Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 501

Chapter 501

According to legend, after the establishment and formation of the monk alliance, super powers appeared, with their monstrous cultivation base and assisted by endless spirit stones, to change the dry land forcibly. "" Extracurricular books% WwW. KeWaiShu. OR?G

This change suppressed the silent exhaustion that had originally made the monk a nightmare, and suppressed it to a very low level.

The cultivator alliance let it go, once you enter the dry land, your own cultivation base will not be exhausted for at least a thousand years!

And the spread of this news immediately shocked the entire Longwu Continent, causing countless sects and casual cultivators who were still waiting to go straight to the dry land.

However, just as they migrated, the cultivator alliance once again spoke out

Due to the limited area and limited resources, the dry land cannot hold all the repairs of the Longwu Continent. If you want to enter, you must bring three things.

Heart of Titan, Tears of Ancient Times, Holy Stone of Demon Immortal.

After these three things came out, the monks in the entire Longwu Continent were taken aback.

The demon sacred stone, they have heard, this thing is rare, the specific function is unknown, the only way to obtain it is the Longwu Continent, the demon sacred domain opened every three thousand years!

As for the Heart of Titans and Tears of the Ancients, they have almost never heard of them.

Not to mention the Heart of Titans and the Tears of Ancient Times, just the sacred stone of the demon immortal made countless people discouraged.

The demon celestial sanctuary is opened once every three thousand years. If you want to enter, you must first obtain the pass of the demon celestial sanctuary. This pass has always been in the hands of the super sect. Only when the demon sanctuary is opened, the super Zongmen will issue this kind of pass.

But this kind of distribution is not something that everyone can have, but a sect contest!

Zongmen Grand Competition, regardless of level, nine sects can also participate.

It seems that for fairness, the super sect will also participate, and the pass in their hands has always claimed that this is not theirs, but the will of the world of Longwu Continent. Let them issue the role they play in it, similar to For a messenger, as to whose hands the pass will fall into, and which sect's hands, they can't decide.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Since the appearance of Demon Immortal Sanctuary, Super Zongmen will participate in every pass competition.

And because of the powerful strength of the super sect, they are the pass to occupy the top ten almost every year.

The pass is divided into seven grades.

The top 100 sects can get a five-level pass.

The first fifty sects can get a four-level pass.

The first 30 sects can get a three-level pass.

The top ten sects can get a secondary pass.

The first three sects can get a first-level pass.

The five-level pass is the lowest and the first-level pass is the highest.

Above the first level, there are two more levels, that is...the strongest pass and the supreme pass!

These two grades of passes have always existed, but for countless years, not to mention the supreme pass, even the strongest pass can be obtained by very few.

In the last ten thousand years, the Demon Immortal Sanctuary has been opened three times, and the only one that has obtained the strongest pass is the most legendary Yidao Palace seven thousand years ago!

As for the Supreme Pass, since ancient times, no one has ever obtained it by a sect, and that has become a legend.

At that time, when Yidao Palace obtained the strongest pass, it inspired the will of the Longwu Continent. There are dragons and phoenixes appearing between the heaven and the earth, and the neighing of thousands of people, the joy of the holy dragon!

The strongest pass was issued by Longwu Will himself. It was from this point that the monks of Longwu Continent believed that the top ten super sects really did not have the right to decide on this pass.

They are just taking the lead, conducting a competition, and let Longwu Will decide for himself who should give this pass.

These grand events can be called the best in the Longwu Continent, and from this we can see the importance of that demon sacred stone.

The cultivator alliance, with the help of this catastrophe, was full of such monstrous ambitions, and when it made the cultivators of Longwu Continent angry, it was very helpless.

The power of the monk alliance is really too big.

It would be fine if there were no catastrophes, but at the moment the catastrophe was at stake, they could not protect themselves, let alone resist.

The only way to survive is to enter the dry land, and the only way to enter the dry land is to obtain the demon sacred stone, the heart of the Titan, and the tears of ancient times!

Maybe it was because the monks' alliance was really too powerful, or maybe it was because of some other reason. After this news came out, none of the top ten super sects spoke to refute.

Although even super sects must comply with this condition, they seem to have acquiesced in this matter.

Because of their acquiescence, people in the entire Longwu Continent believed that the strongest power in the Longwu Continent is no longer the top ten super sects, but...the alliance of monks!

This is a kind of change, an indescribable change in power.

In the passage of time, another ten days passed.

On this day, standing on the city wall, looking into the distance.

Where he looked at, that thousands of miles away, a piece of white snow seemed to begin to melt at this moment.

"There are still two months..." Su Han murmured.

He estimated that it was correct. In two more months, these snowflakes would really melt.

At that time, there will be an extraterritorial celestial demon, and this catastrophe will really spread here.

"Sect Master, what exactly are the Heart of Titans and Tears of Ancient Times?"

Beside Su Han, Xiao Yuhui stood parallel to Su Han, looking into the distance.

Su Han turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "You should call my husband."


Xiao Yuhui flushed, lowered her head and remained silent.

I don't know if it is because of the guilt in my heart for Xiao Yuran, or for some other reasons. Although Su Han has already admitted Xiao Yuhui's identity, after all, the latter is unable to call Su Han'husband' with peace of mind.

Regarding this, Su Han could only sigh inwardly.

"I know the demon sacred stone but I don't know the heart of the Titans and the tears of ancient times." Xiao Yuhui spoke again and changed the subject.

Su Han pondered for a moment, and said: "In ancient times, there used to be a race whose body was like a mountain, its palms were like a lake, its head was like a tripod, and its eyes were like stars."

"They have no cultivation base, but with physical strength, they can collapse mountains and rivers between their hands, and the stars can collapse between their breaths."

"This race... is called the Titans!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuhui's eyes widened instantly, and she couldn't help taking a deep breath. In her mind, she seemed to be able to portray the earth-shattering Titans.

"The Titans, which existed in ancient times, had already been completely extinct with the disappearance of blood."

Su Han said again: "The monks' alliance certainly doesn't know the true Titans, but what they call the'Heart of Titans' definitely has something to do with the Titans."

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