Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5100

Chapter 5100

"Is this the so-called power of time? It's nothing more than that!"

Xue Linglei snorted coldly, and rushed towards Su Han first, the majestic power of qi and blood poured out, shattering the void, like a big devil rushing towards him.

However, as he rushed towards Su Han, he felt that his speed was getting slower and slower.


This feeling made the blood spirit thunder's heart beat faster.

He can clearly feel that his speed has not slowed down in any way, so how is this situation caused?

"My strength has not weakened, and my speed has not slowed down. What really slows time!"

At a certain moment, Xue Linglei suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, his face began to change dramatically!

There is no doubt that the slowing down of time is even more terrifying than the slowing down of his own speed!

When Xue Linglei raised his head, he saw Su Han's palm, grabbed from the air, and the power of the six major sources evolved into countless threads, falling from the top of his head.


Xue Linglei's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe it: "The line of rules... This is an attack method that can only be condensed by the Origin Saint level powerhouse. Could it be that his combat power has already reached the Origin Saint level?!"

The line of rules, the symbolic means of the source saint level powerhouse.

If it is said that the virtual saint condenses the soul of the primordial saint, the mortal saint transforms the holy body, and the Taoist saint understands the avenue of enlightenment, then the source saint is the owner of the line of rules. .

Only the Origin Saint can evolve a line of rules to suppress all creatures under the Origin Saint with the monstrous holy might.

It can also be said that the Primordial Sacred Soul is a level, the Holy Body is a level, the Dao is a level, and the line of rules is another level.

It is also the power of order, but the strength of the line of rules is more than 100 times that of the ordinary power of order. This is a huge gap, and it is difficult for ordinary people to cross.

Not to mention the blood spirit thunder, even the demon master and the demon master were shocked and shocked when they saw the line of rules.

The cultivation of the virtual saint level can cross the two levels of the mortal saint and the Taoist saint, and evolve a line of rules?

Was it his understanding of the power of order that really reached this level, or... his combat power was so terrifying?

There is no doubt that Su Han has both the former and the latter.

In the last life, he was able to go to the realm of dominance, and naturally he did not need to say more about his understanding of the power of order.

Even if these are not discussed, with his own combat power in this life, Su Han can completely evolve a line of rules.

In the world of the source saint level powerhouse, you are the rule maker!


The monstrous roar came, and the blood spirit thunder spurted out a large mouthful of blood, only to feel that the internal organs were going to be displaced.

If it weren't for the critical moment, he showed a terrifying body that stretched tens of thousands of feet. I'm afraid that Su Han could kill him with just that one palm.

Even so, the blood spirit thunder was hit hard, as if it were about to be suffocated.

"This is the power of Yuansheng?" Xue Linglei was horrified.

His comprehensive combat power is actually invincible under the Origin Saint.

Before that, he had always believed that he could at least fight against the First Source Saint, and even if he was defeated, he could remain immortal.

However, Su Han's attack just now finally made him recognize himself.

The source saint is still the source saint after all!

Gu Perhaps, only by taking that step and reaching the realm of Taoism can he cross the boundary and truly fight the source saint.

"No. 1 at the Saint level? It's too weak!" Su Lenghan snorted.

Xue Linglei said in a low voice: "I really didn't expect that among the cowardly and despicable human race, there would be such a monster like you!"

"So what?" Su Han said lightly.

"Although your combat power is equivalent to a first-level source saint, we are not vegetarians!"

Xue Linglei said: "The ten demons and Tianjiao form a formation together, which is enough to offset your combat power. It is impossible for you to be our opponent!"

"Immortal homophony!"

As soon as Xue Linglei's voice fell, on Yixie's side, a top-level magic technique unique to the Demon Race was displayed.

In his hand, a magic wand appeared, inlaid with nine gems, each of which was crystal clear and exuded holy might.

"It's another ancient artifact of the Great Emperor." Su Han said.

"You have some eyesight."

Yixie said: "This is the 'Immortal Wand', which is made from the remains of ten emperors and saints. Nine skulls are used as wand stones, and one emperor's body is used as the wand body."

A circle of ripples gushed out from the Immortal Demon Scepter, and when it landed on Su Han's six domains, it formed hundreds of millions of sound bugs, trying to devour the domains.

Su Han could feel that his domain was being bitten, and there were actually sound insects passing through the domain, turning into ripples again, and hitting Su Han's cultivation base armor.

There were countless screams, roars, and ten loud bells that shook Su Han's mind.

Su Han knew that Yixie's own power could only occupy one-tenth, and the remaining nine-tenths were all due to the Immortal Demon Squad.

"It is worthy of being an ancient artifact of the Great Emperor. If I only have one domain, I will be devoured by this kind of sound insect in an instant. UU Reading" Su Han secretly thought.

The roar kept entering his mind, as if to influence Su Han's mental thoughts.

However, the defensive power of the cultivation base divine armor was terrifying. Although Su Han's ears were rumbling, he was not hurt in the slightest. Those voices could not control him at all.

However, with ten demons and geniuses here, it is naturally impossible for Yi Xie to take the shot.

"call out!"

A blue-black spear fell from the void, carrying a shadow of a mountain peak, and slammed into Su Han's domain.

At the same time, thousands of axe shadows fell, also cutting Su Han's domain.

Xue Linglei shot again, and the monstrous blood gas turned into a thick fog, forming a huge hand that slammed into Su Han's domain.

Under such an attack, even though Su Han's domain was a fusion of the six major domains, it began to vibrate violently, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

"After all, the cultivation base is still too low."

Su Han sighed inwardly: "The fusion of the six fields, not to mention the attack, the defense alone is invincible and unbreakable. If my cultivation base is also a mortal saint, then let alone the fusion of the six fields, even if it is one, it will be invincible. Is it something they can break open?"


Thinking so in his heart, Su Han was not afraid at all, and the power of his cultivation continued to pour out, colliding with the attacks of these demons and geniuses.

Under this kind of battle, Su Han's refining speed of blood qi pills continued to accelerate. He had devoured four blood qi pills before, but at this moment, he was swallowing the fifth, sixth, and seventh pills!

There is no doubt that the blood qi pill has been refined, and Su Han's cultivation is also constantly improving.

In this case, even if his cultivation base consumes more power, his breath has not weakened in the slightest, but has become stronger and stronger.


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