Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3477

Chapter 3477

After Feng Tianzi's words were over, his eyes turned, and he looked at Feng Sijing again.

"Brother Sijing, don't come here unharmed?" Feng Tianzi said.

There is no intimacy in his voice, full of ridicule and mockery.

"You are not qualified yet, call me brother." Feng Sijing looked indifferent.


Feng Tianzi smiled: "My dear brother, you are indeed the same virtue. After you joined the Cloud Palace, you didn't even look at your family? I said you were just a white-eyed wolf. Uncles and the others still insisted on raising you. It was me, and they were thrown out a long time ago. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with my family closure."

Feng Sijing clenched his fists, instantly furious.

But Su Han's big warm and powerful hand was placed on his shoulder, causing all his anger to disappear instantly.

"If you really don't want to go back to Fengjia, it's not impossible."

Feng Tianzi's voice came again: "As long as you double the food, drink, and use you have eaten, drink, and use in Feng's house over the past few years, you will return to us twice.

"When I started taking notes, I wrote down every account."

Feng Sijing said: "It should be paid back, I will pay it back naturally."

"You can't afford it..."

Feng Tianzi shook his head lightly: "Adult Su is rich, but you are just a dog next to Master Su. King Yun's Mansion does not even give out salary, let alone your ordinary black armor. Jun, tell me, what do you take to pay it back? How can you pay it back?"

Feng Sijing's eyes were red and his body was trembling. If Su Han hadn't placed his palm on his shoulder, he might rush out at any time.

It can be seen from his look that his hatred for Feng Tianzi has reached a level that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Oh, right."

Seeing Feng Sijing did not speak, Feng Tianzi said again: "Xin'er is dead, do you know?"

Feng Sijing's body was shocked!

"It's a pity, such a beautiful body, it turned into a dead bone." Feng Tianzi shook his head.

"Feng Tianzi, you scumbag!!!" Feng Sijing finally roared.

"Do you regret not getting her?"

Feng Tianzi faintly smiled and said: "No way, the world of monks is sometimes the same as mortals. Whoever has money and who has great momentum, those women will like whom, otherwise, Xin'er would not leave you at the beginning. , Don't you think? If you had joined Prince Yun's Mansion earlier, she might have followed you.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Feng Sijing's forehead, green veins exposed.

"That's it."

Feng Tianzi waved his hand: "This is an auction, and it's not a place for you to seek revenge. Let's waste less time."

"Hehe, it turned out to be a good scene of a dog biting a dog."

Dongfang Sheng's voice came: "A abandoned son of the Feng family, and a son of the owner of the Feng family. This young master doesn't understand what you are doing!"

"With your IQ, if you don't understand, it should be."

Feng Tianzi said: "It's already 2.5 billion, these thousands of thunder trembling pills, do you want to continue fighting?"

"Here, you don't need it!" Dongfang Sheng snorted coldly.

Obviously, he does not intend to continue the fight.

The Sect Master of Shen Tianzong once said that if these thousands of thunder and trembling pills exceed 2.5 billion, there is no need to continue fighting.

This price has exceeded the value of Thousand Lei Zhenming Pill.

"In that case, that Fengmou laughed at it?" Feng Tianzi was confident.

"It's your turn."

At this moment, Su Han suddenly spoke.

Feng Sijing tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said slowly: "Three billion!"


Feng Tianzi frowned: "Master Su's money, you also shout so imposingly? Sure enough, you have the potential of a white-eyed wolf!"

"He is not a white-eyed wolf, but you have closed the house with eyes and no beads." Su Han said lightly.


Feng Tianzi coldly snorted: "Eat my sealer, drink my sealer, and use my sealer. In the end, he is so hostile to my house. He is not a white-eyed wolf, and what is it?"

"If he is really a white-eyed wolf, then you..."

Su Han raised his hand and pointed to Feng Tianzi: "Not even a white-eyed wolf."

"Master Su!"

Feng Tianzi's expression sank: "Feng Mou doesn't seem to offend you, right?"

"No, but I hate your attitude." Su Han said.

"Feng's attitude has always been this way. Doesn't it have to please you?"

Feng Tianzi said gloomily: "It's Mr. Su, who has offended the Li Family and God Tianzong again, has sinned God Tianzong, and has sinned against Hanchen Xingzi. Until now, it seems that even Feng Family wants to offend together. , Really have the courage and courage!"

"Not to mention Hanchen Xingzi, Shen Tianzong and Li Family alone are not at the same level as your family closure."

Su Han said indifferently: "What's the fear of offending your family closure?"

"Su Baliu, are you planning to stand up for this white-eyed wolf?" Feng Tianzi's expression fell completely cold.

"Yes, what can you do?" Su Han narrowed his eyes.

"Then just wait and see!"

Feng Tianzi shouted: "3.1 billion!"

"Four billion!" Feng Sijing followed.

"4.1 billion!"

"five billion!"

Feng Tianzi increased the price by 100 million yuan each time, and Feng Sijing increased the price by nearly one billion yuan each time.

That overwhelming amount made Feng Tianzi's expression more and more gloomy.

"Feng Sijing, you are just spending other people's money!" Feng Tianzi said.

"Five billion for the first Is there anyone who wants to continue to increase the price?

This time, the voice did not come from the old woman, but from Su Han.

Obviously, Su Han himself didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and even had no interest in letting Feng Sijing talk nonsense with him.

"Five billion for the second time." Su Han crossed his five fingers and continued to speak.

"Okay, it seems that Young Master Feng doesn't plan to continue bidding anymore, let's take it."

Feng Tianzi is not stupid, he really has no plans to continue the fight.

Thousands of thunder and trembling pills finally fell into Su Han's hands.

In this auction, so far, all the auction items have been taken over by Su Han and Feng Sijing.

Others have nothing to gain.

This undoubtedly made everyone more hostile towards Su Han and Feng Sijing.

However, Su Han didn't care about these at all.

What he needs, if he can buy it, he must buy it.

As long as the cultivation base can be promoted, everything else is just vain.

Next, the old woman took out the penultimate auction item.

The fifth-grade lower-grade elixir, Jingyue concentrating pill!

This pill is the pill for cultivation, after swallowing it, it can directly promote the gods below three stars to a small rank!

Samsung and above can also increase a lot of power!

Of course, the premise is that you must have the ability to refine it.

Although the effect of this pill is aimed at the spirit realm below the normal three-star level.

But there is no doubt that the effect is really strong.

If there are two such medicines, then Su Han is sure to condense the nine true gods and let his cultivation level completely achieve the true gods!

"This one must be bought."

Su Han secretly said in his heart: "I hope that the last one is also the pill for cultivation!"


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