Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4685

Chapter 4685

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The more you go forward, the more flowers and plants appear on the cave wall.

By the time he entered the cave, about twenty miles away, Su Han could already clearly feel the smell of the energy of the laws of wood properties from the air.

The surrounding area is even brighter, and the flowers and plants that also possess the energy of law are like moss, spreading on the sides and above the cave wall.

With so much dark green, this place is no longer as weird as before, but it feels extremely devastating.

Su Han has been busy giving these flowers and plants to the storage ring, and the surrounding Lao Li and others, after the initial hesitation, also began to help.

Where everyone passed by, there were still clouds in the wind, and all the dark green disappeared, leaving only pitch black.

Su Han has been using divine thoughts, paying attention to the expressions of Lao Li and others.

The latter obviously didn't notice that when they picked the flowers and plants, they would show their pain.

In response, Su Han just smiled.

There are really too many flowers and plants with the energy of the laws of wood properties in this cave.

But the strange thing is that this cave is not so secret, and the only guards in the cave before are a group of violent star wolves.

It is no exaggeration to say that any Profound God Realm can enter this place invisibly by means without being discovered by the violent Star Wolf.

But that's it, the many wood-attribute law energy sources here have always existed to this day!

Is it possible to compete for such a fierce upper-class star field?

Totally impossible!

Everyone is not blind, let alone fools.

The only explanation is that this place was originally guarded!

"The Cangmu Deep Forest is a place outside the inspection range of the Inspection Department. I really don't know which force originally guarded this cave."

Su Han secretly said in his heart: "However, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be Zhou Yun who agreed to join that power to guard the power here."

From the moment I saw Lao Li and the others, there was strangeness everywhere. Su Han could clearly feel that someone was guiding him through Lao Li and the others to enter this cave.

Of course, he is fearless, so he will only guess, and there is no need to force Lao Li and the others.

At least, there is indeed a lot of energy for the laws of wood properties here.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the depths of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing breath suddenly shuttled over, passing over Su Han and the others in an instant.

Lao Li and the others were all shocked, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"It's this breath, the juniors have felt it before!" Old Li said in shock.

"It's okay."

Su Han said lightly: "It's just a beast, equivalent to an inferior semi-holy beast."


He didn't say that it was okay, but Mr. Li and the others were suddenly even more shocked by this.

Inferior semi-holy! !

To their real gods, the lower semi-holy level is no different from being the sky, and spitting can drown them.

"There is a guardian of the inferior semi-holy beast. It seems that deeper in this cave, there is more energy for the laws of wood attributes."

Su Han smiled, his eyes flickered.

He has already obtained a lot of energy from the laws of wood attributes. If you add those deeper and use them to open up the realm of the laws of wood attributes, it should be almost the same!

"This time, it's not in vain!"

Lifting his footsteps, Su Han walked forward.

Lao Li and others naturally didn't have any second words, so they hurriedly followed.

Thirty miles, fifty miles, one hundred miles...

The cave was completely bright, as if it was daylight.

The dark green, when it is rich to a certain degree, it will make people dazed, as if it has become white.

However, this brightness didn't last long, because Su Han had taken everything away.

Until one hundred and fifty li, the horrible atmosphere before swept out again, seeming to shock everyone.

This time, Su Han showed a sneer, swept through the strength of his entire body, and that even more terrifying aura suddenly burst out and collided with the other party.


A huge roar emerged from the cave, deafening.

But seeing the breath of the fierce beast, at the moment it collided with the breath of Su Han, it broke apart and disappeared in smoke!

But here Su Han continued to sweep, spread to a depth of eight hundred miles, and found the fierce beast.

The latter is a huge lion, full of hair, about ten meters in length, crawling on the ground.

Because the hair is too thick, the paws and other parts are covered up, only two eyes are exposed.

Su Han knows this fierce beast, and its name is'violent lion beast'.

At this moment, this violent lion beast obviously also felt Su Han's terrifying aura, and his hair was constantly shaking, and his originally lazy and comfortable body suddenly stood up!

Behind it, there is a pool with a diameter of about 100 meters. This should be the end of the cave.

The pool is very clear, with a raised open space in the center, and on this open space, a plant is growing.

That plant has only one branch, as thick as an arm.

On the upper part of the branch, there are three branches scattered, and on each branch... there is a fruit growing!

There are three in total, each of which has a different color: dark green, ice blue, and golden!

These three fruits are all the size of a fist, and the pressed stem is crumbling, and it seems that it might fall down at any time.

When Su Han's breath arrived here, Divine Sense naturally also arrived here.

He recognized this plant for the first time.

"this is"

Holding his breath, Su Han's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Mizuki Jinlian???"

The moment these four words fell, Su Han's mind, UU reading directly exploded.

Mizuki Jinlian!

Super top holy! !

How would it appear here?

Moreover, there is only one inferior semi-holy guardian of the fierce beast?

This is the treasure of heaven and earth that has only appeared once in the history of the sanctuary in the records of ancient books!

If it were not for the previous life, through ancient books, Su Han would not have known this thing.

This is the first time he has seen it!


His breathing began to swift, and the many flowers and plants that contained the energy of the laws of wood properties were completely ignored by him. In the world of his eyes, there was nothing else except the golden lotus plant!

"Sect Master Su, what are you..." Zhou Yun couldn't help but be puzzled when he saw that Su Han was like this.


Su Han took a long sigh of relief, trying to calm himself down.

He turned his head, looked at Zhou Yun, Lao Li and others, smiled and said, "No matter who it is, I order you to bring this sect over, and this sect will not blame you."

Hearing this, Mr. Li and others were all startled.

In the next instant, an awkward look appeared on their faces.

It turned out that what I and the others thought was seamless, and even the 'plan' that almost gave up their lives had already been discovered!

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