Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 459

Chapter 459

At this moment, someone ran out of the Magic Medicine Mountain.

And not one person, but several people, all rushing to the top five super sects.

The highest cultivation level of these people was only in the Dragon Spirit Realm, and the young man who rushed to the forefront was the Dragon Spirit Realm.

This person has sharp eyes and thin lips. He looks like a mean person.

His face was full of excitement, holding a memory spar, came under the platform, and directly threw the memory spar in his hand into the void.

"Seniors, juniors have discovered this person's hiding place, seniors, take a look, is it him?" the young man shouted.

He was standing under the platform of Yuxu Palace, and the other sects naturally ignored it. With a wave of the palm of his hand, Yunshan directly caught the memory spar, and his spiritual thought swept through it.

Inside that memory spar, it was the time when the misty sect led by Li Feng opened his eyes and searched for Su Han!

Su Han's figure did indeed appear in the memory spar, and this person, who thought he was not Su Han's opponent at the beginning, or that he could not get Su Han's corpse, even with this memory spar The scene recorded by Shi has returned here.

Duan Yunshan squinted his eyes and said lightly: "It is indeed this person, but the recording in your memory spar is too simple, and I don't know where this person is hiding, and it is through the black fog of the mist sect. I just saw it. This is not definitive evidence. The old man cannot find this person with this.

After speaking, Duan Yunshan threw this memory spar to the youth.

The youth was stunned for a moment, disappointed in his face.

Actually, Duan Yunshan doesn't need to say, he understands in his heart, but he still wants to try it and see if he can get lucky.

Sure enough, it was rejected.

The few people behind him saw this scene, and didn't even grab it, because they remembered the same scene in the spar.

"But if I think you have worked hard, I will reward you with a hundred spirit stones, which is not a waste of your thoughts."

Duan Yunshan spoke again, and at the same time waving his palm, hundreds of spirit stones appeared, these people, one hundred each.

A hundred spirit stones is not too much, but for the casual cultivation of these highest dragon spirit realms, it is not too few.

Moreover, this approach will not allow these casual practitioners to feel resentment towards the five super sects, and feel that they are doing nothing for nothing, or they will kill two birds with one stone.

"It's been so long, isn't it true that no one has found out its exact location?"

At the tomb of Jianxian, Duan Mulin opened his eyes, seeming to be a little impatient, and snorted coldly: "The old man remembers that in the previous casual cultivator, the old gourd and Jian Yuntian, who were very strong, have already entered. And. That Yin Mist Sect's Li Feng was also the cultivation base of the Dragon God Realm peak, didn't even them find this person?"

"In the memory spar just now, it was Li Feng using the method of the Yin Wuzong to search for this person."

Duan Yunshan said: "However, I just saw this person, but I don't know where he is, but now that Li Feng has found him, it proves that this person is still in the magic medicine mountain. It only takes a little time. Then I can find it, and I need to wait patiently for some time."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for me to wait to enter the depths of the magical medicine mountain, it would definitely attract the attention of the monsters. At this moment, the old man had already taken action and personally captured and killed this person!" Liu Shui looked cold and cold.

In a blink of an eye, another half day passed.

At a certain moment, Duan Mulin and the others suddenly raised their heads, seeming to feel something, and looked at the entrance of the magic medicine mountain.

In their sight, two figures roared.

These two people are the old gourd and Jian Yuntian!

Both of them are shining with a strong light. The light has no color and looks transparent, but it is flashing and can be clearly seen.


Duan Mulin frowned: "Why did the two of them come out? Did they find something? But if they really found out, with their cultivation bases, they should not withdraw so easily. I will wait for the issue, after all It's 500 million spirit stones, they should stay there, it's the person who takes action!"

"They didn't have any injuries. Obviously they didn't fight against this person. Otherwise, if they fight against this person, the two of them will withdraw. There are only two reasons. One is that the person has been killed, and the other... is invincibility. This person!" Yu Qi of the God of War Sect began to guess.

"Anyway, just ask them first."

Duan Yunshan stood up, with his hands folded, his eyes calmly looked.

Only cultivators at the level of Elder Hulu and Jian Yuntian were qualified to make him stand up.

However, just as he got up, the old man Gourd and Jian Yuntian, who were hundreds of miles away from the entrance of Shenyao Mountain, suddenly became rich in light!

The richness of this light didn't have the slightest attack power, nor did it affect the speed of the two, but under this richness, it made the two of them feel shocked.

They knew that this light was the light thread that Su Han had laid before!


The old man Gourd's face was gloomy, without saying anything, he expanded his speed again.

The five super sects are right in front of him, and he feels that even if the light is more powerful, as long as the two of them come before the five super sects, Su Han will be helpless!

"Both have stopped for so long, don't you want to take a break?"

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from my ear.

The voice was calm, but it fell in the ears of the two of them, but it was like a thunderous explosion, and the hairs all over the body stood up directly!

Their hearts were beating wildly, but they never stopped, they still rushed towards the entrance of Shenyao Mountain, towards the five super sects.

"And you, Jian Yuntian, I once said, let you kill this person, are you not listening, or are you perfunctory?" The voice came again. UU reading

Jian Yuntian's expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head, but he didn't see Su Han's figure.

"The pain of controlling the soul, after this half day has passed, you have completely forgotten it?"

This sound sounded for the third time, and the corners of Jian Yuntian's mouth twitched fiercely, his heart beating.

Thinking of the pain that came from the soul, Jian Yuntian was afraid for a while, it was a torture that was worse than death!

The two of them moved forward quickly, looking at Duan Yunshan and others, showing hope.

But in the next instant, this hopeful wing turned into doubt.

Immediately afterwards, this doubt... became astonishment again!

They didn't look behind them, they just stared at Duan Yunshan and others. They saw that the five super sect leaders and the five pseudo-emperors all opened their eyes at this moment, stood up, and looked towards here. !

(End of this chapter)