Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 381

Chapter 381

"Worship, you must worship!"

"This person is really a role model for my generation, and even the super sect dared to give it a try. If the God of War sect does not find this person in the end, then the majesty of his super sect will really be discounted."

"This person is only in the Dragon God Realm, why is it so hard to find?"

"Nonsense, Longwu Continent is so big, and from the beginning to the end, the waste of those branches of the God of War Sect is not knowing what this person looks like, let alone the exact identity of this person. I only know that this person is dressed in black and wearing a hat. Isn't he talking nonsense? There are too many people wearing black clothes and hats on their heads, saying that these are good things?"

"Indeed, this person is really very good in disguising, God of War Sect does not know his identity, as long as he puts on a new suit, who can recognize him?"

"The God of War Sect is completely planted this time. I don't know how to provoke such a evil star. You said he was only for the property, but he killed all the dragon pill realms. You said he was not for the property, just for Kill, but why let go of those below the Dragon God Realm and Dragon Pill Realm?"

"Speaking of this, it's a bit strange. This person even killed the God of War Sect stronghold, but killed it sideways. Almost all of them were in the Dragon Core Realm of the God of War Sect. Why?"

"This matter has nothing to do with me. If the God of War Sect tells me that I am waiting here to discuss it, I can't eat it."

"What are you afraid of? There are ten super sects on the Dragon Martial Continent. It's not that his God of War sect dominates the family. We are hundreds of millions of distances from the God of War sect. Even if he has the ears of the God of War, he can't hear it. ."

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's not just us who are discussing at this moment. It is said that the entire Longwu Continent knows about this."

"Indeed, the majesty of the God of War Sect, under this person's action, his face was swept, and the God of War Sect was furious, so he said that he was already preparing for Han Jinwei to make a move."

"Han Jinwei? That's not the ace troop of God of War Sect? It is said that every one of them is in the Dragon God Realm, and the lowest is the middle stage of the Dragon God Realm. The least help is that they have a low-grade purple-gold dragon skill, some He even masters a few, and the senior level of his Han Jinwei has mastered the skills of the Holy Spirit Dragon!"

"It seems that God of War Sect is really moved and really angry this time."

"Nonsense, people have been hit on the nose, if you don't get angry, it won't be called God of War Sect."

The whole Longwu Continent is panic.

Almost everyone is talking about this.

Longwu Continent, under the suppression of the top ten super sects, has been calm for too long too long.

Suddenly, such a thing happened, and it was indeed a resource for these people to chat after a meal.

But gossip chat, after all, God of War Sect is a super sect. It is placed in the middle of Longwu Continent like a huge monster. Everyone thinks that this person who snatches can only be a flash in the pan. Under the anger of God of War Sect. Sooner or later this person will be captured.

The power of a person is ultimately no match for the power of a sect.

Moreover, this sect is still a super sect!

Tanglin Kingdom, Yuanshan County, Phoenix Zongmen resident.

All of them have entered the Saint Son Xumi Jie to practice.

On this day, the Nine Clouds Fairy Array suddenly vibrated.

In the Zongmen residence, a figure emerged from the void, it was Shen Li.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the late Dragon God Realm, and he is about to break through.

The reason for appearing was naturally the vibration of the Nine Clouds Fairy Array.

Standing on the void, he could see that there was someone standing outside the Zongmen resident, trying to enter.

This person looks a bit strange, not a familiar person, his eyes are staring at the Nine Clouds Fairy Array, a strange light flickers.

"Who are you?"

Shen Li's voice, like thunder, passed through the nine clouds to this person's ears.

The person shook his body and immediately smiled

"Envoy Liu Wu on the fourth floor of the Jiutianlou, came to deliver the goods."

"Nine Sky Tower? Fourth-Order Emissary?!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Li showed a touch of shock on his face.

He naturally knew what the Nine Sky Tower was, it was a powerful force comparable to the super sect.

The main business of Jiutianlou is information trading, killer, and goods transportation.

There are too many branches in Jiutianlou, but the lowest is in the royal capital of the kingdom. As long as you pay enough gold coins or spirit stones, you can do it even if you are transporting items across the entire Longwu continent.

Of course, the farther the distance, the higher the price.

Moreover, this kind of price is also determined according to the rank of the emissary.

In the Nine Sky Tower, those who transport items are called 'secret envoys', and such secret envoys are divided into first, second, third...nine levels.

Just like a sect, the ninth-level emissary is the lowest level, the cultivation base is also the lowest, and the first-level emissary is the highest.

On top of the first-level emissaries, there are two other emissaries, namely silver emissaries and gold emissaries.

For these two types of emissaries, they are all promoted by emissaries from the first to the ninth level, based on the completion rate of the task.

The starting price for the silver emissary is one million Lingshi, while the starting price for the gold emissary is two million.

In other words, even if it is a distance of ten meters, if these two emissaries are to be transported, at least one million to two million low-grade spirit stones are required.

This amount is simply too amazing. If there are no too precious items, I would never invite them.

The fourth-order emissary, in the nine-day building, has a very high status.

Generally, they can reach this level with at least the cultivation base of the Dragon God Realm. They all start from the ninth-level secret envoy, and they are promoted step by step. They have gone too far. Leaping over a short period of time, it is impossible to safely keep the task items.

"I don't know the secret envoy, what will come to my little Jiuliu Sect?"

Although Shen Li was shocked by the person's identity, he was also puzzled and frowned.

Then Liu Wu smiled slightly, flipping his palms, took out a token, and several space rings.

Liu Wu is not his real name, but just a code name.

"This thing is the secret messenger token under."

Liu Wu stretched out the token first and showed it to Shen Li.

He couldn't see through the cloud, but he knew that Shen Li would definitely be able to see it.

On the token, there are two big characters-Tier 4!

This has clearly demonstrated Liu Wu's identity with extreme certainty.

Putting away the token, Liu Wu said again: "These spatial rings are the things Jiutianlou sent me to transport."

When the voice fell, Liu Wu waved his palm, and the spatial ring immediately floated above the void.

"This is for me Phoenix Sect?"

Shen Li frowned deeper. He couldn't figure out what exactly needed to be escorted by the fourth-order emissary of Jiutianlou in person, and he couldn't figure out who would send the items to Phoenix Sect.