Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5217

Chapter 5217

The power of the ghost goddess is indescribable. Although Sword Master Frostbite and others are very unwilling, they can't rise again, and continue to take action against the Phoenix Sect.

From the previous blow, it can be seen that even if the domain was opened, the ghost goddess still easily defeated them.

Her power, I am afraid, has infinitely approached the ancestral saint, and it is not at the same level at all.

"Sect Master Su, the road ahead is the hardest!"

When Su Han and Sword Master Han Bing passed by, Sword Master Han Bing gritted his teeth and said: "I can't stop you, but it doesn't mean that you can really return to the southern region safely. In the eyes of the Star Alliance , your threat is comparable to that of a demon, especially after you have shown such terrifying means!"

Su Han frowned, and without arguing with Sword Master Hanbing, he gradually walked away.

Until the ghost goddess came to Sword Master Frostbite, he suddenly said, "Did you feel anything?"

"What?" Sword Master Frost was startled.


After the ghost goddess paused for a while, he said, "The ground is shaking."

Jianzun Hanbing frowned, he didn't feel any change at all, he thought the ghost goddess was just deliberately scaring him.

Watching the people from the Phoenix Sect gradually disappear, Sword Master Frost couldn't help clenching his palms.

"Damn it, obviously no longer has the power of the past, and he has to rely on Tai A Gong to pretend to be an elephant. I really want to see how he will look when he is stepped on by the Star Alliance!"

Jianzun Shengshi sneered, just as he was about to speak, but at this moment


The ground suddenly shook.

They looked up at the same time and looked at each other, only to hear the rumbling sound, it sounded again, and it was getting closer.

"What the hag said is true!" Jianzun Shengshi's expression condensed.

Only then did he know how big the gap between himself and the hag, who are both top-level emperors and sages.

A few minutes ago, the ghost goddess had already felt the shaking of the ground, but he didn't hear it until now.

"This voice is at least 100,000 miles away, but it is so huge!" Jianzun Hanbing also said.

Soon, in their line of sight, a huge behemoth appeared.

It was like a giant, the whole body was red, and the whole body was made of a special material. The sun shone on it, reflecting a dazzling and cold light.

"Starry Sky Giant!"

When they saw this figure clearly, everyone in the Qingcheng Sword Alliance changed their expressions, and their hearts twitched fiercely.

The weapon of the war clan, the giant of the starry sky!

Under the watchful eyes of Jianzun Shengshi and others, the starry sky giant just took a step and then came to them.

It is simply indescribable how big this starry sky giant is. Standing in front of the starry sky God of War, Jianzun Shengshi and others feel that they are as small as ants in all aspects.

I can't see where the people of the Zhan clan are, but I can only see that the starless pair of dark eyes of the God of War in the Starry Sky are staring at the bottom.

"Dare to ask, which senior of the Zhan clan is coming?" Sword Venerable Raging Fire spoke with difficulty.

There is a strong coercion on the Star of War God, and it is impossible to tell whether it is the emperor or the ancestor. In short, when he feels the fifth-level emperor, he is also short of breath, as if he is about to suffocate.

This made them immediately know that controlling the God of War in the Stars must be a super powerhouse of the Zhan Clan!

Of course, there may also be numbers, or even dozens!

The number of war clans is less than the number of disciples of Qingcheng Sword League, but it is no exaggeration to say that even if Hu Yuemei, the head of Qingcheng, is standing here, he has to be honest and quiet.

I would like to ask which force in this world is willing to provoke the war clan?

Especially when the war clan is already on the side of the Phoenix Sect!

Even though the positions of Qingcheng Sword League and Zhan Clan were different, the two had almost become enemies at this moment, but in the face of the God of War in the Starry Sky, Jian Zun and the others who were present still did not dare to take a breath.

"Guys, have you ever met someone from the Phoenix Sect?" A strange voice came from inside the Star God of War.

In the blink of an eye, Jianzun Shengshi analyzed it carefully, and finally determined that this was the first time he heard this voice, and it was not a strong warrior from the war clan he had seen before.

Then, Jianzun Shengshi said, "About five minutes ago, Sect Master Su led the people from the Phoenix Sect just passed by Fengfeng Valley."


The voice let out a light murmur, and then, obviously with ridicule and sarcasm, said again, "You didn't stop it? Or can't you stop it?"

Jianzun Shengshi gritted his teeth and said, "The ghost goddess appeared in person to **** the Phoenix Sect."

He was actually very unhappy in his heart, but he could only use this to vent, and he didn't dare to go too far, so as not to lose their face.

"That old woman? Tsk tsk, fortunately she is here..." said the voice in the starry sky God of War.

Jianzun Shengshi and others thought that the meaning of this voice was that fortunately there was a ghost goddess, so that the Phoenix Sect could move forward safely.

But then, the latter continued: "Otherwise, you might be lying here right now."

The voice fell, and the Star God of War stepped forward, striding over the head of Qingcheng Jianmeng, and gradually moved away.

"If there is no ghost goddess here, just relying on the strength of the Phoenix Sect, it will also hurt us with delusions?" Sword Master Shenliu snorted coldly in disapproval.

Before the others could speak, there was another chant in the distance, which suddenly came.

This voice seemed to be chanted by one person, and it seemed like countless people were chanting. The more I listened to it, the more I felt that all the incantations were chanting in my mind.

Jianzun Shengshi turned his head to look, UU reading www.uukanshu. Among the eight million disciples of the Qingcheng Sword League, more than half of them all showed a confused look at the moment, as if they were caught in the voice and could not extricate themselves.


He snorted coldly, and the power of his cultivation was poured into it, like a thunderous explosion, making those people wake up instantly.

"what happened?"

"I just had a dream..."

"Oh, I saw my mother."

After a burst of discussion came out, Jianzun Shengshi couldn't help but say: "All of them have developed the power of cultivation to protect their bodies, that's the chaotic spell of Qingyin Temple!"

"Qingyin Temple?!"

Hearing that this was obviously the name of a certain place, the expressions of everyone in the Qingcheng Sword League changed once again.

Soon, a white lotus flower with a diameter of about a kilometer slowly came from a distance.

It seems to be extremely slow to float, but it is actually terrifyingly fast.

When passing through Fengfeng Valley, Lotus suddenly stopped.

There was a woman who looked ordinary, but had a dusty temperament all over her body, and stood up from above.

Seeing her, Jianzun Shengshi's eyelids jumped, and he couldn't help but say, "I have seen Nanxin Liantong."


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