Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5028

Chapter 5028


"How can this be???"

The boy was cold, as if being poured from his head by a basin of cold water.

Not only him, but the other assassins were also shocked and at a loss.

Under normal circumstances, killers will not show this expression, even if they will die.

But everything they saw at this moment could not help but they were not shocked!

"Thunder and lightning attributes... another realm!"

"He has opened up three major areas, and all of them are perfectly integrated!!"

"The three major areas, unheard of, unseen, how terrifying is this power?"

Soon, Su Han told them how terrifying the integration of the three realms was.

"Ice, fire and thunderstorm!"

The voice was like a god, and the pressure turned into waves.

A ball of light containing the order of fire attributes, the order of water attributes, and the order of thunder and lightning was thrown out of Su Han's hands.

His goal is clear-it is the boy!

Without waiting for the ball of light to arrive, the boy's whole body was erected.

His scalp was numb, cold sweat was flowing out of his back, and a thick life and death crisis broke out from his heart at this moment.

"Wow, wow..."

I don't know how many layers of defense appeared on his body, and even the baby at the bottom of the box was used.



The ball of light exploded, and the terrifying power quickly swept across. All the defenses on the boy's body were destroyed at this moment!

Its flesh exploded directly, and the Yuansheng Soul rushed out of it.


Su Han had anticipated this scene long ago, and the long sword slashed directly.

"If there is no domain technique, you want to kill me too?!" The boy roared.

He can't escape the realm, so he can only resist.

But when the sword energy came, he found that he was wrong, a big mistake!


The sword energy passes through the boy's Yuanshen Soul, and those who die can't die again!

"It's easy for me to kill you without using domain techniques."

Su Han looked cold and turned to look at the other assassins.

The fire red and ice blue are intertwined, and the silver snakes constantly shuttle through it, making a crackling sound.

With Su Han's current comprehensive combat power, even if it only showed three major areas, it was definitely not the level of Dao Sage.

If it were the top talents in the top rankings, they might still be eligible for the first battle. After all, they are equivalent to the top Taoist sages in the sanctuary. It is not strange to open up domains and even master the origin.

But at the moment these assassins, even though they are proficient in assassination techniques, are slightly better than ordinary monks, but they are only manifested in sneak attacks and ambushes!

At this moment, they were wrapped in the realm, and they could not escape with all their best efforts.

When the boy's soul was completely dead in Su Han's hands, all the assassins were shocked and desperate.

"Zhu Rong the Great Spear!"

"Thor's Hammer!"

Su Han lifted his eyes, the two major domain techniques of the flame domain and the thunderbolt domain were all condensed at this moment, killing the two five-fold Taoist saints.

As for the rest...

"Thousands of miles frozen!"

The domain art of the ice-bound domain was also unfolded.

In contrast, both Zhu Rong's Spear and Thor's Hammer can only be regarded as a single attack method.

But thousands of miles are frozen, but it covers a large area, flooding the entire field, and it is an absolute group attack.

Perhaps in terms of attack power, because it is too scattered, it will be worse than Thor's Hammer and Zhurong's Gun, but the advantage of Frozen Miles is that it has a large area and a large number of blows.

Moreover, as far as Su Han is concerned, the remaining assassins are really like ants.

Regardless of the sages, it is still the six three-fold Taoist sages, or the twelve one-fold Taoist sages!

They only had a trembling share now, and the killer's belief was shattered, and the idea of desperately killing Su Han had already floated out of his mind.

They are hard to imagine, just a sage! Void sage! !

How can it be so strong?


Two roars came out, whether it was Zhu Rong's Spear or Thor's Hammer, none of those two Five-Layer Sanctuary could stop them.

Other assassins rushed over, wanting to use the combined attack technique of the Nine Kill Palace to consume Su Han's domain technique together.

However, before these killers arrived, their steps were directly frozen, and then their legs, upper body, head...

Even, the soul of the primordial sacred!

The two five-layer sage killers watched the other killers get frozen, and they were helpless.

Zhu Rong's Spear and Thor's Hammer broke their defenses and shred their flesh.

A sword light came and smashed their souls that were unable to escape from the realm under the teleportation.

Easily kill one seven-fold Taoist sage and two five-fold Taoist sages!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is the first or even the second source of the source, it may not be able to do this.

And Su Han's comprehensive combat power is indeed comparable to Yuan Sheng, but the most important thing is that he has domains, and there are still a huge number of domains!

One realm must not be able to trap the boy, he almost blasted Su Han's dual realm of water and fire.

But until he died, he would never have thought that Su Han actually still had a thunder and lightning domain.

On the whole, the usefulness of the domain is indeed too great. Once it is expanded, it can not only enhance its own strength, but also close all spaces and prohibit the enemy from escaping.

Unless the enemy's methods are too strong, or the combat power is too much beyond one's own!

"But, how many people have pioneered the field?"

When Su Han shook his head, he gently lifted his finger and nodded toward the front.

"Crack! Click! Click! Click..."

Lines of frozen figures, like ice sculptures, shattered under the slightest push of Su Han.

Not only was the ice on the body broken, but also their bodies and their souls!

What about Fansheng? What about being baptized and becoming a Eucharist? How about Yuansheng Soul being able to teleport?

The difference in strength is really too big.

Among all the killers, only one of the six three-fold Taoist saints broke free from the ice without knowing what means.

The other five people, as well as the twelve one-sage sages, all fell to the ground like the ordinary sage killers, and they fell to pieces, and those who died could no longer die.

The Golden Crow rushed out of the storage ring again, hovering above the void, constantly devouring the essence of the cultivation base, looking extremely excited.


The only remaining Triple Dao Sage actually knelt down directly to Su Han.

He begged: "Your Excellency, don't kill me. Actually, I don't want to come. I'm despicable and helpless. Please also please..."

Before the words fell, a chill suddenly came from behind Su Han.


A dagger was inserted into Su Han's head.

"Hahahaha, die for me!!"

Loud laughter rang out, and the figure that had been knocking Su Han's head finally dissipated. It was this killer who held a dagger and stabbed Su Han in the head!

"It's a very good way of blindfolding. UU reading" Su Han said calmly.


The dagger pierced the back and dissipated with a bang.

The killer's smile instantly solidified.

"Why, how? Your speed..." The killer was stunned.

The formed afterimage persisted for so long and didn't collapse until this moment. How fast is this going?

He thought that he really stabbed Su Han in the head!


The long knife fell from the top of the killer's head and directly split it in half.

Su Han dropped down, kicked him, and curled his mouth slightly.


(End of this chapter)