Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 478

Chapter 478

The condensation of the portal takes three seconds. ()

Su Han waited for two seconds, and after the third second, the portal opened.

"Let's go."

Su Han looked at Nangong Jade, and both moved towards the teleportation formation at the same time.

But at this moment, Su Han paused and looked at the ground suddenly.

But seeing the snowflakes on the ground that had stopped a year ago, but never melted, at this moment... actually trembled!

With this jitter, the snowflake melted rapidly at this moment, just like Su Han had deduced before, it did not melt into transparent water, but melted into a kind of **** water!

At the instant of melting, a monstrous **** breath suddenly lifted from the ground.

Su Han looked up, but saw that the distance the snowflakes melted was getting larger and wider, and from the beginning, it quickly expanded to one zhang, ten zhang, one hundred zhang, one thousand zhang...

Until the end, in Su Han's sight, all the ground that could be seen was this **** water!

That kind of **** aura, like the blood of a few people who have been slaughtered, is extremely pungent.

"what happened?"

Nangongyu looked at all this in a daze, and muttered: "Isn't this a snowflake? Why does it become... blood red?"

"Heaven and earth catastrophe is coming soon."

Su Han took a deep breath, stared at the blood on the ground, and said, "Let's go, the transmission time is almost over."

Nangongyu nodded, staring at the **** water on the ground, frowned, and stepped into the teleportation formation with Su Han.

Just as the two began to teleport, the moment the teleportation array disappeared, the blood on the ground suddenly moved.

It was like someone hiding in blood water, that blood water actually gradually bulged, and finally, completely condensed into a figure.

It was the blood-colored figure that was full of spikes and extremely hideous in Su Han's previous deductions!

With the appearance of the first hideous figure, the second, the third...

The ten thousandth way, all appear!

Looking around, the entire Magic Medicine Mountain is boundless, all of which are hideous figures.

This figure was densely packed, and in a flash, it changed from ten thousand to one hundred thousand, and then to a million.

At that instant, in the Shenyao Mountain, three divine thoughts swept out from the central area.

These three divine thoughts are so powerful that they are earth-shattering, and they are even stronger than the seventh saint son Feng Tianhan and Wanbao Pavilion earth sacrifice falling dust before that!

If Su Han was here at this moment, he would definitely be able to feel that these three divine thoughts were filled with an unstoppable pressure.

Under the pressure, the monster beasts in Shenyaoshan shivered at this moment.

That coercion... is Huangwei!


Divine Sense swept out, and it was withdrawn in an instant.

At the time of withdrawal, a loud roar came out.

This sound is like a million thunderbolts, blasting down, tumbling into the void, and constantly overwhelming.

From the central area of Shenyao Mountain, it spread rapidly, to the depths of Shenyao Mountain, and to the periphery of Shenyao Mountain. In the end, it broke through the entrance of Shenyao Mountain, making the casual practitioners on the outside platform and Duan Yunshan and others who just returned. , All face changed drastically.

"Dragon Emperor Realm!!!"

Duan Yunshan and the others stared openly and couldn't believe it.

They turned their heads and looked at the Shen Medicine Mountain. At the entrance, a light appeared in an instant, and this light seemed to spread from the roar, directly blocking the Shen Medicine Mountain.


Yu Qi's face was also full of shock. They knew that Shenyaoshan, as one of the seven dangerous places in the Longwu Continent, must be a monster with the Dragon Emperor realm, but such monsters would not easily show up. In this kind of roar, there was obviously anxiety and fear.

"what happened?"

Everyone is puzzled and confused.

Just at this moment, a voice that sounded like from a barren ancient world fell in everyone's ears.

"Long Wu has a robbery of 30 million, today is coming to the common people!"


After these words fell, the light at the entrance of the Shen Medicine Mountain suddenly spread, forming a huge mask, sealing the entire Shen Medicine Mountain!

And at the moment they heard this, Duan Yunshan and others were beating wildly in their hearts, and an unspeakable sense of crisis suddenly rose from their hearts.

They have heard this sentence.

That was a sentence brought back by the dragon king realm powerhouse in the Zongzhong when he went to the Seven Regions Divine Mountain.

There are four super sects to enter the Divine Mountain of Seven Regions-Yuxu Palace, Giant Island, Sword Immortal Tomb, and God of War Sect.

They all wanted to destroy the Tushen Pavilion, but Ye Longchen exchanged it for the opportunity of the Seven Regions Divine Mountain before entering.

No one knows what happened after they entered, and no one knows what they got inside, whether they actually saw the legendary 'god'.

It's just that there are rumors that these four super sect powerhouses are all embarrassed and gloomy after they come out, and they don't mention anything about the Seven Regions.

During that time, the disciples of the four super sects were all talking about the Seven Regions Divine Mountain, but the Zongmen gave orders. If anyone dares to mention the Seven Regions Divine Mountain, no matter what cultivation level or identity, they will be expelled directly!

This matter, with the passage of time, has been gradually forgotten in the hearts of everyone.

But at this moment, the words from Shenyaoshan immediately made Duan Yunshan and the others recall the ugly expressions of those strong men in each sect.

"Long Wu has a robbery of 30 million, today is coming to the common people..."

Duan Yunshan's expression was hard to see the extreme: "What happened! What major events can alarm the monster beast powerhouses in Shenyaoshan, and what are the things that can enable these powerhouses to block the entire Shenyaoshan mountain? For hundreds of thousands of years, nothing has happened!"

"Look at it!"

At this moment, someone actually said something.

Everyone looked at this person, and immediately followed this person's gaze.

But seeing the snowflakes on the ground began to melt at this moment.

The speed of this melting is very fast, and in a blink of an eye it becomes endless **** water like the sea.

Except for the people on the platform, the casual cultivators below are all standing in this **** water.

The blood flooded their waists, and their complexions changed.


At this moment a scream suddenly came out.

I don't know when, a blood-red hideous figure emerged.

With a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth, he bit on the neck of a monk who only had a dragon spirit realm cultivation level.

That scream was made by this monk!

"what is that?!"

The eyes of the three Duan Yunshan condensed, and without saying anything, they flashed here immediately.

But before they left, their complexions changed drastically.

Because on that ground, there were countless hideous figures, condensed at this moment.

With their appearance, the tragic and stern roar spread all over the place.

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