Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3977

Chapter 3977

, the demon clan, the respect and fanaticism of the strong, it is much more than the human race.

is precisely because of this, they are even more disgusted with those who like to kneel and lick, and like flattery.

His Royal Highness Blood Maple, from the very beginning, has caused 'public anger', making 99% of the demons full of evil feelings, but he is looking for his father and son, so he kneels and licks it.

Zhengheng is fine, but how can you do the same?

If the monster clan is divided into two sides, then the blood dragon clan is one side, and the remaining monsters add up to one side!

Zhengxiu's method of searching for his father and son has lost all the faces of the monsters!

"Master Rent God looks very happy..." Yu Chun said slowly.

Zhengxiu smiled slightly, and said faintly: "If you bought this crystal core, the deity would be equally happy."

"Then I, I disappointed Lord Ancestor." Yu Chun said.

Zheng Xiuxun ignored him, but waved again and took out the second auction item.

"The Great Sky Python nucleus, rank six and one blood, has the same effect as the deep blue giant beast nucleus, but the essence of blood contained in it is by no means comparable to the deep blue giant beast nucleus."

Zhengxiu seeks: "The starting price is 100 million **** blood stones, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million."

"Is it another crystal core?" Su Han's eyes lit up.

He looked at the perennial root beside him, and smiled: "Can I buy this crystal core?"

The roots bowed slightly: "Although the subordinate was a giant python before, this cannot be a reason to hinder your highness's advancement. Since it has fallen, the remaining crystal nucleus must be useful. Even if your highness doesn't want it, other demons will do it. Bidding, if so, how can you make others cheaper?"

The corpse bones are incomparable to the blood essence contained in the crystal core, but if they are both crystal cores, obviously the higher the level, the better.

This one-blood sixth-order supernatant giant python crystal core was equivalent to the one-blood demon emperor realm before it was alive, and because it is a blood beast, the essence of energy and blood contained in it is probably stronger than the ordinary one-blood demon emperor, at least It is also several times the nucleus of the Deep Blue Giant Beast, how can Su Han not buy it?

asked the rat root, only to give him a step down, after all, the rat root was transformed from the Sky Python to the blood dragon.

"Well, I will start bidding."

"Your Highness is free."

Su Han turned his head, and in the process of his conversation with Ratgen, the price of the Great Sky Python crystal core had already been raised to the level of 200 million.

This kind of item that can improve cultivation has always been the most common and favorite.

"Two hundred thirty million!"

"Two hundred and forty million!"

"250 million!"

One after another, the price shouting sounded one after another, and the whole auction hall was extremely lively.

Su Han went back and said impatiently: "No wonder the auction will last for three days. It's a waste of time to have these guys here!"

Zhengheng tugged at the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

But in his heart he secretly said: "Do you think anyone is so rich with you?"

"Three hundred million!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came, and it was the son of the holy clan, Yu Chun!

If the deep blue giant beast crystal core can only be regarded as dispensable to him, then this great sky giant python crystal core is really useful.

Similarly, as the second auction item, those demons in the auction hall don't need to give Yuchun face anymore.

So, after he shouted the price of 300 million, there was only a pause in the hall, and then there were a lot of shouts.

In just a moment, the price of this crystal core reached 500 million.

"600 million!"

Yuchun spoke again, raising the price by 100 million.

Everyone knows that the total value of the first-blood and sixth-order Optimus giant python crystal core should be around 700 or 800 million, so there are still demons who plan to raise the price.

But Su Han's words cut off the way they wanted to compete.


directly increase the price by 400 million, just as aggressive as before!

This time, no demons were shocked, and many voices just stopped for a while.

"One billion ten million!"

"Thirty billion!"

"One and fifty million!"

"1.2 billion!"

This is the price Yu Chun called out. It is obviously different from ordinary monsters. It is somewhat suppressed in terms of financial resources.

"Two billion."

Su Han's tone was flat, following Yu Chun.

At this point, the sound of bidding stopped.

Although the items on auction are more expensive than usual, they are also scarce.

But this price is really outrageous.

The big powers have a lot of wealth, but they consume a lot of money every moment, so even if they have money, they can't spend so much.

"Twenty... one hundred million!"

Yuchun remained silent for a while, and continued to increase the fare, but there was some hesitation, and I don't know if it was intentional.

"Three billion."

Su Han's plain tone was full of unparalleled dominance, causing all the monsters' eyes to shrink severely.

is only two auction items, he has already spent 4 billion of the blood stone, which is almost comparable to the level of Tianjiao Zhonglin, all personal wealth!

"Does he only like these two items?"

"It's possible, after all, his cultivation base is too low to compare with other Highnesses. At this moment, it is the right way to improve his cultivation base."

"But this... is too handcrafted, right?"

"Indeed, I heard later that there are also Demon Sovereign Realm, Demon Emperor Realm, and even the bones of the ancient demon to be auctioned. They also have the essence of blood and blood. Isn't he going to ask for it?"

"His abacus, I am afraid that he intends to overwhelm your Highness at the beginning, and give them a good start, and finally it will be silent."

"Tsk tsk, wait and see!"

The voice of discussion came out again, the jealousy and suspicion of the weak are always very strong.

"Three billion for the first time!"

Zhengxiu looked all smiles, and seemed to be happier than After all, if it weren't for Su Han, this Optimus Python crystal core should be worth about 2 billion at most.

And Su Han abruptly made the atmosphere of the auction heated up in advance, and even made the Shadow City earn more than one billion more blood stones. How could he be unhappy?

"Three billion second time..."

"Three billion for the third time!"

Zheng Xiuxun dropped the gavel again to congratulate Su Han.

"My ancestor, don't forget the rules of the auction."

Zhonglin's voice suddenly came out: According to the rules set by the Thirteen Cities, no matter how strong his cultivation is and how high his status is, as long as the total auction price exceeds 10 billion, he must start the capital verification.

Obviously, Zhong Lin deliberately provoke Su Han.

Use capital verification to prove Su Han's financial strength.

"You don't need to remind the deity."

Zhengxiu said lightly: "The first time is 10 billion, the second time is 50 billion, and the third time is 100 billion. The deity will never forget."

paused slightly, Zheng Xiuxun said to Zhonglin again: "It's you, it's better to be able to verify the capital of the deity."

"The ancestors can rest assured." Zhong Lin's eyes flashed.


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