Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617

"And that bracelet."

Han Yuliang pointed to the bracelet floating at the top, and sneered without the fear before.

"Go and take it!"

Han Yuliang said: "As long as you can afford it, as long as you can hold it, as long as you have such a life to take, then these treasures are all yours."

"Senior, look at what you said..."

The handsome young man grinned and showed his big white teeth: "The predecessor is so handsome and suave, like me, not the kind of person who is willing to kill. This bracelet, the junior can see clearly, it must be the most rare here. The treasure, the juniors don't need it, so how about giving it to seniors and others?"

"We have more than two million people, more than a dozen forces, who do you think should be given to such a bracelet?" Xue Pingqin said, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"I don't know..."

The handsome young man murmured, he really didn't care about the bracelet, and waved his big hand at the fake dragon.

"Pipilong, let's run!"

"call out!"

The pseudo-dragon's figure flashed, and its huge size shrank rapidly at this moment, and finally only ten meters in size.

At this moment, looking at the appearance of this pseudo-dragon, where is the pseudo-dragon?

This is clearly a...

A demon python with a breath of spiritual realm!

"Yufeng Demon Python..."

When seeing the prototype of Yufeng Demon Python, Han Yuliang and the others' faces became more gloomy.

When I waited for the powerhouse of the Xuantian realm, before such a wind-repelling demon python, he almost frightened his soul out?

If they had known this, they would be able to tear it in half between turning their hands!

The speed of the Yufeng Demon Python was very fast. When he came to the handsome young man, the latter jumped and landed directly on the Yufeng Demon Python's back.

But at this moment, the handsome young man is in the center of the crowd, already surrounded, where are he going?

"Seniors, don't be like this..."

Looking at the uncomfortable people, the handsome young man's face changed.

"Let's talk about it, how do you want to die?"

Han Yuliang walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the handsome young man: "Until now, the old man has lived for 20,000 years and has never been so humiliated. For your precious face, I can let you choose a way to die, but you It's impossible to leave today."

"Grass, it's all because of that dead bastard!" The handsome young man gritted his teeth, Su Han's face appeared in his mind.

In fact, it is true. If it weren't for Su Han, all his plans would be successful, and no one would dare to compete with him here.

At that time, not only will the treasures be all in the bag, he will also be able to leave safely.

"How did he see my identity? I, Xiao Qinxian, have been horizontally and horizontally for so many years, and I have frightened many powerful people, and have never been exposed..." Xiao Qinxian gritted his teeth.

"Can you hold it?" At this moment, Su Han's faint voice came into his ears again.

"I support your uncle!"

Xiao Qinxian immediately scolded: "Are you **** talking jokes? With so many strong people here, can you hold it out for you?"

"I believe you can hold it."

Su Han said lightly: "Give you one day, this time tomorrow, you return here, I will help you solve these people."

"Only you? A mere six-grade spirit realm?"

Xiao Qinxian's eyes stared: "Are you **** kidding me?"

"This is your only chance to survive."

Su Han's tone is still flat: "Of course, I saved you, and there are conditions. The Demon Devouring Crystal can be given to you, but you have to take out the other treasures."

"How do you know that it is Demon Devouring Crystal?" Xiao Qinxian's pupils contracted, and he couldn't believe it.

The profession of Beast Master is very rare no matter which star field it is in.

As for the Demon Devouring Crystal, under normal circumstances, it is an item that only Master Beast Master knows, because for others, this Demon Devouring Crystal is completely useless.

Only the master of the beast control will know and know the function of the Demon Crystal!

"I know more than you can see or hear."

Su Han said: "How about it, have you considered it?"

"With so many treasures, I want me to give them all to you, this is impossible!" Xiao Qinxian grabbed the storage ring in his grasping hand.

"Why don't I let you have the bracelet above?"

"This is mine originally."

After Su Han's voice fell, the bracelet actually disappeared.


"What's the matter? What about that bracelet?"

"Asshole, you shouldn't delay time here!"

Seeing the bracelet disappeared, Han Yuliang and others were angry, not understanding what happened.

As for Xiao Qinxian, it was shocked in my heart.

Everyone can see that this bracelet is definitely the most precious treasure, but he didn't expect it to be Su Han.

If not, how could Su Han take this bracelet away with a thought?

"Understand now?"

Su Han laughed and continued: "It can be said that all the treasures of today are attracted by my bracelet. Indirectly, they should all belong to me. And you, just need to distract them temporarily, Then return to I will give you a Demon Devouring Crystal, and then help you deal with this crisis, you still earn."


The more Xiao Qinxian listens to it, the more unpleasant he is. At this moment, there are more than 20 treasures in his storage ring. According to Su Han, in the end, he only got a Demon Devouring Crystal. How could he have earned it? ?

In fact, Xiao Qinxian understood Su Han's meaning better than anyone else.

For these treasures, Han Yuliang and others will definitely chase after him if they can't find Su Han.

With his strength, he can indeed delay for a while, but it is impossible to escape completely!

If he wants to live, he must get rid of these people, or kill them all.

But can he do it?

Obviously it can't be done, and Su Han can do it for him!

Two choices, one is to survive and get the Demon Devouring Crystal, and the other is to hold so many treasures and die in the hands of these people.

"Grandma's, it's a big loss!!!" Xiao Qinxian's face was uncertain.

"How are you thinking about it?"

This time, it was not Su Han, but Han Yuliang who spoke.

"Have you thought about it? How are you going to die?"

"I plan to hold your wife to death, do you agree?" Xiao Qinxian stared.


The cold murderous intent on Han Yuliang suddenly exploded, without saying anything, his big hand directly grabbed Xiao Qinxian.

"You are true to the Void Heaven Realm, but wanting to kill you Grandpa Xiao is not that simple!"

Xiao Qinxian gave a cold snort, took out a jet black pill, not a poison pill, and threw it into the mouth of the Yufeng Demon Python.

"Pipiron, let's go!"