Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4628

Chapter 4628

late at night.

Countless human races sat cross-legged and swallowed the blood essence floating in the void in order to restore the power of cultivation.

Many people have been forced out of their potential in this battle, and even the bottleneck has been broken.

The muffled sound continued, and as the essence of qi and blood was swallowed, many people had a breakthrough because of this.

Of course, there are at most one or two small grades, and there are very few big realms.

How rich is the blood essence of tens of billions of monsters?

It can be seen from the blood-red storm floating above.

During this process, Su Han also took out the essence of blood and qi he had obtained to devour it.

There is no doubt that he has the most qi and blood essence.

Not to mention the monsters that were killed later, just the Great Heavenly Warlord, with the sword aura of the emperor, slaying that city lord and the five holy realms, was already extremely rich.

His combat power is comparable to the five-fold quasi-sage, but his cultivation is still the pinnacle of the five-star ancient god.

The resources needed for breakthroughs are based on cultivation base, not based on combat power.

Coupled with the semi-holy level monsters that were later killed, Su Han is confident that with these blood essences, he can break through the six stars!

However, this requires a lot of time.

The essence of qi and blood is not the kind of gods like You Shen Dan, even in the saint son Xumijie, it is not easy to break through.

"Su Han."

When she closed her eyes, the voice of the ruining empress suddenly spread into the saint son Xumijie.

Su Han opened his eyes, put away the remaining qi and blood essence, and then appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, those qi and blood essences had almost been swallowed up.

Su Yi and the others have also returned. Looking at the time at this moment, dawn has already arrived.

"The call from the sanctuary has appeared."

The Empress of Destruction pursed her lips, and said: "We don't want to enter the sanctuary from the gods."

Su Han immediately understood what she meant.

After this war, everyone was exhausted.

For them, the superior star field is their home.

And destroying the Empress and the Primordial Demon Gods, even if they were to leave, they had to start from the superior star regions.

"All resolved?" Su Han looked at Su Yi.


Su Yi said: "As long as you told me, everything has been killed by us, but the God Realm is so big, the subordinates can't be sure whether there are still residues."

"Even if it does exist, it is no longer a threat."

Su Han breathed a sigh of relief: "You are all heroes of the human race!"

"After this time, the superior star field will no longer be afraid of the threat of monsters!"

"go home now!"

"Come back home!!"

The crowd was emotional, and some couldn't help but shed tears.

I don't know how many times I have walked from Guimenguan, it's really not easy to live till now!

As Su Han said, after returning to the superior star field, they are all heroes of the human race!

This is a great accomplishment, and it will be remembered forever!


Everyone began to spread the power of cultivation and build a teleportation array.

In the absence of any threats, it couldn't be easier to build a teleportation array.

A billion miles of the holy sea, the eastern edge.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo..."

In the teleportation array, a large number of figures walked out of it.

Sucking the familiar air around them and looking at the scenery that we have been used to seeing before, everyone has a sense of intimacy in their hearts.

And the many human races who had been waiting here, seeing Su Han and others return, immediately burst into tears!

At first they saw the teleportation formation appear, and thought it was a monster invading again.

"Big Brother!"



The silhouettes hugged each other, and the sound of sobbing continued to be heard.

No matter how strong the person was, he couldn't help but shed tears of excitement at this moment.

However, there are also people in the crowd, looking for a familiar figure that belongs to them.

Unfortunately, until the teleportation array no longer flickered, until all the races returned from the gods, they did not find the person they had been waiting for.

While destroying the demons, the human race also paid a huge price!

Some people are happy and some are worried, and things are like this after all.

After the excitement of the reunion, someone finally remembered and asked about the God Realm.

Everyone's answer is only two words-annihilation!

At this moment, the top star territories are shaking!

Before the sun rises.

People's Court Palace.

Countless human races came after hearing the wind, even though the inside of the human court could not fit, they still surrounded the human court.

Su Han stood in the center, behind him was the palace lord's chair, but did not sit down.

Above him, the Empress of Destruction, the Primordial Demon God, and the Dragon King of the East Sea stood out of thin air.


There was a sound of wind blowing, and only the sound of wind was left.

There are more than tens of billions of human races in the huge venue, but no one makes a sound.

Even if they breathed, they held their breath temporarily.

In this war, apart from Su Han, Baigu, and Baishan, the biggest heroes were the destruction of the Queen, the Primordial Demon God, and the Dragon King of East China Sea!

They deserve to be respected!

"The call from the sanctuary is getting stronger and stronger."

The Empress of Destruction looked at the sun gradually rising in the distance, her face that had always been indifferent, but she was also unwilling.

"Finally, are you still leaving?"

The time she spent in the upper star field was really too long.

In contrast, the reluctance of the Primordial Demon God and the East Sea Dragon King is not as strong as hers.

Or in other words, if the Primordial Demon God and the East Sea Dragon King were reluctant to give up, it should be reluctance to people.

And the destruction of the Queen, but it is reluctant to give up the superior star field.


Qin Yun's eyes were red.

"Why are you crying?"

The Primordial Demon God still spoils you as always: "Being a teacher just went to the sanctuary, and you will go there in the future. The teacher will be there for you. If you meet again, you will still be a teacher, how can you protect you? ?"


Qin Yun nodded, but tears couldn't help anymore, streaming down his beautiful face.

"Little girl, I can't see you cry as a teacher!" The Taigu Demon God shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Su Han."

On the side of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Chao Su Han said: "In order to protect the human race, my Four Seas Dragon Palace broke the dragon ball, and almost broke the foundation of the dragon race. You promised this king, you must do it!"

"Don't worry. UU read"

Su Han nodded: "Since then, Sihailong Palace has formed an alliance with my Phoenix Sect. Whoever moves Sihailong Palace will move my Phoenix Sect!"

"Good!" Donghai Dragon King nodded.

"If there is a chance, I might reshape the Dragon Ball and restore the foundation of your Sihai Dragon Palace." Su Han said again.

In the eyes of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, there was a sudden burst of light.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, this king is really relieved!"

"Father, you just think of your Dragon Palace, but don't miss me." Ling'er said dissatisfied.

"You have your brother Su Han to protect you. It's safer than me. Why am I worried about you?" Donghai Dragon King said.


Ling'er stared, gritted his teeth and said: "Go and go, go quickly, I'm annoying!"