Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4532

Chapter 4532

The figure in front of the east gate was overwhelmed by more than 200,000 people.

They were divided into queues, all holding aqublue spears. When they spoke to Su Han, they bowed slightly, which seemed to be a respect for Su Han.

"Hundreds of thousands of people are standing here just to welcome this palace? What a big battle!"

Su Han smiled slightly, his eyes swept over these people.

He added: "It's only a mere tens of thousands of years. The Mongols can develop to this degree. This palace is very gratified. Yours can be regarded as an example of a large family in my superior star field, and it is set as an example. You are happy."

After hearing this, many of the Mongolian children below are a little confused.

They naturally knew what Su Han was here for. When he was enthroned at the ceremony, he had said in person that if the Mongolian people did not listen to instructions, he would come in person.

What these children did not expect was that Su Han came up with a compliment, making him seem to be really friendly to the Mongols.

Could it be that he has put down his hatred of the Northern Wing Emperor, just wanting to use this to ask the Mongolian people for a little bit of benefit?

As we all know, borrowing the identity of the North Wing Emperor and the status of the Star Alliance, the Mongols have searched a lot of things in the upper star domains over the years!


Someone finally stood up, a man who seemed to be only about 30 years old.

His true age is obviously not really only thirty years old.

He first gave a fist to Su Han, and then said: "The palace lord came here to make my Mongolian flourish. But there is one thing that the younger generation needs to explain-the existence of the Mongolian has not only existed for tens of thousands of years, from the first generation. If the ancestors started to count it, it has been a full 320,000 years."

"Is it?"

Su Han's eyes flashed: "But isn't the establishment of the Star Alliance only tens of thousands of years old?"

Hearing this, the faces of the Mongolian children below all changed!

Including the more and more onlookers watching monks all around, all their eyelids twitched, feeling the atmosphere immediately suppressed.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand what Su Han means.

And in fact, it is indeed the case

You Tianshan Mongolian people, let alone three hundred and twenty thousand years, you have a history of 3.2 million years, if there is no later Star Alliance, who would know you? And how can you grow so strong?

Everyone knows that the Star Alliance is like a father to the Mongolian people in Tianshan. Here to emphasize how long the history of the Mongolian people is. It is really superfluous. It is superfluous and it makes people laugh!

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} If this is said to others, perhaps others will only despise it in their hearts and dare not say anything.

But Su Han, but hit the nail on the head, he directly broke through the hypocrisy of the Mongolian people, and hit their sore spots!

"What does the palace lord mean?" The man's face was a little ugly.

"Why, do I need to be more clear about what I have said?"

The smile on Su Han's face gradually disappeared: "The Northern Wing Emperor shrank in the Nine Ming Realm and refused to appear. The bridge between your Mongolian and the Star Alliance is completely broken. Believe it or not, if the monsters do not attack the Humans for the time being If you don't use this palace, just those forces that the Mongols have offended before will swallow the Tianshan Mountains?"

The man's face changed again, and he said in a low voice: "The Mongols live in the Tianshan Mountains and stay hidden for many years. They have never offended any forces. The resources we get are all obtained through hard work. The younger generation really doesn't understand the meaning of the palace lord. !"

"In the upper star realms, if you want to survive, you must learn to plunder. Is it interesting that you are pretending to be foolish with this palace here?"

Su Han smiled disdainfully: "Of course, this palace is not here today to discuss Mongolian history with you. The main reason is to meet Meng Li, the Mongolian patriarch, and ask him if he wants to lead the Mongolian to join the Human Court Palace. extended family."

The stars on the man's eyebrows began to flicker, seeming to be mobilizing the power of cultivation.

There are a total of four , and each one is full of black light.

Four-star Heavenly God Realm!

"The patriarch had already anticipated the reason for the palace lord's arrival, but it is a pity and I am sorry that just a few days ago, the patriarch's cultivation level broke the bottleneck, and he is in retreat. Therefore, I can't give the palace lord an answer for the time being."


There was a cold flash in Su Han's eyes: "What a coincidence, Meng Li also retreats at this time? This is the arrival of this palace. If the monster clan invades, he can stay in retreat without asking foreign affairs? "

"The patriarch retreats, also in order to be able to upgrade the cultivation base, and make more contributions to the human race when fighting against demons in the future." The man said.

"You can speak well, but unfortunately you can't see the situation clearly."

Su Han let out a sigh of relief, all the emotions on his face disappeared, and the expressionless face seemed to be revealing a kind of pity for the dead.

"Time must not be wasted. I will give you one last chance. If you think it over, then answer me. If nothing happens, this should be related to the survival of the entire Mongolian people."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Su Han stared at the man, and said lightly: "If you can really represent the Mongolian, then tell me now-Tianshan Mongolian, can you join the Human Court Palace? "

These plain to the extreme words made the man of the gods feel an unprecedented tremendous pressure that day.

He didn't even dare to look at Su Han!

His heart was beating wildly, and his expression was constantly changing. The body of a strong man in the superior star realm was also trembling violently at this moment.

How should I answer?

Join, or not to join?

Obviously, since UU Reading Su Han is here, he won't let it go, and use the same excuse to prevaricate Su Han as a fool. I'm afraid it will arouse Su Han's greater anger.

But if he chooses not to join, his anger will not be less, right?

And if you choose to join...

Then they will be dispatched directly to the eastern part of the Holy Sea to be a substitute for the human race!


Su Han suddenly said, this faint word, but like a whole Tianshan mountain, was pressed on the back of the man in the divine realm that day, causing him to sink.


When the second word appeared, the cold sweat on the man's face was dripping onto the ground like a stream of water.


The last word fell, and the man's scalp was numb, and his hair curled up slightly. From top to bottom, he felt a total coldness.

"The palace lord of the human court came here, but I am not far away, I'm really sorry, sorry, haha..."

At this moment, a loud laughter suddenly came out from the inside of Tianshan Mountain.

When he heard this, the man in the spirit realm felt that the pressure was relieved that day, he could not help but panted heavily and almost collapsed there.

He knew that it was the patriarch who came in person.

He also thinks that since the patriarch is here, he will definitely solve the current crisis temporarily.

Unfortunately, he thinks too much.

Su Han ignored Meng Li's arrival, but said coldly: "Obviously, the Mongols have made a choice. From the perspective of the Palace Lord, Su is really disappointed!"

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