Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4895

Chapter 4895

The ten patios, if they were deliberately staggered, would erupt one by one, instead of erupting at the same time as the ordinary patios before.

It is precisely because of this that when seeing the third eruption of the patio, it was the Blood Rose team, the other forces were not in a hurry, and they all stared at it.

"What will we have here?"

Xia Lan's beautiful face was full of excitement.

Shangguan Qing also said with a look of expectation: "On the side of the war clan, the cultivation base has just ended. Senior Zhan Tianxiong has not only been promoted to the source saint, but also reached the second level! The other war clan members have also made huge breakthroughs. ."

"On the side of Tai'a Palace, I got the Gate of Heaven. Although I don't know what this gate is for, I can guess it with my toes. "

Speaking of this, Shangguanqing paused for a while, and then said: "I don't expect any treasure to appear. I only hope that the Blood Rose team can also have a cultivation base initiation!"

"I think so too!" He Feng immediately responded.

"Agree!" Song Mingzhu also nodded.

Huang Zong rolled his eyes and said, "Looking at you like this, you can decide what will erupt from the patio?"

Shangguanqing couldn't help but spit out a little fragrant tongue.

Just listen to Huang Zong said again: "Actually, I also hope in my heart that I can have a cultivation base empowerment. After all, for people of our level, no matter how top-level items are, it's not as good as the actual cultivation base. Besides, even if it is. There really is a treasure that has appeared, and with our strength, it is impossible to get it at all."

Upon hearing this, Team Blood Rose all nodded.

Take the Gate of Heaven as an example, if there are two more, the Blood Rose team can only stay away.

In the conversation among the people, the golden beam of light rushed into the void and continued.

However, as before, no objects appeared from it.

The gazes of Xia Lan and others couldn't help but look towards Su Han, as if Su Han was the mainstay, knowing everything.

But seeing Su Han nodded gently, and smiled: "Your prayers have come true. God still cares for the Blood Rose team. Our patio is indeed a cultivation base."


"Ha ha ha ha"

"My blood rose team, do you still have such luck?"

"Good people get good rewards!"

Hearing Su Han's words, everyone in the Blood Rose team almost jumped with excitement.

Su Han was also happy, what he needed most at the moment was the improvement of his cultivation.

Moreover, after the eruption of this patio, the trembling of the Supreme Crown has not stopped, but has become more and more intense.

This is enough to prove that something else is motivating the Supreme Crown!

"Let's go, go in and take a look."

Su Han raised his foot first, without any hesitation, and rushed directly into the beam of light.

Behind him, everyone in the blood rose team stepped in.

In the distance, on the side of the Zhan Clan, Zhan Tianxiong looked at this scene with satisfaction and whispered to himself: "For the Blood Rose team, the improvement of the cultivation level is more useful than any item."

He was able to reach the double source saint, it can be said that 90% of it is due to Su Han.

If it hadn't been for Su Han to speak, he would never think of cultivation base empowerment, and would never try on his own.

If that were the case, I would definitely miss that cultivation base initiation.

Therefore, in Zhan Tianxiong's heart, he was still grateful to Su Han.

The key is

For some reason, Zhan Tianxiong always felt that Su Han was very kind, as if he could see something familiar in Su Han.

In other words, I can feel that some familiar breath is the same.

That kind of feeling is unclear, unclear.

"Uncle Clan, this person is kind to my war clan."

Next to Zhan Tianxiong, a young man who looked a little younger, but also reached three meters in height, spoke in a low voice.

He had entered the beam of light just now, and had also experienced the cultivation base empowerment, and he has raised four minor ranks, from the triple mortal sage to the seventh.

Only one step away, you can be promoted to the level of Dao Sage!

It can be said that under this cultivation base initiation, the war clan has broken through the most times!


Zhan Tianxiong immediately nodded and said: "I originally planned that if their patio is erupting, but if their cultivation is insufficient and they can't get it, I will help them take it down. But now it seems that the Blood Rose team My luck is also very good, it seems that there is no need for me to shoot."

"But this personal feeling, my war clan must write down." The young man said again.

Zhan Tianxiong couldn't help looking at him: "Zhongjun, what's wrong with you?"

The war army groaned slightly, and said: "I always feel that there is a familiar feeling in him."

Hearing this statement, Zhan Tianxiong couldn't help being stunned.

It turns out that it's not just me who thinks so!

Seeing the people from the Blood Rose team enter the beam of light, the many powerful ones can only watch.

In other words, there is a thief who wants to snatch, but there is no thief.

This is a very dramatic scene

A group of top sanctuary forces did not dare to compete with a silver team.

Who dares to believe this?

The Blood Rose team does not have any strong background, no top-level masters, and the strongest is Xia Lan, the captain of the seven-layer mortal sage.

But, no one dares to touch the edge of the blood rose team!


The beam of light soars into the sky, and the liquid in it overflows and flows continuously.

Only when you truly stand in it, can you truly understand what it feels like to cultivate a foundation and empowerment.

"No wonder, the promotion of the war clan can be so fast."

Huang Zong took a deep breath: "In just a few moments, even the strong like Senior Zhan Tianxiong will be able to break through the Origin Sage and increase it by one level."

"The intensity of this energy can't be described in words at all. Even if I haven't started to swallow it, I am going crazy and drilled into my body!" He Feng gritted his teeth, his face flushed.

"Time doesn't wait for me, opportunity is impossible."

Su Han said solemnly: "Stop talking nonsense, this kind of energy is softer than the power of heaven and earth, we can swallow it unscrupulously, don't waste time!"


Everyone nodded at the same time, unfolded their respective exercises, and began to devour them as hard as they could.

Su Han was the first to bear the brunt, and the fifth stage of the Demon Dragon Emperor Spell, the Dragon Sun Emperor Spell, had already turned into a whirlpool and appeared above his head.

This swallowing speed is actually extremely terrifying. After all, although Su Han is only a five-fold quasi-sage, he already has a combat power comparable to that of a common sage at the same level.

In addition, he has nine deities, which is equivalent to nine Su Han swallowing them together.

However, there is something more terrifying than Su Han!


In the sharp neigh, a thick golden light appeared on the snow-white body that the Golden Crow had transformed.

This golden light blends with the color of the beam of light, as if forming a whole.

It may not be clear from the outside, but from the inside, everyone can clearly feel that the thick liquid energy is piercing into the Golden Crow at a very terrifying speed!