event, Shen Changqing pinched his skin. There was no change in his skin color, but his toughness was much stronger.

Such an improvement made him very satisfied.

"Sure enough, you can only start to practice if you have really memorized a martial art, but rushing to practice after reading a little bit in the middle will only harm others and yourself."

Thinking that his predecessor died because he recklessly practiced the Thirteen Taibao Hengqiong, and then was attacked by the practice, Shen Changqing shook his head helplessly.

So impulsive!

Even if you don't know the exercises, you practice without authorization, and you can't blame others if you die.


Shen Changqing lowered his mind again and focused his attention on the panel.

Name: Shen Changqing

Faction: Daqin Town Demon Division

Status: Apprentice slayer

Martial Arts: Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice (first floor, can be improved)

Kills: 2

"Upgrading the Thirteen Taibao Heng Qigong by one level actually only consumes a little killing value. It seems that the consumption of martial arts improvement is lower than I expected.

In this way, my strength can be improved a lot in a short period of time. "

Shen Changqing was very satisfied.

If you love reading novels, please download love reading novels and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The latest chapter content is already in Love Reading Novel, and the website has not updated the latest chapter content. He didn't waste time, he continued to think about it and started the next round of promotion.

March, early spring.

Download the content of Love Reading Novel, the latest chapter content is already in Love Reading Novel, and the website has not updated the latest chapter content. East of Nanhuang Continent, a corner.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, showing a heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds layered on top of each other, blending with each other, dispersing one after another of crimson lightning, accompanied by the rumbling thunder.

Like a **** roaring, echoing in the world.

Please download iRead Novels and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal dust.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

In the city, the walls are broken, everything is withered, and collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The bustling streets in the past are now desolate.

The sandy road where people used to come and go is now no longer noisy.

There was only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper, which could not be separated from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a mutilated carriage was deeply immersed in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll on the hull of the carriage hung on it, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and eerie.

The turbid pupils seemed to have some resentment left, staring alone at the mottled stones ahead.

There, there was a figure lying there.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, dressed in tatters, covered in dirt, with a torn leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes, motionless, the biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com attacked all over his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, at a distance of seven or eight feet from him, a skinny vulture was eating the carrion of a wild dog, occasionally observing the surroundings alertly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, it will vacate in an instant with the slightest disturbance.

Download iRead Novels and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for an opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely submerged its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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