Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 472

Chapter 472


After breaking the lush forest, the arrow rushed directly onto the thunder curtain laid by Su Han without hesitation. Extracurricular books W?wW. KeWaiShu. OR+G

The moment it hit the thunder curtain, a thunderstorm blasted here, and it was even more visible to the naked eye. A series of almost purple lightning was launching a counterattack.

The lush woods can only defend, but this thunder curtain can counterattack while defending!

And under this kind of counterattack, the attack speed of the golden arrow also slowed down.

The golden color of the whole body is flashing and disappearing quickly.

After breaking ten thunder curtains, the arrow was only 1.5 meters away.

Twenty thunder curtains were broken, and the arrow was only four meters away.

Thirty thunder curtains were broken, and the arrow was only one meter three left.

Break open...

Until this thunder curtain, when there were forty roads left, the length of the arrow had been reduced by a full half, only one meter!

Su Han stood not far away, looking at the mighty power of the arrow, his greed was even worse.

"The magical defenses I have deployed are only those wooden light curtains. Just one, can block all attacks in the middle stage of the Dragon God Realm. A hundred light curtains fall at the same time, even if dozens of them are here in the middle stage of the Dragon God Realm. Not broken!"

"This thunder curtain is even more powerful to counterattack. If the Dragon God Realm impacts in the later stage, it can absorb its attack power and launch a counterattack immediately."

"A hundred thunder curtains can withstand at least fifty late Dragon God Realm, and even kill them!"

"But the arrow smashed into a hundred wooden light curtains and 60 thunder curtains. Even so, I still have half of its power left!"

"The most important thing is that this is just a stretch of the pseudo-imperial realm in this area of cold water, and this is only one-tenth of the stretch of this pseudo-imperial realm!"

"Not to mention whether the cultivation base will be higher, take the pseudo-imperial realm as an example, if it is opened by one-ninth? If it is opened by one-eighth? One-seventh, one-sixth... Then How terrifying it will be!"

"All the light curtains I put down may be able to stretch one-tenth of this to block, but if it's one-ninth... it's absolutely unstoppable."

"If it weren't because the bow was too expensive, Flowing Water Chill would even be able to compete with the early Dragon Emperor Realm with this bow!"

"With his cultivation in the pseudo-emperor realm, he has only shot the third arrow until now."

"This Yang Divine Bow is stronger than I thought!"

Su Han took a deep breath. He had heard the rumors of Yin Yang bow, but after hearing it with his own eyes, there were two different feelings.

Yin and Yang bows are divided into Yang Shen bows and Yin Yue bows. This is just a one-tenth of the distance between the Yang Shen bows. It is so terrible. If the two are combined and turned into Yin and Yang bows, its power will be how?

"The Great God Hou Yi, born against the sky, shot the golden crow in the sky with the power of nine arrows, and returned life in the world to peace, respectable and admirable!"

When Su Han was thinking about this, the arrow was only half a meter long.

At the same time, Su Han's thunder curtain had completely disappeared, and that arrow had already bombarded his earth guard.

Layers of earth guards continued to shatter, and the length of the arrows was getting shorter and shorter. When the three hundred layers of earth guards were destroyed, the golden arrow finally dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

"This arrow is very strong, but as long as I have enough time to defend, it won't hurt me!"

Su Han clearly understood that he was a magician, so he could lay down so many defenses. If he were to be a martial artist, even if he was given enough time, there would be no defense to lay down.

"Is it finally here? Too slow..."

After a few more minutes passed, Su Han suddenly raised his head and looked at the void in the distance.


Under his gaze, four figures rushed out from the crack.

One of them was huge, and it was obviously the cold water that turned into a giant spirit body.

Although it has been transformed, his complexion is still extremely pale. After the transformation, the long arrows shot are amazing, but it is also proportional to the consumption.

It seemed that after taking out the Yang Divine Bow from the cold flowing water, his expression never recovered.

Seeing that Su Han was carrying Nangong Jade, he did not flee, but only after holding his hands, he stood there calmly and smiled, watching himself and the others, the four of them were stunned by the flow of cold water.

But soon, their faces became gloomy again.

"Su Han Miscellaneous, you can't run today!"

The flowing water snorted in a violent cold: "After killing my Giant Island, make up Daozi, and slaughter my 30,000 disciples on the Giant Island. Only by taking your life can you pay homage to their souls under the yellow springs!"

"Why don't you run away?"

Yu Qi stepped up to the previous scene. Although he was middle-aged, his appearance was still extremely beautiful and his charm still existed.

At this moment, under the frown, there is a different amorous feeling mixed into it.

However, she was not showing how beautiful she was, but at the moment when she saw that Su Han didn't escape, she felt a little weird in her heart.

Under this weirdness, Yu Qi was still a little uneasy.

From this short contact, she already understood Su Han's character very well.

The latter is definitely the kind of person who fights to die, but also has to pull one or two as a cushion.

He obviously had a chance to escape, but he didn't escape. Instead, he stood here, waiting for himself and others in his spare time. Could it be that there is no ambush?

Yunshan's eyes flashed and he suddenly smiled. He stepped out and looked directly at Su Han and said, "Su Han, the lives of those disciples and the so-called make-up Daozi are not the only ones. Without them, my major sects are still there. Yes, I don't want to say that it is a post-buying Daozi, or a real Daozi. My major sects also have a second and a third...such people, to me, are just a group of cannon fodder."


Hearing this, Su Han lifted his eyelids and seemed very interested. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The other three also frowned and looked at Duan Yunshan.

They were extremely distressed for the death of those disciples. To save these disciples, Duan Yunshan had said nothing before, and wanted to rush into the Shenyao Mountain, and was finally slapped by Dongzu.

Why did you say that now?

"For everyone, their own life is extremely important, right?" Duan Yunshan said again.

Su Han glanced at him and said faintly: "If you have something, you can just say it directly, don't need to be circumspect."


Duan Yunshan nodded: "The other old sects don't care, but the old man can assure you that as long as you hand over the magical cultivation method to my Yuxu Palace, and then follow the old man to the Yuxu Palace for a thousand years, then you will kill me before. When the Queen of Yuxu Palace made up Daozi, and killed many disciples of my Yuxu Palace, nothing happened to the old man!"

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