Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3353

Chapter 3353

Standing above the canyon, Su Han looked at the sky.

"There is no day and night change here, but if you count the time, it should be only one day away before you leave the cave of the gods."

"If that's the case, I really should go and take a look at the bottom of the canyon."

The dark green liquid full of 70 crystal cores allowed Su Han's cultivation base to break through the shackles from the Seven Divine Realm in one fell swoop, reaching the dream realm!

However, the catastrophe had not yet come, Su Han could not condense the stars, so he wanted to get out of this cave of the corpse.

Besides, Su Han's Demon Dragon Emperor skill cannot break through to the fourth level of Dragon Emperor skill, and it is also unable to transform the blood into the Nine Qings and the Fifth Qings before fully possessing the Divine Realm cultivation base!

Everything has to wait until after that day!

But even so, Su Han's comprehensive combat power has also seen a violent surge.

When was in the Eighth Divine Realm, he was already comparable to the Four-Star Void Divine Realm.

After arriving in this **** realm, although he has not survived the tribulation, he only possesses about one-tenth of the cultivation base of the one-star false **** realm, but Su Han has the confidence to overcome the five-star virtual **** realm!

Even if it is six stars, he is sure to fight!

"After the tribulation, the stars are completely condensed, and the cultivation base of the gods will come to the sky..."

Su Han's eyes flickered, showing a little excitement: "By then, the ordinary Seven-Star Void God Realm, I'm afraid it will not be my opponent!"

God and Wonderland, that is a qualitative leap.

This is a big level, not those small grades.

Fighting against the Seven-Star Void God Realm is just a conservative estimate of Su Han.

Once the blood of the Nine Qings and the Fifth Qing can be used, under that display, its comprehensive combat power doubles again, reaching 384 times the terrifying!

He is absolutely capable of sweeping all the Void God Realm, even a one-star true **** is possible, not Su Han's opponent!

"It's really looking forward to..."

took a deep breath, Su Han sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and said nothing.

Below the canyon, there must be a crisis.

There is still one day before the exit can be opened.

For the sake of safety, Su Han didn't plan to go and explore at this moment.

He wants to go in and take a look during the incense stick time after the opening!

At that time, whether it is the crystal nucleus or the eyes that exists below, Su Han will not regret it!

is the crystal nucleus.

is the eyes, the chance of survival is also greater!

As for the places where the Void God Realm spirit skeletons are, Su Han didn't plan to go over and look at them.

First, the time is very tight.

Second, there are too many soul skeletons, among which the peak of the Seven-Star Void God Realm also exists, and Su Han is not too sure.

is enough, it's almost enough.

No matter how greedy, it will really kill you.

"It's been a day, what is he doing?"

"Yes, he sat there for the whole day. Isn't he thinking of a way to kill the two of us?"

"If he wants to kill us, he still needs ideas?"

"Hey, I don't know if he has broken through the ten days of retreat."

"You don't know? What were you talking about before then?"

"Fatty, no matter whether there is a breakthrough or not, we must flatter a few words, otherwise how can we survive?"

The two of the Wang family kept talking through voice transmission.

The closer they are to the opening time, the more anxious they are.

Whether you can live or not depends on that time!


Suddenly, there was a buzzing from the world.


The huge crack was torn open, as if a palm stretched out from the barrenness, trying to stir the world.

There are dark purple ripples, rippling away from the crack, following the scene when it comes in, exactly the same.

"It's on, the exit is on!"

The two Wangs looked overjoyed.

"What should I do? Do you want to call him?"

"Or...Stop shouting, right? He might do it to both of us!"

"But he must also know that this exit is open. If we don't talk to him, we might be out of luck!"

gritted his teeth, the two finally made a decision.

"Senior Su!"

The old man shouted loudly: "The exit has been opened, and there is only time for a stick of incense. If you don't leave, you won't be able to get out again!"

Seemingly hearing his voice, Su Han's eyes that had been tightly closed finally opened.

"You go first," he said.

The two were taken aback, and they couldn't believe it, "Really?!"

"Why, don't you plan to leave?" Su Han teased.

"No, no, of course I have to go, of course I have to go!"

The man from the Wang family said: "But you are the only one left here, we are really worried!"


Hearing this, the old man felt cold and cursed inwardly: "There should be a limit to flattery, you fool, are you really going to die here?!"

"Let's go."

Su Han's words made the old man relieved.

"Go out and tell your Patriarch, don't fight against the Ji family, and don't bother with Su, otherwise he will definitely regret it."

"Yes Yes Yes"

After the old man nodded, he quickly pulled the man who still wanted to speak and ran towards the crack.

The cultivation base of these two people is too low, it really doesn't matter whether they are killed or not, and they can be regarded as helping Su Han. Without them, Su Han would not be able to obtain these crystal nuclei, and naturally could not break through to the gods.

Everything has a cause and effect, this is also their good fortune.

When the two men ran towards the crack, Su Han's figure slowly descended.

Ten miles, twenty miles, thirty miles, forty miles...


has reached the deepest decline before, and the sense of crisis is once again rising from Su Han's heart.

He counted the time while looking down.

Those dark green lights still exist, seem to be really crystal nuclei, they have never moved slightly frowned, Su Han paused slightly.

After a while, he descended again.

is still Baili.

At this moment, he has a depth of two hundred miles above the canyon.

"How deep is this canyon?"

Su Han murmured: "At my current speed, if there is no obstruction, I can return to the top in an instant, and then I can rush out of the crack with another instant."

"In other words, from here, it only takes two breaths to rush into the crack."

"The crack has opened, there is a stick of incense, it is too early."

Thinking of this, Su Han dropped another hundred miles.

The dark green light seems to have become larger, and the halo can be seen clearly, and it has also become a bit richer.

Su Han's divine intent penetrated, and it still had no effect.

This time, Su Han felt that it was not the same as before, that his spiritual thoughts were blocked.


If there is a big hand, it grabs Su Han's divine mind and tore it to pieces!

The heartbeat started to speed up, and the strong sense of crisis became more and more obvious.

Four hundred miles, five hundred miles, six hundred miles, seven hundred miles...

a thousand miles!

When Su Han descended to a thousand miles, a head-sized crystal core appeared in Su Han's line of sight!