Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3280

Chapter 3280

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The deity of the Destroying Empress was in the superior star realm, and Su Han knew this.

Inferior star regions, as well as medium star regions, are just clones.

With the horror of destroying the empress, even in the upper star domain, it is still at the peak.

Su Han naturally does not need to worry about Xiang'er's safety.

"You are also about to enter the superior star field..."

The Queen of Destruction hesitated slightly, and then said: "In the upper star domain, although my cultivation is possible, but at most, it can only be limited to there."

"I understand." Su Han nodded.

The high-level star regions can already be connected with the sanctuary.

Although the Saint Realm powerhouse cannot come, many things can be passed on to the Saint Realm.

Once Su Han enters the upper-level star domain, he is definitely not as safe as the lower-level star domain, and the middle star domain.

There, the coercion of the Star Alliance is wider and the coverage rate is also great. I don't know how many eyeliners exist.

"I will block all news in the middle star domain, but after you enter the upper star domain, you need to change your name."

The Queen of Destruction said: "As far as I know, since Yuan Ling took control of the sky, all people named Su Han were either killed or missing. Even if they were not you, they would rather kill a thousand than one!"

Su Han took a deep breath.

The meaning of destroying the queen is obvious.

Blocking the middle star domains actually blocked the lower star domains and those abandoned planets.

Anything about Su Han will not be passed on to the upper-class star field.

For Su Han, the superior star field is equivalent to a whole new world.

There, it is definitely impossible to create power.

The superior star regions are not without forces, but they are all passed down from a very early time, and have nothing to do with the former Tushen Pavilion.

If Su Han leads another force to reach the pinnacle of the superior star field, he will definitely suffer a devastating blow from the Star Alliance!

"There are some forces in the sanctuary, and there are branches in the upper star areas."

Just listen to the Queen of Destruction and said: "Even though Yuan Ling said that he is holding the sky and the Star Alliance is deterring the world, there are still some veteran forces that he is unwilling to provoke. Even these forces have been more or less related to you. , Yuan Ling didn't even move, you can contact these forces after you reach the upper-level star field."

"I understand." Su Han nodded.

He had already worked out all the plans for the superior star field.

Otherwise, I don't dare to make false statements and will definitely take Mu Jingshan over.

Although Yuan Ling controls the sky, it suppresses the entire galaxy with its dominance.

But, as the Queen of Destruction said, there are many forces that he is unwilling to provoke.

For example... One of the three families of Sanctuary, the Liu Family!

The entire Sanctuary knew about Su Han and Liu Qingyao, and Yuan Ling knew even more.

But after Su Han's fall, Yuan Ling didn't move the Liu family.

The roots of the Liu family are too deep, it is said that they belong to the ancient lineage, which has been passed down for many years, and the heritage is endless.

If you really move, you might be able to lift the Liu Family, but for Yuan Ling, the gains outweigh the losses.

And forces like the Liu Family, there are some in the Sanctuary.

"My name in the upper star field is Su Baliu." Su Han said.

"The last name is Su..."

The Queen of Destruction murmured: "Fine, just do it with you, there are many people with the surname Su, and the Su family, one of the three major families in Sanctuary, also has the surname Su. It is impossible for Yuan Ling to target you because of a surname."

"However, after arriving in the superior star field, everything depends on you."

"I can give you shelter, but there are many powerful people and forces in the upper star domains, you..."

"If it's not necessary, I won't go to you."

Su Han interrupted the Queen of Destruction: "My identity is too sensitive. Once discovered by the Yuan Ling, all those related to me will suffer the disaster of destruction, including you."

The Queen of Destruction was silent.


Su Han stood up and said, "Since Xiang'er has your protection, then I am relieved."

"Tianhan Saint Dynasty, do you still want to move?" the Empress Destruction asked.

"Of course I want to move!" Su Han's expression became cold.

"Are you sure?" The Destruction Queen asked again.

"80%." Su Han thought for a while.

"The Heavenly Cold Holy Lord can die, and the Heavenly Cold Saint Dynasty can also be destroyed, but the people in the middle star field are innocent." The Empress of Destruction sighed.

"I know."

Su Han nodded, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Astronomical calendar 18976 century, 2377, October 18th.

According to precise calculations, only less than half a month is left for the days when the Heavenly Frost Lord can stay in the medium star field.

That is, on this day, a piece of news swept across the middle star field--

Headed by the Tianhan Sacred Dynasty, and supplemented by such forces as the Brilliant Sacred Dynasty and the Qinglong Sacred Dynasty.

A total of more than five billion soldiers gathered in front of the Tianhan Pavilion.

With the power of the divine realm, the Holy Lord of Heavenly Cold, personally set off and went straight east!

Goal, Phoenix Holy Dynasty!

When this news came out, the middle star field shook again!

Finally, is it still going to start?

The Phoenix Lord awakened and suppressed the holy dynasties.

But the Heavenly Cold Holy Lord, broke through to the gods again.

The major forces made a comeback again, bringing more than five billion soldiers to attack.

Phoenix Saint Dynasty, it is really ill-fated...

This time, can they persist in it?

Even the Holy Lord Phoenix had the power of the gods, but it was the most, it was only five to five points with the Holy Lord Tianhan.

Putting aside the two of them, the five billion soldiers of the Saint Dynasty Alliance could drown the Phoenix Saint Dynasty just by spitting!

Moreover, the top powerhouse of the Saint Dynasty Alliance didn't have too much loss, that is, a luminous Lord died.

However, they have a whole extra seat, Tianhan Holy Dynasty!

On the other hand, there was no obvious improvement in the overall strength of the Phoenix Saint Dynasty, and it was still the same.

The number of combat troops, even though it was crazily included during this period, was only less than 500 million.

The gap is too big...

Once the Heavenly Cold Holy Lord restrains the Phoenix Holy Lord, the Phoenix Holy Dynasty will surely suffer an extinction!

"Finally, the war is about to start. Are you going to the Phoenix Saint Dynasty realm?"

"Of course I want to go!"

"Yes, that's definitely going to go. This time is not only the life and death between the two sides, but also the ultimate battle between the two gods. How can you miss this excitement?"

"The time of the Heavenly Cold Lord is not I want to come to this battle, he should attract the catastrophe."

"Tsk tusk, the divine calamity, just thinking about it makes people feel scared!"

"Do you think who will win this battle?"

"If there are no accidents, the Phoenix Sacred Dynasty will undoubtedly be destroyed."

"That's not necessarily true. What if Holy Master Phoenix breaks through during this time?"

"Breakthrough? Do you think it's a fairyland? Break through when you break through? How long has it passed since he wakes up? Can you break through?"

Celestial calendar 18976 century, 2377, October 20.

The Heavenly Frost Lord tears the void and opens up a passage with the power of the gods.

Five billion soldiers are sent from the channel.

The final battle was completely set off!