Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - ~


Phew, finally back...

Just such a sentence made Nanshan deeply relieved.

This single chapter was originally planned to be released in the early hours of the morning, but there was no update in the early hours, and there was no face to post, so let's release it after 5 more.

Nanshan has been off for no more than a week. This time, compared to one year, is actually not long, but for some reason, Nanshan has a feeling of off for a year.

Since the upload, Nanshan, who has been working diligently on codewords, really stopped updating, and once it was broken, it was broken for 'one year'.

It is really a year, from 2017 to 2018.

This taste...

How to put it, it's uncomfortable. Others are behind the end of the last chapter on December 31, 2017. Congratulations on the end of the old year and the arrival of the new year, but Nanshan has not.

Nanshan caught a bad cold during this period, coughed too much, and the code time was too long, which caused cervical spondylosis, dizziness, and even infected her daughter who was less than 3 months old.

It's a lot of troubles.

Sometimes, I even hate myself a little, why is my body so weak? Every time you catch a cold, Nanshan will almost go there.

No matter what, the past, let it pass, this is a new year, a new day.

This day is very important, everyone is waiting for Nanshan, and Nanshan is also waiting for everyone!

In the new year, I have grown up another year. First of all, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day, and then I wish you all the best in the new year, good health, and full of money!

I love you, really, I love you!

Thank you for your tolerance, thank you for your large amount, Nanshan has nothing to do with it, only to work hard!

Nanshan doesn't say anything to make up for the updates that he owes more. By the end of the year, there will be more things and it is difficult to guarantee what will happen.

But Nanshan will definitely not let everyone down, and will work hard to code words, definitely!