Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3562

Chapter 3562

"You fart!"

Han Xiao was furious and pointed to Ba Qingzi and said: "Ba Qingzi, don't think that your cultivation base is higher than the headquarters, and the headquarters will be afraid of you. If you really dare to move Qianfeng, I, Han Xiao, will definitely follow you. It's not over!"

"I didn't say to move him!"

Ba Qingzi stood up and glanced at Su Han: "Give him to me, nothing will happen, but if Minister Han stays stubborn, then something will really happen."

"Give you!"

Han Xiao grabbed Su Han and threw it towards Ba Qingzi.

Ba Qingzi waved his hand, caught Su Han with a soft force, and then smiled lightly: "Minister Han, it really is a happy person!"

Han Xiao's expression was gloomy, dripping out, and he was silent.


In this matter, of course he has to be happy!

Compared with your own children, this is so palliative, is it a fart?

Besides, Han Xiao was already ninety-nine percent sure, confirming that Su Baliu was just an ordinary monk and had absolutely nothing to do with that person.

If because of him, the life of one's children is threatened, why is it worthless?

If this kind of threat comes from other people.

Who is Keba Kiyoko?

Whether it is herself or Tu Longzhen behind her, that is the existence that can really do what it says!

The Wu family didn't bother to do anything with Qian Feng, and because of Han Xiao, they didn't do anything with Qian Feng.

But if someone really wants to kill Qian Feng, the Wu family will definitely not care.

As for Han Xiao, how can he beat Ba Qingzi?

From all aspects, if Tu Longzhen really wants to kill Qian Feng, then Han Xiao will definitely not be able to keep it!

Therefore, there is no need to consider this matter.

"Minister Han, what do you mean?!"

Hua Yuelin stood up and said coldly: "You are afraid that Tulong Town will kill your child, so you are not afraid that my Liu Clan will do anything to him?"

Han Xiao's eyes were dark, gritted his teeth, almost saying word by word: "I don't care who you are. In short, I have given you people. How to deal with it is up to you, but I can't split him into two. Half, half for each of you! Putting away your threats really made me anxious, and you have no good fruit!"

"You threaten me?"

Hua Yuelin's expression sank, she abruptly stood up: "Han Xiao, you..."


Before he could finish speaking, a sharp voice came in.

Han Xiao was worrying. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Come in!"

A guard ran in and whispered: "Report to Minister, Cloud Palace...someone is coming."

"Prince Yun's mansion also sent someone here?"

Han Xiao angrily turned back and laughed: "Hahahaha, what an annoying day, that's it for Tulong Town and the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce, he Yun Wangfu, who is here? Who is it?"

"One of the four main hall masters of the Cloud Palace, the east hall master, the ancient **** of thunder!"


The smile on Han Xiao's face stopped abruptly when he said this.

Even if it was Ba Qingzi and Hua Yuelin, their expressions changed a bit.

Su Han here is even more startled.

is really dazed.

The attitude of Prince Yun's treatment of himself made him never expect that Prince Yun would send someone to rescue him.

But, if it's not for saving oneself, then what will King Yunfu send someone to do?

No, using the word 'send person' is a bit too much.

That, after all, is one of the scariest existences in Prince Yun's Mansion!

Thunder Ancient God! ! !

These four words, , had resounded in this superior star field in those days, making countless people frightened.

That is the super-top powerhouse who can really ramp up the upper-class stars, is a terrible person who can make the upper-class stars tremble with a stomping!

Even if Su Han could have predicted that Prince Yun's Mansion would send someone, he would never have predicted that it would be a palace master who would come in person.

Originally, according to Su Han's plan, whether it was Tulong Town or the Lius Chamber of Commerce, it would be good if they could take themselves out.

After going out, think of other ways.

But now...

It looks like something has changed!

"Minister, let him in?" the guard asked.


Han Xiao waved his hand, slapped in the air, and slapped the man's face fiercely.

"What do you mean? The ancient **** of thunder came personally, and you said that he would not let him in? Hurry up, please!!!"

"Yes Yes Yes"

The guard's face was swollen, but the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp, and quickly retreated.

After a short while, a middle-aged man came to the hall.

I don't know how to describe him. If you really need a word, it is-handsome to die.

His whole body was filled with an aura like a scholar, and he was incompatible with the name of the "Old Thunder God".

There is always a smile on his face, with one hand in front and the other behind, looking polite.

has lived for at least a million years, but his hair is still black. If you look from behind, you think he is just a young and handsome brother.

This is Su Han, the first time I saw the ancient **** of thunder.

When the previous life was in the upper star field, the ancient thunder **** might not have been born yet.

After all, he stayed in the sanctuary for thousands of years.

"Han, I have seen the ancient **** of thunder!"

"Ba Qingzi, I have seen the ancient **** of thunder!"

"Hua Yuelin, I have seen the ancient **** of thunder!"

"I'll wait, meet the ancient **** of thunder!"

As the ancient **** of thunder came, everyone was a colleague bending over and holding respectfully saluting.

Ancient God, the top existence of the superior star domain.

Just like the super sect of Longwu Continent, no matter who it is, anyone who meets the super sect must kneel down and salute!

Of course, there is no need to kneel here, but there should be respect, or it must be.

The ancient **** of Thunder nodded slightly towards the crowd, and then lightly waved his palms, and immediately there was a gentle force that wrapped Su Han, and then brought him to his side.

"The people from the Cloud Palace, I'll take it away, everyone continue."

He grabbed Su Han, turned and left.

Amidst the stunned people, when he was about to walk out of the hall, he paused again and turned around.

"Also, let me remind Minister Han."

"From now on, I will be a member of the Cloud Palace, Minister Han will move less, it is better not to move."

The voice fell, and then he turned and left.

On Han Xiao's forehead, cold sweat oozes out at some unknown time.

The ancient **** of thunder, from appearing to leaving, is just a few words of effort.

But these few words gave Han Xiao an indescribable tremendous pressure.

That, after all, is an ancient god! ! !

In this world where strength is respected, how high is his position?

Don't talk about the deputy minister, he is the head of the branch here, so what? ?

It is impossible for the strong of the sanctuary to come, once the Thunder Ancient God takes action on him, that kill is also a white kill!

This is the reason why Yunwang Mansion clearly has no power in the Sanctuary, but it can still be in the top power among the superior star regions.