Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 2491

Chapter 2491

"Boom boom boom..."

The immortal crystal turned into immortal power and entered the whirlpool, with muffled sounds.

So much immortal power poured in, even with Su Han's physical body and Dragon Cavalry Emperor technique, at this moment, a little bulged.

The long whip was already in front of him, and it was too late for Su Han to use his sword light.


He stretched out the index finger of his right hand and tapped it towards the long whip.

At this moment, the combat power of Taixu taught the first master, coupled with the simultaneous blessing of the source and the immortal crystal, Su Han's calming skills, almost useless.


That backlash force directly caused him to spray out a big mouthful of blood again.

However, being nearly useless does not mean that it is really useless at all.

Even if it was only one-thousandth of an instant, at least, it gave Su Han a little time.

With this time, and with the help of the backlash, Su Han quickly retreated.

Even in the midst of retreating, he performed the calming magic for the second time!


Another big mouthful of blood spurted out, and Su Han's figure flew upside down again!

One after another!

By the time Su Han had enough time to cast the sword light, he had already cast the concentration technique five times and spewed five mouthfuls of blood!

The internal organs were tumbling, faintly, a crack appeared in Su Han.

The red blood almost dyed Su Han's clothes red.


Su Han roared, and the sword light waved out, a full 200,000 feet!

Before the Taixu Master broke through, this 200,000 zhang sword light could definitely smash it to death.

But at this moment, colliding with the long whip, the blade of the sword shattered directly after the shock!

"Sixth-rank Daoist... too weak and too weak!"

Taixu taught the first master to speak, and never gave Su Han a chance again, and the long whip slammed on Su Han.

Su Han's expression was stagnant, and his entire body was confined in the air.

Immediately after--


There was a huge muffled sound, and those multiple multipliers had already reached the pinnacle sub-xian level flesh, at this moment, it broke apart!


With Su Qing and Su Yao, their eyes were blood red instantly, and they roared.

With a bang, Ren Qinghuan pushed away the enemy in front, and rushed straight to Su Han.

With tears streaming out of Xiao Yuhui's eyes, she gritted her teeth, even if she was under attack from the rear, she had to protect Su Han's soul.

Xiao Yuran, Nangongyu, Yun Qianqian, Luo Ning...

Destroy the Queen, Xianger, Ling Xiao, Ye Xiaofei...

Too many people, at this moment, are angry and murderous!

Su Han's body has collapsed, but his soul is not dead!

They all want to come in the shortest possible time to save Su Han's soul!

But at this moment--


The amazing long whip expanded again and turned into a thousand miles long, showing a circular shape, surrounding the place where Su Han was!

"Only you, want to keep his soul?"

In the midst of the Taixu Cult's first sneer, the power of cultivation surged, and on the long whip, there was an astonishing light curtain that spread out at this moment.

All people, even the Queen of Destruction, were resisted outside!

"Today, the old man will let you see with your own eyes how this Su Baliu died!"

When the voice fell, his origin was ascending, and the monstrous flames filled the range of that thousand miles.

He couldn't find Su Han's soul, but he wanted to use this method to burn Su Han's soul!

"You are looking for death!!!"

The Empress of Destruction spoke, her voice extremely cold.

This was the first time that Su Han was so angry after seeing her.

"If you really dare to kill your brother, then you must never enter the middle star field!"

Xiang'er also screamed: "You know how powerful the Sage is, and you also know that even if you step into the fairyland, I can kill you in the middle star field!!!"

Hearing this, Taixu's first master's face changed slightly.

This really frightened him.

But soon, he reacted and coldly snorted: "Colorful Magic Sage, do you think your threat is useful? The size of the middle star field, even countless times the inferior star field, even if you and I enter the middle at the same time In the Star Territory, they will also be scattered in different places. When you find the old man, the old man doesn't know what cultivation level it is, why would he be afraid of you?"

"Then you'd better pray, when I find you, you can beat me!" Xianger gritted her teeth.

"no need"

At this moment, the familiar voice suddenly came out.

"Sect Master, it is the voice of the Sect Master!"

"The lord is not dead, hahaha... the lord is not dead!!!"

"Joke, the lord is a god, how can he be killed by a mortal like him?"

Everyone in the Phoenix Sect immediately showed surprise.

As for Xiang'er, the Queen of Destruction and others, they were also slightly startled, looking towards the Qianli Void surrounded by the long whip.

Under their gaze, but seeing a figure slowly emerging from the center of that thousand miles of void.

It is Su Han!

However, at this moment, he is just a primordial spirit, and his body has been shattered under the attack of the head of the Taixu Cult.

"Sure enough, in the source of the old man, where else can you hide?" Taixu's first master sneered right? "

Su Han raised his eyes slightly, and took a step fiercely against the burning of the flame.


After this step, Su Han's breath suddenly increased!

At the same time, countless people, including the head of Taixu Jiao, saw that there was an arm above his illusory soul, which was solidifying!

That is

Bones and flesh! ! !


Seeing this, the first teacher of Taixu exclaimed.

He suddenly felt that this scene... seemed familiar.

And Su Han did not give him much time to think about it.

The second step is to step out again!


The breath grew again, at least several times stronger than before.

The other arm also quickly solidified, growing flesh and bones!

At the same time, his legs, and even his entire body, were rapidly consolidating! ! !


Taixu's first master's complexion changed, and the gloomy water dripped.

At this moment, Su Han took the third and final step!


That breath directly surged to its peak.

The pressure that was completely different from before, centered on him, quickly swept around.

The original flames that were about to burn to Su Han stopped at this moment, and there was even a tendency to regress!

In the end, the illusory head was completely solidified at this moment!

The flesh that had been shredded, all resurfaced!


The head of the Taixu religion suddenly roared.

He finally understood why this scene was so familiar.

Because not long ago, such a thing happened to him!

That was his own breakthrough!

And at the moment...

It was Su Han's breakthrough! ! !