Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3979

Chapter 3979

The main function of any blood beast's crystal core is to improve its cultivation.

For those Demon Emperor Realm, Ancient Demon, and Ancient Demon, it is obviously unrealistic to use this giant celestial beast crystal core to improve their cultivation. The essence of blood and energy contained in it is probably only able to squeeze their teeth. Sew.

Therefore, the main purpose of competing for this crystal core is to use it for the Tianjiao among his forces.

That is to say, although all the arrogances who bid at this moment are the arrogants, it is not them who pay the money, but the tribe or city behind them.

"Seven billion!"

Yuchun's voice came out again, and this time, it brought some waves.

Both of the two competitions were defeated by Su Han, and all his remaining blood stones were used on this crystal core!

If the deep blue giant beast crystal core is of little use to him, and if the sky giant python crystal core is good for him, then this sky giant beast crystal core is very useful for him.

If he can get it, he will definitely be able to break through to the peak demon king realm with this. When the Ten Thousand Beast River opens, he will also have more capital to compete for.

And he is obviously not the only demon filled with such thoughts.

On the Demon Hunting List, the descendants of the Seven-Blood Demon Sovereign Realm from the 36th to the 70th are all staring at this crystal core fiercely.

"7.2 billion!"

For the first time, a monster increased the price by 200 million, and immediately attracted many eyes to the box he was in.

The son of the holy race, Shu Lingyu!

Among the top 100 monster hunting lists, female monsters are rare. This Shu Lingyu is one of them.

Her ranking, second only to Yuchun, is 69th.

And the light curtain used to block her box was slowly opened at this moment, allowing the box to be transparent so that any monster can see her.

The woman Shu Lingyu transformed into, does not look too beautiful, but very coquettish, giving people a feeling of heavy makeup.

She lay there lazily, and there was an old woman sitting beside her, her eyes were full of provocation, looking towards the box where Yuchun was.

"Wow, wow..."

After Shu Lingyu, the light curtains with dozens of boxes were opened, and the true bodies of many Tianjiao were displayed in front of many demons.

A large number of demons, from this moment on, they are all excited.

They know very well that these pinnacle arrogances are going to have a real contest on this giant celestial beast crystal core!

"7.3 billion!" Yu Chun continued to sneer.

He ignored Shu Lingyu and other monsters, but looked towards Su Han.

"His Royal Highness Yuchun, Saint Clan of Thousand Feathers City, is so stingy in front of this behemoth crystal core of the sky? Do you only dare to increase the price of one hundred and one hundred million?"

The sarcasm voice drew many eyes.

Looking through the box, one can clearly see the young man with a mocking face.

Jin Yaocheng Xuechang, heir of the holy race, ranked 54th on the list of monster hunting!

After his voice fell, before Yu Chun could speak, he said directly: "7.5 billion!"

"It seems that His Highness Xue Chang is not as generous as you said!"

Xuechang next door to the box, there is also a voice.

Black Hawk!

is the same as Yu Chun, heirs of the holy race of Thousand Feather City, but ranked 36th on the monster hunting list!

The top thirty-five in the monster hunting list, all of them are in the peak monster state.

In other words, according to this ranking, Black Hawk is the strongest Seven-Blood Monarch under these thirty-five demons!

His opening was not to help Yuchun save face, but to participate in the battle for the behemoth crystal core, because the light curtain in front of his box had disappeared.

But even so, after he spoke, Xue Chang's face immediately became ugly.

"How much can you make?" Xue Chang snorted coldly.

"Eight billion!" Black Hawk slowly said.

Although these arrogances are shouting prices, they are not personal assets and do not have the right to squander them at will. Therefore, although they often yell at them, they are also cautious when they really shout prices.

And Black Hawk's bidding price immediately caused the auction price of this crystal core to reach its own value.

In this way, the subsequent bids can no longer be so random.

Spend one more, it is all wronged money, and it hurts them!

Xuechang was slightly silent, but other voices came out.

"8.1 billion!"

It was a handsome young man shouting a price.

His name is Huan Qing, a son of the Holy Clan of the City of Light, ranked 37th in the monster hunting list, only one place lower than the Black Hawk.

He has always believed that Black Hawk is no better than him, and Human Race puts Black Hawk in front of him, which is his shame.

At this moment, it's time to compete.

"Their assets are already less, what's the point of competing with them? Why don't you try with me?" Huan Qing said lightly.

"It's the same with you, just the guy behind the main hall." Black Hawk said.


Huan Qing looked cold, and directly cursed: "Those who are blind, the lowly people actually put the main hall behind you, the main hall suspects that this kind of ranking is ranked by their heels!"

"No matter where the row is used, you are still behind the main hall." Black Hawk sneered constantly.

A crystal nucleus of a giant celestial beast, this auction, by the time of the third auction item, had already reached a fever pitch.

On the monster hunting list, the sons of the holy race, ranked 36th to 70th, almost all participated in the competition.

Even if it is a guy like Yu Chun who has reported great confidence before, at this moment, it seems a little powerless.

There is a city behind him, and behind others, there is also a city!

If the financial resources provided by the forces behind it are all the same, then who can win this crystal core depends on personal financial resources.

Obviously, Yu Chun's personal financial resources are not sufficient.

The price of Tianfang Giant Beast Crystal Core has been raised to a sky-high price of 9.7 billion.

Compared to so many demons in the demons, in order to compete for a crystal nucleus, even the tribe tribes have to bear nearly tens of billions of bloodstones, which is very painful.

"9.8 billion!" Black Hawk continued to shout.

"9.9 billion!" Huan Qing also said.

"Ten billion!"

Xuechang opened his mouth and completely pulled the price to 10 billion.

Yuchun looked at the old man behind him, but seeing the old man shook his head slightly, it was obvious that the 10 billion yuan had already exceeded their limit.

Looking at this scene, Yu Chun's face gradually became grim, and his fists were slightly clenched.

In fact, he had anticipated the situation a long time ago, so he participated in the bidding on the Deep Blue Giant Beast Core, and the Sky Giant Python Core.

Retreat and seek second place!

But Su Han's price increase was so severe that he had to give up those two crystal cores.

And at this moment, he couldn't get the nucleus of the giant giant beast.

"Could it be that I can only rely on those bones?"

Yu Chun gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted to Su Han, "Aren't you rich? Don't you like crystal nuclei? Why don't you dare to speak now? Is it because I'm all fighting, are you afraid?! "


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