Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4458

Chapter 4458

Chapter 4435 Emperor Yinglong

Under Su Han's help and persuasion, the two sisters, Bai Gu and Bai Xian, finally collected the ancient origin energy in Di Tian's smirk.

Naturally not as much as Su Han's, but not too few. After the two sisters swallowed it, the cultivation of the first-order fairy king realm directly reached the fourth-order!

For this new world that has just been 'mined', there are so many ancient source beasts inside.

There is no need for Su Han and others to look for it at all, you can hear the roaring and humming from all around.

Naturally, everyone's pace will not slow down a bit, because not only the Phoenix Sect, but also the disciples of Dongxuanming Palace are here.

If you don't rush to fight, others will take advantage of it.

After Phoenix Sect entered another world, the distribution was naturally orderly.

Normal disciples, only look for those ancient source beasts of second, third, and even fourth level to kill.

If you are at a higher level, look for the fifth and sixth level ancient source beasts.

As for Su Han, with Baigu and Baishan, he has been looking for the fifth and sixth level ancient source beasts.

He passed all the way, killing a lot, reaching more than a thousand heads at level 5 alone, and about 30 at level 6, and all the ancient origin energy he obtained was given to Baigu and Baishan.

White Valley has always been silent.

While the white shirts, they were still chattering at the beginning, saying things like 'Su Han should give them ancient origin energy'.

But at the end, she also gradually became silent.

At this moment, their cultivation base has been restored to the fairyland!

In less than a day, from the fairyland, across the three realms of the fairy king, the fairy king, and the fairy emperor, to reach the fairyland!

Either in this different world, or Su Han, who has been a human for two generations, can't even think about it.

Think about how long it took him to reach the fairyland from the fairy realm back then?

This life is extremely difficult, let alone the inexperienced previous life!


Waving his hand, another sixth-level strange beast was beheaded, and that large amount of ancient source energy was turned into two parts and appeared in front of Su Han.

"Here you are." Su Han said.

"No more."

Baishan snorted, pouting his mouth and said, "You still have a little ancient origin energy that is useless, right? Keep these for yourself and taste them. They taste good, don't say that my sister and I are exploiting you. "

"Oh, is this a conscience discovery? It tastes good?" Su Han teased.

"What are you talking about!"

The white shirt looked like a little tiger with its tail trampled on, and he stared at him immediately: "You have to give us those ancient origin energy, okay? In the end, it really became us exploiting you. Your old man is one of a kind. The sect master is a great power in the realm of heaven and gods, who can slap us to death with one slap. How dare we even give you instructions?"

"Listen to your yin and yang strange tone, obviously you don't want me to use it." Su Han continued teasing.

"Who is yin and yang? You don't need to give us!"

White shirt snatched the two ancient Origin Qi, stuffed one into Baigu's hand, and swallowed one by himself.

"Sister, you..." Bai Gu frowned.

"Sister, he insisted on giving us, so why be polite with him? Big deal..."

"What's the big deal?" Shiratani was a little angry.

"After the big deal, our cultivation level will be improved, so just help him." Baishan muttered.

"This is pretty much the same."

White Valley whispered: "It's your father's sect that spoiled your temper. Now it's not in ancient times, and your father's sect is gone. You'd better stay back, understand?"

"Alright, alright, as long as you can nag, just like an old woman."

"Do you think you are still young? Pick out a female monk at random, they are all old women!" Shiragu taught.

She is rarely angry, and Baishan seems to be a little afraid of her, so she muttered a few words and didn't know what to say, so she stopped talking.

"Let's go, continue searching for Primal Beast."

Su Han said as he walked: "I won't stay here too much. After all, there are still two fragments in my hand. When your cultivation base is restored to the **** realm, I will follow the emperor, and I will go to other places. One trip, looking for dragon scales and dragon blood that can open another world."

"Are the dragon scales and blood of the Blue God Phantom Dragon?" Shiratani asked.

"Father's family seems to have said such a sentence, but he is very busy and doesn't care about these things."

Bai Gu said: "I heard that the blue **** Phantom Yinlong is a descendant of Emperor Yinglong. The blood of Emperor Yinglong is flowing in them. Although there are very few of them until now, they are indeed the only Emperor Yinglong in this world. Successor."

"Emperor Yinglong?"

Su Han's eyes shrunk: "In the legend, among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Emperor Shun's mount?"

"How can it be a mount? Can Emperor Yinglong and Emperor Shun be friends?" Baishan said unhappily.


Su Han suddenly coughed.

In his knowledge, Ying Long is indeed Shun's mount.

However, he would definitely not show off his 'knowledge' in front of Bai Gu and Bai Shan, because all he heard were legends, and what Bai Gu and Bai Shan knew was probably reality!

"Are there still Blue God Phantom Dragons in this later life?" Bai Gu asked.

"It was in the sanctuary before, but I don't know it now." Su Han shook his head lightly.

"You still can't enter the sanctuary? Then how can you get the dragon scales and blood of the Blue God Phantom Sound Dragon?" Baishan asked.

"Dong Xuan Ming Palace can get it, but I can't get it?" Su Han smiled.

"Huh, I don't want to say forget it!"

The white shirt paused for a while, and then said: "But you'd better get a little bit more. There must be more pieces of the Eastern Emperor Bell. What if you get other pieces later? Are you right?

Bai Gu immediately turned his head and looked at the white shirt.

Su Han seemed to have not heard her overtones, and nodded and said, I'll do Be prepared.

"now it's right!"

As Dongxuanming Palace said, the time in this different world is the same as the outside world.

Three days later, another group of disciples from the two sects entered another world.

This time, the number is no longer limited to 100,000, but to 10 million people!

Dongxuanming Palace certainly understood that the reason for Su Han's request was that there were only 10 million people in the current Phoenix Sect.

This is planning to use the power of the whole family to hunt these ancient source beasts!

But Dongxuanming Palace did not object, because they can also enter 10 million disciples, and the Phoenix Sect will not take advantage of it.

It is worth mentioning that under this large-scale and extremely fast hunting, the source beasts in this different world are disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

Dong Xuan Ming Palace's other world, they spent so many years before they hunted and killed those alien beasts to only level seven. The Phoenix Sect would probably be reduced by a thousand times or ten thousand times.

(End of this chapter)