Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4856

Chapter 4856

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Xia Lan and others were also stunned for a long time. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

A strange feeling arose in their hearts, but they couldn't tell what it was like.

"Does it feel incredible?" Su Han said lightly.

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Huang Zongcai said: "The points system has indeed helped many human races. This is an indisputable fact. Anyway, it is useless for us to hold this monster head. What the Holy Palace is going to do has nothing to do with us. ."

"It's not bad to say that, but I will ask you another way."

Su Han said: "When did you get into a more difficult battle, or even a dangerous situation, because you wanted to remove the head of the demon?"

Huang Zong's tone stagnated.

The most direct idea to exchange points has always been the head of a demon.

It is precisely because of this that many teams will try their best not to destroy the head of the demon.

It is true that blood can be exchanged for points, but it takes a long time to test, which leads to a delay in issuing points.

There were even many times when it was obviously something belonging to a demon, but the points earned by blood would be much less than that of the head.

This strengthened the human race's idea of keeping their heads as much as possible when killing monsters.

But there is no doubt that this is very dangerous!

Not to mention Huang Zong, everyone in the blood rose team, everyone in the southern region, has encountered this kind of danger because of the head of the demon!

"I will ask you again."

Su Han said again: "Do you still remember, when the Spirit Sword team united with the demons and besieged us, what was the demons given to them?"

"Demon head!" Huang Zong said in a low voice.

Of course he couldn't forget that kind of scene. Thousands of monster heads, on top of the huge body of the fog chapter, made people feel scalp numb after thinking about it.

"Then I will continue to ask you."

Su Han asked the third question: "Chen Yijian and Chu Weizheng have both said that Star Alliance also knows about the collusion of humans with demons. Why did they not investigate this, but instead let this happen? The original intention of appearing was for the peace of the human race, but the Star Alliance's behavior of opening one eye and closing one eye violates this original intention?"

After a series of questions, Huang Zong and others' hearts, a certain line that was originally vague, became clearer and clearer.

"Blizzard, what do you mean? Could it be that the Star Alliance can deliberately send people to death?" Song Mingzhu asked.

"of course not."

Su Han said: "You may not know this power well. If you have to use one word to describe it, it is...selfish!"

Using these two words to describe the Star Alliance, in fact, Su Han felt that it was too light.

But there is no doubt that only these two words can sum up all the actions of the Star Alliance over the years.

The people of Team Blood Rose certainly couldn't reach the level of Star Alliance, so even if Su Han said that, they didn't feel much.

It is an indisputable fact that people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed.

"Blizzard, I always feel that you seem to have some prejudice against the Star Alliance." Xia Lan said.


Su Han smiled: "Didn't I tell you? One day, I will destroy the Star Alliance with my own hands."

Shangguan Xiao and others immediately turned their heads, they still felt that Su Han was joking.

Only Xia Lan stared at Su Han for a while, feeling that his expression did not seem to be fake.

But in Xia Lan's heart, it was impossible to destroy the Star Alliance.

Just like the former Tushen Pavilion, if the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon does not fall, who can get involved in the Tushen Pavilion?

While everyone was chatting, the auction of puppets had already begun.

According to Yan Yunzhong, the monster puppets are divided into levels according to the cultivation realm of the holy realm.

The first-order puppet is equivalent to a quasi-sage.

The second-order puppet is equivalent to a virtual holy.

And so on.

What is being auctioned right now is not a single puppet, but a full 100, and they are all first-order.

It is still a combination auction, with a starting price of one hundred thousand sacred crystals.

This price is not high, because the puppet is not a one-time item, even if it is damaged in the battle, it can be repaired, unless it is completely destroyed.

One hundred first-tier puppets are equivalent to one hundred quasi-saint monks, and they still obey orders unconditionally, and can die faithfully at critical moments.

Especially for the team, this is their extremely favorite item.

Puppets are not counted as the number of team members. Even if you have one thousand or ten thousand, it can only be regarded as a personal item.

But if there were so many puppets, they would have completely exceeded the size of the team.

In this case, as soon as the puppet was taken out, the competition immediately began in the field.

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

Prices are rising steadily, and everyone is scrambling like crazy.

Especially for those boxes, compared with the items previously auctioned, this hundred puppets have the largest number of auctions in each box.

"one million!"

Shangguan Xiao's cut-off price broke the crazy atmosphere once again.

Yan Yunzhong breathed a sigh of relief.

Shangguan Xiao didn't speak for so long, he thought he didn't like these puppets.

"One hundred and one hundred thousand!"

"1.2 million!"

"One and three hundred thousand!"

This time, those boxes did not give in.

Breaking the price of one million just eliminated most of the people in the field.

"two millions!"

Shangguan Xiao raised the price for the second time. Compared with the first time, he added another million.

And the sky-high price of two million seems to have far exceeded the value of this hundred first-order puppets.

You know, even if you recruit a hundred quasi-sage monks, you only need to pay forty to fifty thousand sacred crystals every year.

The reason why they can break through one million is entirely because these puppets do not have any intelligence, and those who are loyal can no longer be loyal.

But two million... It's really a lot!

"Two million one hundred thousand!"

After a little silence, UU read www.uukanshu. Some people in com still feel unwilling and shout prices again.

Moreover, after he finished shouting, he said loudly: "I am an assistant to the City Lord's Mansion in Taiyuan City! This time I came to Minghai City for the sake of these puppets. Receive the highest courtesy!"

"Taiyuan City? City Lord's Mansion?" Shangguan Xiao frowned slightly.

That is the southern region, one of the ten major cities!

The power of the City Lord's Mansion, even Blaze Island, dare not easily provoke them, so naturally they should not be underestimated.

But at this moment, Su Han said blankly: "Continue shooting."

Shangguan Xiao glanced at Su Han. The latter did not intend to explain, but the look on his face seemed to be much colder.

He could only nod his head, and said very domineeringly: "Three million!"