Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3938

Chapter 3938

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Escape is the most intuitive expression when facing a sense of crisis.


The huge loud shouts transmitted by the power of blood and energy spread all around, so that the nine million monsters could hear clearly.

There is no nonsense, all demons are rushing in all directions in a panic.

also at this moment


The terrifying roar, like shattering the sky, tearing the heaven and the earth, to destroy the entire world, passed out!

The amazing light was so dazzling that the human race below who had been staring at the demon refining pot slightly narrowed their eyes.

They clearly saw that there was a ripple, full of rich blood red, which filled the self-refining demon pot.

was almost instantaneous, it spread thousands of miles!

A large number of demons with low cultivation bases couldn't avoid it at all. They didn't even make a scream, they were swept by the ripple.

Their silhouettes were directly annihilated in the ripples!

Before dying, they clearly saw that the color of the ripples was exactly the blood red that belonged to the demons and the power of blood.


Void trembles. Originally, Su Yi only had the cultivation base of the Peak Profound God Realm, but at this moment, where the ripples passed, all the void was turned into pitch black.

Of the nine million monsters, at most only one-third escaped, and the remaining two-thirds were all annihilated in the ripples!


Until the ripples dissipated, the remaining demons dared to turn their heads.

At this moment, when they looked at the demon refining pot, their eyes were full of endless horror and fear.

"What the **** is this!!!"

"It's too strong, this thing is too strong!"

"This was not caused by Su Yi at all, but this thing launched a rebound attack on its own!"

"Who the **** is he? Why is he qualified to have this kind of fetish? On the human hunting list, there is no his name at all!"

"Yes, this person is both physical and martial arts. Regardless of potential or strength, he should be ranked in the forefront of the human hunting list, but, you see, there is already him on the human hunting list. name!"

As the last monster opened his mouth, all the monsters opened the human hunting list.

The name 'Su Yi' hangs in it!

Rank...sixth place!


The ranking of the human hunting list is indeed updated very quickly. Obviously, the ancestors of the monster clan are related to these ordinary monsters who have come to the upper star domain.

When seeing Su Yi's ranking, all the demons took a deep breath.

went from being silent to the sixth level?

Is it because he is very strong, or because of this refining demon pot?

Or maybe...both?


There was almost no hesitation. After the human hunting list was updated, the remaining demons immediately left here.

And those human races in the city are also looking at the human race hunting list, the name ranked sixth, in a daze.

Above the void, the demon refining pot gradually shrank, and finally became one meter in size.

Three days later, a ray of light flew out of the demon refining pot, and finally turned into a figure.

is Su Yi!

There are still seven dark blue stars on his eyebrows.

It's just that the colors of the stars have gradually moved towards black, more intense than before.

All the human races who saw this scene know that this is the embodiment of a half-step god!

"He... absorbed the blood essence of those demons?"

"It's only three days, it is worthy of being one of the ten ancient artifacts of the demon refining pot!"

"Hahahaha, my human race, there has been a peerless arrogant!"

Amidst the many cheers, Su Yi glanced at the human races.

He pursed his mouth slightly and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the Qi Shenzong here?"

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded, faintly excited.

Just listen to Su Yi: "You are still neutral now, but the focus has been biased towards the Tianjiao Alliance. I suggest you, it is best not to oppose the master. This is not a wise choice."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes twitched.

Because what Su Yi said is correct, although the Qishen Sect is only a power in the fifth-level area, there are already more than 70% of the people in the sect, intending to support the Tianjiao Alliance.

"The master is risking his death in the demon world. Whether indirectly or directly, he is contributing his strength to the human race. If you are still thinking about how to target him at this time, it will only make him chill." Su Repeatedly.

"Your lord, could it be..." the middle-aged man hesitated.

"It's the one you think."

Su Yi spoke lightly, then put away the demon refining pot and disappeared into the void.

There is a voice, slowly coming from his mouth, and I don't know if it is talking to himself or speaking to those people.

"Master, do you still remember the little second in the middle star field? Ha ha... You must have forgotten me? But I, always remember you!"

"I yearn for the road of cultivation, but I have no family background, no background, and no strong qualifications. I thought I would always be in that inn, bowing to the guests every day, watching them eating and drinking with envy, listening They talk about cultivation..."

"It is you who gave Kunpeng the Eucharist, which gave me the courage to leave that inn."

"Maybe for this is just a simple effort, but for me, it is a lifelong grace!"

"Knowing you will make me lucky, will let me get the demon refining pot, and will make me qualified to practice martial arts."

"I still remember my own name, but in front of you, my only name is'Su Yi'!"

"You have come to the world of monsters, **** battles and savagery, and Su Yi will help you guard the vacancy in this superior star field."

"Master, Su Yi is waiting for you, come back in triumph!"

Demon Realm, under the pit.

After passing through that teleportation formation, Su Han has been here for three days.

This is like a paradise, completely different from the real monster world.

There are colorful flowers, lush green grass, flowing rivers, and sparkling lakes.

looked down, there were small beasts running by from time to time, Su Han seemed to have an aura that made them close, and he often played around Su Han.

When looked up, there were many flying birds flying across the sky. When passing over Su Han's head, there would also be a neigh, as if to say hello to Su Han.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, after three days of watching it, Su Han is already tired of watching it.

He frowned slightly, and his figure flew over the lake.

Jinxue Shengzhu, who had been silent for three days, finally saw movement at this moment.


The golden color on the bamboo leaves seemed to wake up, turned into a butterfly, and flew towards a large mountain in the distance.


Su Han's eyes flashed: "The so-called Eye of Ten Thousand Beasts, is there?"