Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4006

Chapter 4006

"His Royal Highness, you..."

Song Ling and Zhengheng asked in unison.

The difference is that Song Ling was happy and disappointed, while Song Ling was just surprised.

For Song Ling, Su Han was able to reach the pinnacle of the three-star Profound Divine Realm, which was indeed something to be pleased. After all, his combat power was too terrifying, and he could cross a great realm.

But I still feel sorry for not reaching four stars.

But for Zhengheng...

This is only a day's time. His Highness Blood Maple has reached the peak from a three-star demon realm with a steady aura?

He had felt clearly before, and the aura in Su Han's body was not strong, it should have been shortly after reaching the three-star monster state.

Normally, a person who has just stepped into the three-star monster realm, no matter how genius, can't directly hit the peak in one day, right?

"His Royal Highness has used those auction items?" Zhengheng asked incredulously.

"Well, I practiced briefly." Su Han said lightly.

Zhengheng's face twitched, and his mouth closed wisely.

If this is just a simple practice, what speed is there to call Zhenger Bajing cultivation?

"Within a day, from the initial peak, he must have time to accelerate things on his body, otherwise, it would never be so fast."

Zhengheng is not a fool either, he secretly said in his heart, "No wonder he never showed up before, just don't know, what is the time flow rate of his item..."

As one of the thirteen cities in the God Realm, Shadow City has items that can accelerate or decelerate time. Such items are extremely precious and can be called sacred objects.

Zhengheng is the heir of the royal family and has been in it, but only a few times.

According to Zheng Xiuxun, there are the most items, which can speed up time by 500 times.

With enough lifespan, it is equivalent to an intangible increase in cultivation speed by 500 times!

Zhengheng felt extremely shocked when he first entered.

Therefore, he has been guessing in his mind how many times the flow of time can be controlled by the items on Su Han.

Obviously, Su Han would not tell him.

In fact, in a full thirty years, under the rich blood essence contained in those corpses, Su Han should have been able to reach the four-star Profound God Realm.

What made him feel helpless was that the ancient monster one can refine them, including him!

In addition to the bones of the ancient demon, most of the bones of the Demon Emperor are also unable to be refined due to insufficient cultivation.

In this way, everyone swallowed the equivalent of only those thousand bones in the Demon Sovereign Realm. Su Han was able to reach the three-star peak because of his Dragon Emperor technique.

Although the ancient monster is dead, there is still coercion in his body.

At the moment when Su Han reached the peak of the three-star Profound God Realm, he was vaguely sure that he could refine a few Demon Emperor Realm bones with three blood or more.

As for the higher, it should be at least four stars.

As for the words of those ancient demon corpses, Su Han felt that they would not reach the five-star Profound God Realm, and would not have the combat power comparable to the Five-Blood Demon Emperor, and it would be impossible to refine them.

This kind of bones is completely different from the bones in those places of inheritance.

The bones in the land of inheritance originally existed for the various tribes. As early as the moment of their fall, there was no coercion, and any descendants of the demons with cultivation bases could swallow and refine them at will.

And the auctions of these items are not known where the Shadow City came from, and must be cultivated.

This was something Su Han had never expected before.

"Now, there are only two ways to refine these top Demon Emperor Realm and ancient demon bones."

Su Han secretly said in his heart, "The first way is to ask Sugen and Jin Wannian to help me refining, but they are blood dragons after all. Although they are following me now, they can't really believe it. Blood beasts have always been very greedy, and blood dragons are afraid of the same. , If they swallow a little bit of blood essence in the process of refining, then I won't know the slightest, and the gain is not worth the loss."

"The second way is to refine it by myself after I reach the five-star Profound God Realm."

"Before Ten Thousand Beast River was opened, the Five-Star Profound God Realm had a chance to reach it. The remaining 13 auctions, even if only the bones of the Demon Sovereign Realm, should be enough to accumulate my cultivation to the Five Star Profound God. It's over."

Thinking of this, Su Han made a decision in his heart, still planning to refine it by himself.

When the cultivation base is sufficient, refining these bones is much easier.

These bones involved the cultivation of all the Phoenix Sect who entered the monster world, and there must not be any mistakes. Su Han still did not believe in the roots and Jin Wannian.

It's nothing more than the old root, he has already given his life gold blood to Su Han, but Jin Wannian, at this moment, is just following Su Han because of the identity of the blood dragon clan.

Although the place was changed, the group of demons who participated in the auction was actually the same.

The rules are no different from Shadow City, many demon Tianjiao have bought boxes, including Su Han.

The auction will begin directly under the auspices of an elder in Qianyu City!

The elder was obviously full of expectations for Su Han. Since he appeared, he has frequently looked at the box where Su Han is, and every time he looked over, he would smile and nod his head.

But Su Han directly ignored it, as if he hadn't seen it.

However, he did not disappoint the elder.

These auctions are obviously exactly the same. Here in Thousand Feather City, the order of auction items is also crystal nuclei, bones, puppets, and so on.

As soon as the auction started, things that made many monster Tianjiao angry and helpless happened.

His Royal Highness Xuefeng is still at an unparalleled high price, with an unparalleled momentum, overwhelming many monsters, and has a large number of auction items in his hands!

The scene was once in chaos, as if returning to an auction in Shadow City.

They asked for capital verification more than once, but Qianyu City here was just performing capital verification on Su Han twice in accordance with the rules.

After all, they are the owner, and they are afraid of offending Su Han, the 'big customer'.

The final price quoted by Su Han, UU Reading, was at least five times the normal price of the auction item, which left other monsters beyond the reach.

In their minds, even if Su Han has a hundred billion **** blood stones, he has already spent most of it at the Shadow City auction. He should always give up some auction items for the auction held by Thousand Feather City?

Obviously, they think too much.

Su Han seems to have lost his patience in the Shadow City, so every time the auction item is brought up, he will bid first.

Moreover, every time the price is quoted, people will feel a heart twitch, and I can't wait to spray him.

Even though Tianjiao, a demon, was patient and vying with him, Su Han only offered three more prices at most.

Five times the first time, ten times the second time, and the third...twenty times!

Under this kind of arrogant price increase, no monster can compete with him anymore, and can only sigh at the auction items.

His blood maple can no longer be described as a "lunatic", he is completely the end of the auction!