Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1833

Chapter 1833

"Today, Demon God Sect, Qingmu Pavilion, and Mutang Sect came together to fight here, which is also an opportunity."

Su Han glanced at Ren Qinghuan, but saw the latter sitting there lazily, and smiled: "Say, I'm listening."

Giving Ren Qinghuan a roll of eyes, Su Han continued: "These sects seem to be very peaceful on the surface, but in fact, they are obviously not like this. Otherwise, there will be no friction between these sects. Every friction, as long as you win, you can almost occupy some resources, and then, step by step, cannibalize a certain sect."


Ren Qinghuan nodded: "Just like this time, they obviously want to try my Tianshan Pavilion attitude."

"Don't count..."

Su Han groaned: "If you try or not, the final result will be the same. At the Early Star Fault, I directly shot and killed the three of their three sects. It would inevitably make them lose face. If Tianshan Pavilion does not give it A perfect explanation from them, then this matter will definitely not let go."

"Even if there is no real war, they will definitely find ways to give the Tianshan Lord a black hand, and from my guess, I think they are likely to be secretly uniting, and at a certain moment, they plan to directly declare war on my Tianshan Pavilion! "

Speaking of this, Su Han paused slightly and said, "After all, the resources of my Tianshan Pavilion cannot be said to be too many, but they are definitely not many. For those three sects, a perfect war is enough to destroy Tianshan Pavilion. It's better than making small troubles."

"But they also know that it is not so easy to destroy my Tianshan Pavilion."

Ren Qinghuan thought for a while, and whispered softly: "Your guess is really good, and I think so too, but the masters of the three sects have different thoughts in their hearts, and the division of interests is definitely not possible for the time being. It's finalized. In this way, they won't be able to completely deal with my Tianshan Pavilion in a short period of time. At most, it means secretly causing some stumbling and adding a little friction."

"So, this is our chance!"

Su Han said solemnly: "The union of the three sects, Su Han, I am also not afraid, but if that is the case, it will also cause more damage to the Tianshan Pavilion. It can be destroyed one by one. Why should we bear this for nothing? This kind of loss? Before they have completely united, we directly declared war and caught them by surprise!"

Ren Qinghuan thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "For this kind of thing, the deputy pavilion chief and the elder have the right to make decisions. I think... it is better to inform them."

"Okay, they will understand the situation." Su Han nodded.

In the afternoon, Ren Qinghuan immediately called an emergency meeting.

Zhou Linghui, Xiaoyaozi, Fengyi and others, all the real high-level personnel of Tianshan Pavilion, were all called into the discussion hall.

Ren Qinghuan didn't hesitate, and said the matter and Su Han's suggestion.

After the hall was slightly silent, a voice supporting Su Han resounded.

Su Han didn't expect this. He thought that people like Xiaoyaozi and Zhou Linghui, although they have a good relationship, they all think about Tianshan Pavilion, just like those old bones, tired of war, love peace, and don't want to hurt again. The muscles move.

It seems that these guys are all militants...

Every war is a major event, especially a real war between two sects!

This kind of war is fighting to death and life. It should indeed be a resolution between these high-levels. Otherwise, what do you want them to do?

Of course, given the position of Su Han and Ren Qinghuan in the Tianshan Pavilion, these decisions are actually just notices...

After the Ming-surnamed faction left Tianshan Pavilion, Ren Qinghuan was just one word!

Now that it has been decided to declare war, the next step is to prepare well.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, Tianshan Pavilion did everything possible to study the Demon God Sect, and almost everything that could be known was already known.

In the same way, the Demon God Sect should know everything about Tianshan Pavilion.

The only thing they didn't know was that Tianshan Pavilion planned to declare war on them.

This should be the least of their expectations. After all, with the current situation of Tianshan Pavilion, after offending the two major sects of Silver Moon Sect and Hidden Blood Sect, it has offended Qingmu Pavilion, Mutang Sect, and Demon God Sect. ...

In the eyes of anyone, they would feel that as long as the pavilion owner of Tianshan Pavilion is not a fool, he will not be impulsive.

It's even better to come and apologize!

Just killing a few disciples, the Demon God Sect, Qingmu Pavilion, and the others would not die and hold on to them. After all, if a battle with Tianshan Pavilion is going on, it is not as simple as killing a few disciples.

Thinking about Ren Qinghuan's mind is still very clear, knowing what to do, the big deal is to lose a little face, it is better than a real loss.

But they never expected that even though Ren Qinghuan was a woman, the warlike element in her bones was no less than that of any man!

What they didn't expect was that there was a Su Han in Tianshan Pavilion!

Three more days passed In the lobby, many senior Tianshan Pavilions were sitting here, but Ren Qinghuan was missing.

Su Han let her enter the Saint Child Xumi Jie, and went to practice with that quarter of the Flood Dragon Spirit Liquid.

Obviously, Ren Qinghuan is a trustworthy person.

If a quarter of the Flood Dragon Spirit Liquid can break through, then it can reach the Second Stage Divine Sea Realm!

Under normal circumstances, the strongest person among those who do not enter the Liuzong sect is the First-Rank Divine Sea Realm.

Of course, there are also sects that are not influential, possessing the second-rank Divine Sea Realm, but very few.

Judging from Tianshan Pavilion's investigation of these three sects, it is clear that there is no second-grade Divine Sea Realm powerhouse. Otherwise, the attitude towards Tianshan Pavilion would be different.

And once Ren Qinghuan broke through the second-tier Divine Sea Realm, let alone Su Han, Ren Qinghuan alone would be able to suppress the opponent's strong.

If he drank that strong wine again, his cultivation level would be directly promoted to the third-rank Divine Sea Realm, enough to quickly kill them!

In the battle between sects, the final decision is still in the hands of the strong on both sides.

This is the truth when you catch the thief and the king first.

Therefore, the plan of Su Han and others is to find an opportunity to kill the Sect Master of the Demon God Sect!

In the hall, Su Hanzheng, Zhou Linghui and others studied the planet map where the Demon God Sect was located.

The Demon God Sect is limited. Among the non-influenced levels, the sect that controls the two planets.

These two planets are both named after the sect of the Demon God Sect. The first one is called the 'Great Demon Star' and the second planet is called the 'Little Demon Star'.

And the sect residence of the Demon God Sect is on the Great Demon Star!