Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 430

Chapter 430

At the same time, in the depths of Shenyao Mountain, Yidao Palace disciple is here. "Wen "Ww" W. KeWaiShu. O?RG

Looking at the overwhelming army of monsters and beasts, there is no way to go, the disciple of Yidao Palace, completely desperate.

They know that they will die if they wait for others today.

"If you really want to die, then there is a battle!"

"If I draw a sword, the world will be destroyed!"

"The power of a knife sweeps the world!"

Many disciples were trembling, showing excitement, as if they had put aside the fear in their hearts, and the rest...only free and easy.

They did not attack blindly, but quickly retreated and regrouped to a point, with more than 28,000 people, forming a circle, layered defense.

And above their heads were Senior Brother Zhou and Nangong Yu.

"Sister, you go first." Senior Brother Zhou said.

Nangongyu shook his head slightly, there was a ray of light in the star eyes.

"I can't go, I can't go."

Senior Brother Zhou was silent and said, "It seems that Dongzu and others are not planning to save us."

"Thousands of years ago, I also encountered Tier 6 monsters. Almost all of those disciples died. We can't take a chance. If we really can't kill a **** road, only Huangquan can enter." Nangong Yu said.

"Hahaha, then let us...into the Yellow Spring together!"

Senior Brother Zhou suddenly laughed, his expression fierce and ferocious, and he stood in front of Nangong Yu.

"Senior Brother Zhou, it doesn't have to be this way." Nangongyu sighed.

"You are the daughter of the palace lord, and I am the young palace of the palace. If you die, Zhou must die in front of you!"

Senior Brother Zhou was righteous, he drew his sword directly, and slashed at the monster beast coming from a distance.

At the same time, Nangong Yu gritted his teeth and glanced at the jade slip in his hand, staring decisively, he clicked again.

"Puff puff!"

At this point, before the jade slip cracked, Nangong jade spewed three more blood.

"Sister, if you click on it, it will hurt the foundation!" Senior Brother Zhou changed color.

Nangongyu smiled miserably: "The foundation? If there is no life, how can you talk about the foundation."

When the voice fell, she moved again.

As she moved, she kept spurting blood, and her pale pretty face became whiter and paler. It seemed that the jade slip had completely absorbed its essence.


And under her impulse, above the void, as strong as before, once again appeared out of the sky.

The pressure appeared, shattered the void, and blasted countless monsters below. Together with those Qing Ming beasts in the void, thousands of dead and wounded.

All the disciples were waiting, waiting for Nangong Yu to open the jade slip, and the attack appeared, buying some time for them.

However, before the palm of his hand appeared, Nangong Jade spurted out a big mouth of blood, and his eyes were in a trance.

The countless figures of monsters began to blur, and the figure of Senior Brother Zhou also became blurry.

At this moment, she seemed to have a dream. In the blur, a young man dressed in white appeared and stood in front of her at some unknown time.

Senior Brother Zhou also stood in front of her, but for some reason, the thin back of this young man gave her an unparalleled sense of security.

Compared with that, Senior Brother Zhou seemed to be too weak.

There was indeed another crack on the jade slip, but Nangong Jade couldn't hold on, the pressure surged, but the palm of the hand did not appear again.

Nangongyu struggled hard to prevent herself from coma. She took out the pill and threw some into her mouth again. The blur in front of her eyes began to become clear.

"There are really people..."

When it became clear, Nangongyu's eyes widened and her mouth opened, revealing incredible.

In front of her, there was really a figure in white standing.

His figure was slender, standing straight on the void, with a long hair shawl down, fluttering with the wind and the rush of those monsters.

As if feeling Nangongyu's gaze, the young man turned around.

When Nangongyu saw his face, he felt that the world was going to fade.

"So pretty..."

Even though there was a life-and-death crisis by his side, Nangongyu still couldn't help but give birth to this idea.

It's not that she is a idiot, but she knows that the army of monsters is here, and it is useless to think about other things, but it is a little free and easy.

Moreover, this young man's face is really beautiful to the extreme, even a little strange.

"Your name is Nangong Yu?"

The young man opened his mouth and smiled slightly.


Nangongyu and the young man looked at each other, and quickly looked away. The dark and deep in the latter's eyes were like a whirlpool, as if it could attract himself.

And as the young man spoke, Senior Brother Zhou, who had been blocking Nangong Yu's face and planning to return to the same death, also turned his head suddenly.

The moment he saw the youth, Senior Brother Zhou's expression changed, and he immediately said, "You are not my disciple of Yidao Palace! Who are you???"

Senior Brother Zhou couldn't believe that he didn't feel the appearance of this young man at all, and seeing this, he was able to fly in the air, he must be a strong person above the Dragon God Realm.

"It's you?!!!"

Before Su Han could speak, Senior Brother Zhou's expression changed wildly, and he suddenly stepped back and stood between the young man and Nangong Yu.

"Do you know me?" the young man asked in amazement.

"I don't know you, but I know you!"

Senior Brother Zhou said with a calm face: "During this time, the disciples of the other sects were all screaming and screaming. My disciple from Yidao Palace knew that in addition to the top ten super sects, there were outsiders in this magical medicine mountain. The deaths of other sect disciples were all killed by this person, and this person... is you!"

"It turned out to be so."

The young man nodded and said calmly: "You guessed it, I killed them."

This young man in white is naturally Su Han who has been observing from a distance.

The slaughter of the top ten super sect disciples must be concealed, and Su Han did not intend to conceal it.

However, it is impossible for him to let others know his identity.

Seeing Su Han confessing, Senior Brother Zhou's expression changed again He didn't expect that Su Han had the courage to do it, but he also had the courage to admit it so happily.

Then Nangong Yu looked at Su Han from time to time, her starry eyes were slightly low, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Who are you? Why do you want to deal with my top ten super sects? I asked myself, I haven't provoked anyone!" Senior Brother Zhou said courageously.

He was also miserable in his heart, and the army of monster beasts alone caused him a headache. At this moment, another murderer came out.

"I didn't plan to do anything to Yidaogong, and what you should worry about at the moment is not me, but them." Su Han pointed to the large cloud in the distance.

"You won't kill us?" Senior Brother Zhou was taken aback.

Seeing him like this, Su Han couldn't help laughing: "Are you still planning to let me kill you?"

Senior Brother Zhou did not answer, staring at Su Han for a while, and finally clasped his fist and said, "Junior Zhou Jie, on behalf of a disciple of the sword palace, thank you senior!"

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