Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3077

Chapter 3077

Su Han didn't care about the middle-aged man's attitude.

In the silence, Su Han flipped his palm and took out a token.


The first time the middle-aged man saw the token, he fell directly into sluggishness.

So familiar...

This Emperor Zi Ling is so familiar!

No wonder I had to know this person, no wonder it was not recorded in the emperor's detailed manual.


"Are you the Emperor Tianxing?!"

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the middle-aged man's voice has increased a lot, and everyone around him can hear it.

When the words'Tianxing Emperor Son' fell in their ears, it was like a thunder blasting in their ears, making them temporarily deaf.

In the sight, it was as if everything had disappeared, only the burly man standing calmly in front of the stadium.

The next moment-


"Emperor Sky Star? My God, really is Emperor Sky Star?!"

"The last realm of the Heavenly Star Emperor Dynasty has already been auctioned off. How dare they send the emperor over?"

"This person is also a little courageous. Didn't you hear about the fate of the Emperor Star on the previous day? How dare to participate in this honorary battle as the Emperor Star?"

"The Heavenly Star Emperor, what a name... If it weren't for the appearance of the Heavenly Star Emperor, I would have forgotten the Heavenly Star Emperor."

"No matter how strong the Heavenly Star Emperor was at the beginning, at least at this moment, they are just fugitives huddled in a certain area. To be honest, they are actually no longer qualified to participate in this prince honor battle."

"If it hasn't been completely wiped out, it will still be the imperial dynasty. This is the power of the imperial dynasty!"

"Look, what is his cultivation base?"

"Fifth Tier... Fairy Monarch Realm?"

"Fuck, I didn't look at it, right?"

"Is this **** silly? Or is it a bad brain? The fifth-order fairy monarch realm, come to participate in the emperor honor battle?"

"Didn't he purchase the emperor's detailed guide? Don't you know what cultivation level these emperors who participated in the emperor's honor battle have?"

"It's really eye-opening. Is the Heavenly Star Emperor already depressed to such a degree? Anyone can find someone to be an emperor? This is totally harming others!"

"Hmph, don't say what harm is harmless, this person is looking for death by himself, who can stop him?"

"Not to mention those emperors, even me, I have the urge to blow them up with a punch!"

People are obviously easy to forget things.

Even though they still remembered the Heavenly Star Emperor Dynasty, they had already forgotten it. The Heavenly Star Emperor Dynasty was already strong enough to make the sacred dynasty restless. .

Su Han's cultivation of the fifth-order fairy monarch realm really shocked them.

But even in the face of Emperor Tianxing, they shouldn't be so mocking.


No one can control the wind and rain.

Su Han automatically blocked these voices and looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Now, can I go in?"


The middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "Yes, of course you can. The emperor of the Star Emperor Dynasty is naturally qualified to go in. Otherwise, the other emperors, who will be the first to build their power? Hahahaha... "

There was a burst of laughter on Thursday, and the eyes that looked at Su Han were full of sarcasm and contempt.

"Liwei?" Su Han frowned, then let go.

Every time the emperor's honour battle, there will be a Tianxing emperor to participate.

The other emperors seemed to have formed a tacit understanding.

As soon as the game starts, immediately attack the Emperor Tianxing.

As long as it can be killed, they will kill it without hesitation!

It is precisely because of this that this middle-aged man laughs so loudly.

But in fact, killing the Emperor Heavenly Star was not for the purpose of establishing power, but only because they hated Emperor Heavenly Star.

"Go, go, there are so many emperors to enter." The middle-aged man waved impatiently.

When Su Han passed by his side, he suddenly paused.

"What are you going to do?" The middle-aged man was so disgusted, he didn't even want to look at Su Han more.

"What's your name?" Su Han asked.

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then sneered and said: "Why, are you still going to threaten me?"

"Do not."

Su Han gently shook his head: "I want to kill you, and it will make you die extremely miserable."

The middle-aged man's face changed, and he was very angry and laughed!

"Hahahaha...he actually said he wanted to kill me? He wants me to die very miserably? Look at your cultivation of the fairy monarch realm, are you worthy?"

"What can I do if I tell you? My name is Chen Lin, a general of the Forbidden Army of the Emperor Bi'an!"

As he spoke, an astonishing pressure broke out on the middle-aged man, and he directly pressed Su Han.

From this coercion, Su Han immediately felt his cultivation base, the pinnacle immortal emperor realm!

"Emperor Dynasty? The general of the Forbidden Army? No wonder..."

Su Han looked flushed, as if he couldn't bear the pressure.

He looked at the middle-aged man'angryly': "This is an honorary battle for the emperor. Before the war, you want to kill an emperor? Even if I am the emperor of the you can't break the rules. !"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man felt a lot of joy.

"Little beast, don't make trouble for yourself, the misfortune comes out of your mouth, you know?" The middle-aged man sneered, and immediately withdrew the pressure.

In the presence of so many people, the coercive suppression of an emperor had indeed broken the rules.

But because the other party is the Emperor Tianxing, no one cares, so he won't do anything to him.

But if the Heavenly Star Emperor were really killed, it would not be that simple.

"Chen Lin, General of the Forbidden Army..."

Su Han took a deep look at the middle-aged man before entering the court.

Su Han heard that Huangfuji had said about the affairs of the Bi'an Emperor and the Tianxing Emperor.

Before the Heavenly Star Emperor's dynasty collapsed, the relationship between the Heavenly Star Emperor and the Heavenly Star Emperor was very good.

Although the cultivation base of the Heavenly Star Emperor is much stronger than that of the Overland Emperor, the two are close friends.

Even the other side dynasty can have today, all because of the help of the Tianxing dynasty.

How did the Star Emperor Dynasty collapse that day?

The Poison by the Emperor of the Other Shore is a highly poison that the Immortal Emperor Realm cannot resist!

He wanted the Heavenly Star Emperor to die suddenly, but the Heavenly Star Emperor's cultivation base exceeded his imagination and did not die.

However, even if he didn't die, he couldn't mobilize his cultivation level for the time being because of the poison, just like a mortal.

After that, the Sheng Dynasty and the Emperor Dynasty made a move together to implement a siege of the Tianxing Emperor Dynasty.

The Heavenly Star Emperor could not give orders, and the Heavenly Star Emperor did not even react.

A strong man from the Heavenly Star Emperor appeared and forcibly took the Heavenly Star Emperor away.

The entire Tianxing Emperor Dynasty collapsed overnight!

Perhaps only he himself knows why the Emperor Bian did this.

But it is indeed that he most directly harmed the Heavenly Star Emperor, this is an undisputed fact.