Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4431

Chapter 4431

The ancient **** of Jiutan broke Ditian's figure, but this did not make him happy, because in his imagination, the scene of blood splashing did not appear, and the ancient **** of Jiutan seemed to have expected this scene from the beginning. .

The broken'Di Tian' was just an afterimage!

"It's very fast, get out of here!"

While the ancient **** of Jiutan was screaming, he seemed to feel something, and slammed into the emptiness that was gradually recovering somewhere.


The void shattered again, and the masked figure was caught in it by big hands.

But this time, it is still afterimages!


The ancient **** of Jiutan completely lost his patience, frowning tightly.

"The speed of the one-star ancient **** realm is not that fast!"

A flat voice sounded from behind, and the ancient **** of Jiutan turned around fiercely, only to see that Di Tian had already stood behind him for some unknown time.


Even though there were 10,000 people in his heart that he didn't want to admit, the ancient **** of Jiutan still showed a shock at this moment.

Before Di Tian made a move to block his attack, he comforted himself and felt that Di Tian was able to do it by relying on a certain item given to him by Su Han.

However, that was only his own thought, and he couldn't find any evidence.

At this moment, Di Tian also overwhelmed him in terms of speed!

Could it be that he still relied on the items given by Su Han?

This is a bit self-deception!

"Do you still think that my combat power cannot compete with you?"

Di Tian seemed to have seen through the thoughts of the ancient gods of Jiu Tan, and smiled lightly: "You have already seen defense and speed. Then, next, will you look at my attacks?"


Before the ancient **** of Jiutan answered, a lotus flower emerged in Di Tian's hands.

It seems that he has already prepared to take action. This lotus flower presents several colors, like a divine haze. It is completely condensed by the power of cultivation, and it is full of indescribable terrifying aura.

"Emperor Fury True Lotus!"

Di Tian shouted violently, and the lotus flower suddenly flew out and reached the head of the ancient **** of Jiutan in an instant.

The ancient **** of Jiutan had already felt the breath of the lotus flower, and naturally did not dare to take any care, so he immediately launched a layer of defense, and quickly retreated.

However, the speed at which he retreated was not as fast as the lotus flower exploded.


There was a monstrous roar, and everyone felt deafening.

The lotus was destroyed above the void, and the terrible ripples formed a light curtain, covering all the space within a hundred miles in an instant.

No matter the void or the ground, everything is annihilated at this moment!

But no creatures died. Although the ripples affected the buildings, they did not affect the innocent monks. Even the people in Dongxuanming Palace were not injured.

All the might... all are heading towards the ancient **** of Jiutan!

"Boom boom boom..."

Can be heard clearly, and there is a continuous muffled noise.

The defense on the ancient **** of Jiutan is being destroyed at an indescribable speed.

His figure quickly retreated, but it was no longer retreating on its own, but under the power of that lotus, he had to retreat!

The power of shock was transmitted to the ancient **** of Jiutan through those defenses.

He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if his bones had been broken, and blood was constantly pouring up his throat. Even though he had tried to suppress it, in the end, he still spit out a big mouthful of blood!

"War God armor, out!"

As his expression changed drastically, a piece of armor appeared on the surface of the ancient **** of Jiutan, which was his strongest defense.

I didn't want to take it out, but I didn't expect that Ditian's attack power was actually so strong that if he didn't use the armor of the God of War, he would be shocked to death by abruptness!


The power of the lotus flower still continued, but it was absorbed by the armor of the **** of war, and the remaining point, the ancient **** of Jiutan was able to withstand it. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

But even so, the ancient **** of Jiutan still panted heavily, his face was pale, and he lost his previous self-confidence and arrogance at all, instead he became extremely embarrassed.

"One Star Peak..."

The ancient **** of Jiutan roared in his heart: "His combat power has definitely reached the level of a one-star peak ancient god. If he fights hard, he can completely suppress me. In terms of combat power alone, I am no longer his opponent!!! "

This kind of result really made Jiutan Ancient God unacceptable.

A guy who was just like an ant in his eyes, but in a blink of an eye, suppressed him.

In this case, he has lived for millions of years, and it is really the first time he has met.

At this moment, in front of so many people, the ancient **** of Jiutan felt that his face was beaten and swollen!

He could clearly see that the emotions on the faces of the casual cultivators who were not optimistic about Di Tian before were constantly changing.

From the shock at the beginning, to the incredible, until...there was a fanatical light in his eyes!

The strong will be looked up!

Looking at himself again, the ancient **** of Jiutan had another urge to spurt blood.

Because of those fanatical gazes, they should belong to them!

"I thought that in the Phoenix Sect, only those Ling Xiao, Ye Xiaofei and others could be able to make an appearance. I didn't expect your evildoer to be hidden!" Jiutan Ancient God said angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have said that I am not from the Phoenix Compared with them, I say that it is only a junior, if it is not good, it is rubbish."

Di Tian paused, then said: "What do you mean by rubbish, Master Ancient God should understand?"

"Fart!" The ancient **** of Jiutan stared wide, wishing to swallow Di Tian.

How could he not know what Ditian meant?

If Di Tian is also a rubbish, wouldn't he who was beaten to vomit blood just be even rubbish?

"Why, don't Master Old God think I'm a trash? Thank you Master Old God for looking up."

Di Tian took a mouthful of 'garbage' and a mouthful of 'Lord of the Ancient God'. The ancient **** of Jiutan was blushing, and he couldn't show himself.

"The old man admits that you do have some strength, but with these alone, you want to **** the supplies from my Dongxuanming Palace. That is a daydream!"

The ancient **** of Jiutan coldly snorted: "The strong of Dongxuanming Palace are coming here quickly. I believe it will not be long before they reach the City of Wuwang. At that time, even if the old man can't kill you, someone will naturally be able to take it. Your dog head!"

"The powerhouse of Dongxuanming Palace?"

Di Tian squinted his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and didn't say much about the matter.

Instead, he said: "What materials have you been talking about all the time? Is there anything important in this batch of materials? To be honest, I didn't want to do anything with Dongxuanming Palace before, but the ancient gods were too aggressive and took the first shot. , There is no way to fight back."


"At this moment, it sounds like this batch of your supplies looks very attractive?"

"Otherwise, would you show it to me?"

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