Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3178

Chapter 3178

Remember [..] in one second!

In the following time, Su Han arranged a banquet.

All served are good wine and good food.

Although these things are not of much use to the monks, at least, the taste is acceptable.

Ling Qianya was reincarnated like a demon, and was overwhelmed by the dishes on the table.

When eating, she kept staring at Su Han, her cruel look, like she was chewing in her mouth, just like Su Han.

Su Hanquan did not see this.

Jin Yi is naturally not qualified to be on the table.

He still stayed in the Phoenix Palace, did not leave, as if waiting for Ling Qianya.

Su Han did not drive him either.

As Ling Qianya said, it doesn't matter whether he is here or not.

With enough food and drink, Ling Qianya withdrew the murderous look.

"Are you going to drive me away?" she said.

"how come?"

Su Han smiled and shook his head: "If you are willing to stay here, I will naturally not drive you. You can stay here for as long as you are willing to stay."

"Hmph, it sounds good, if I continue to stay here, won't I become your hostage?"

Ling Qianya rolled her eyes, then wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

In front of Su Han, she didn't seem to be reserved at all.

The two obviously didn't know each other for long and didn't have too much contact, but they didn't know why, but they felt extremely close.

"In other words... How strong is the current Phoenix Emperor?"

Ling Qianya asked what was in her heart: "From a friend's point of view, I am still worried for you. The background of the holy dynasty is unimaginable, otherwise it will not stand in the middle star field for so many years."

"No matter how strong the sacred dynasty is, it will eventually be overthrown, otherwise, the Han sage dynasty will not be in power that day, will it?" Su Han said.

"But I don't think that the Phoenix Emperor has the superior ability." Ling Qianya shook her head.

"When you and I met for the first time, you would think that one day, I can destroy the four great dynasties and become one of the top powers in the middle star region?" Su Han said with a smile.

Ling Qianya was taken aback, and then whispered: "No."


Su Han spread his hands: "There are many things that we can't think of."

"But no matter what the future is, you will do it, right?" Ling Qianya looked at Su Han.


Su Han nodded: "More and more people want to eat with me, and in this world, if you are low-key, you will be mistaken for you as weak. In that case, why not be high-profile?"

"No one has ever thought about what they will be like in the future, but everyone's courage and courage determine their future path."

"I, Su Han, don't think I have any great talents, but at least, I can't be bullied by others."

Ling Qianya stared at Su Han blankly, a little fascinated for a while.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Su Han shook his palm in front of her eyes, interrupting Ling Qianya's thoughts.

Her face flushed, but she still said, "I heard you have several wives? And every wife is very beautiful?"

"Yeah." Su Han responded.

Ling Qianya suddenly felt a sense of dissatisfaction: "How can you take it for granted? There are many women in this world. How can you be sure that your wife is really beautiful?"

This is a bit nonsense.

However, Su Han didn't care about her, but smiled: "Is it true that Xi Shi is in the eyes of the lover, don't you think?"


Ling Qianya stood up and said angrily: "If there is a very beautiful woman standing in front of you now and she must marry you, would you want her?"

"will not."

Su Han said helplessly: "My wife has enough."


Two figures walked out of the Phoenix Emperor.

It is Ling Qianya and Jin Yi.

Ling Qianya looked much happier.

This time she went to the Phoenix Emperor's dynasty and finalized what her father had told her. Naturally, she was much easier.

However, Su Han's last answer made her very dissatisfied.

She felt that Su Han was talking nonsense.

Men are bullshit!

Under normal circumstances, men have no resistance to women, no matter how strong men are, the same is true.

Su Han is a strict wife who dare not tell the truth!

Compared to Ling Qianya, Jin Yi's expression was much uglier.

When he came here, he had guessed such an ending, but he still held hope.

Even, he thought that Su Yao could be here, based on his past feelings, and say something for himself.

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Jinyang sent him.

But it is obvious that they are thinking too much.

Don't say that Su Yao is not here, even if he is here, she will not help him.

He overestimated the feelings between himself and Su Yao.

Some things, after seeing them, are actually the same.

"Let's stop here."

Ling Qianya stopped: "You return to your Jinyang Emperor, and I return to my Tomorrow Emperor."

Jin Yi hesitated slightly, and said: "Princess Ling, you have a very good relationship with Emperor Su, and you should also understand him as a person. How can I let him relax?"

"Let go?"

Ling Qianya shook her head: "It's impossible to let go. Su Han's character is like this. The ugly point is that it's very If it's just a little bit of ore from the Heavenly Star Emperor, it's good to say, but you are the most What you shouldn't, is to be smart and use Su Yao's feelings for you to accomplish your so-called great cause. Su Han has always cared about his children. That is his injustice and cannot be offended."

"This..." Jin Yi frowned.

"But there is a question, I really want to ask you." Ling Qianya said suddenly.

"You said."

"Now do you think... Su Yao has this qualification, is it worthy of you?" Ling Qianya stared at Jin Yi.

In this remark, there was an unabashed sarcasm, which seemed to be venting for Su Han and Su Yao.

Jin Yi was silent.

He had already guessed that this was what Ling Qianya wanted to ask.

It's not so much an inquiry as a mockery.

"Give you a suggestion."

Ling Qianya said again: "Although Su Han will repay him, he will also be rewarded for his kindness. He will not let anyone offend him, but he will never forget those who are kind to him."

Jin Yi was startled: "What do you...what do you mean?"

"The current Phoenix Emperor dynasty has not yet had to go to war with the Jinyang Emperor dynasty, but whether it will be in the future is not certain."

Ling Qianya reminded him again: "You are a smart person, and I hope that Emperor Jinyang will be smarter, and stop doing stupid things like before."

"You mean... this matter, there is still room for maneuver?" Jin Yi's eyes showed light.

"Su Yao, don't worry about it."

Ling Qianya said: "But I think whether the Phoenix Emperor will fight your Jinyang Emperor or not depends entirely on what your Jinyang Emperor did."

After speaking, Ling Qianya didn't hesitate anymore, and went away.

Jin Yi stood there blankly, seeming to think about the meaning of Ling Qianya's words.
