Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1562

Chapter 1562

"You he"

Shen Mengli almost collapsed.

My stupid sister!

Isn't it all taken care of by Su Han?

"It's over, it's over..." Shen Mengli muttered to herself, her whole body completely rigid at this moment.

And Shen Menghan on the bed rolled the big rag doll again, his body turned over, and some places that shouldn't be seen were all exposed...

Shen Mengli almost didn't say a word, flashed directly up and down, waved his palm, countless dolls flew over, all blocking Shen Menghan's body.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

This panic action obviously awakened Shen Menghan.

The delicate white hand stretched out, pushing all the dolls aside, and Shen Menghan sat up slowly.

"you you"

Shen Mengli gritted her silver teeth, hating iron for not making steel, and said, "Hurry up and put on your clothes!"

"This is not the first time, my habit, sister, you know what to shout since you were young!" Shen Menghan muttered and rubbed his eyes, as if he hadn't fully awake yet.

Shen Mengli waved his palm, and all the clothes that fell to the ground were thrown on Shen Menghan.

"Quickly put my clothes on, quick!!!"

This sound, almost screaming, made Shen Menghan completely awake.

"What happened?"

Shen Menghan got up, put on clothes slowly, and asked.

"No, nothing..."

Thinking of the serious consequences of this incident, Shen Mengli suddenly smiled reluctantly.

She regretted it to the extreme in her heart.

Knowing this a long time ago, how good was it to take Su Han to his room?

Shen Mengli had already ordered Shen Menghan to go out, and according to the past situation, Shen Menghan would not come back, it would take at least a month to come back.

Therefore, she felt that it was not good to let Su Han go to her room, and was afraid that Su Han would think more, so she let Su Han come to Shen Menghan's room.

As for the other rooms...

They are all completely closed, and the ancestors of the Shen family will come over in a while. Those rooms are of great use.

But Shen Mengli never expected that her good sister would come back early this time!

I'm back in less than ten days!

came back! ! !

Shen Mengli is really going to collapse.

Shen Menghan likes to sleep without clothes. This stinky problem has occurred since he was a child, and no one can fix it.

I didn't wear it before, but now...what should I do?

"Su Han, where did Su Han go?"

Shen Mengli thought of Su Han, looking around, but Su Han was nowhere to be seen.

"he's gone?"

Shen Mengli frowned: "No, I haven't seen him in the entire auction house, and the other rooms have been closed by his father. With his father's power, it is impossible for Su Han to open those room doors."

"Sister, what are you looking for?"

Shen Menghan finally put on all the clothes. Seeing Shen Mengli looking around, he couldn't help but be puzzled.

"No, nothing..." Shen Mengli explained far-fetched.

"Menghan, why did you come back so soon?"

"You still say!"

Speaking of this, Shen Menghan became angry, pinched his waist with both hands, and said fiercely at Shen Mengli: "Are you still my sister? You are so many people in this auction house, you don't let them go out soliciting, you have to make me pretend to be a woman Go out, what do you think? Are you really going to exhaust my cute sister?"

"I just want you to go out and practice." Shen Mengli sighed in her heart.

This is true, she really wants Shen Menghan to experience it.

But Shen Mengli was reluctant to let her go to those places where there was a crisis, but if she kept going like this, she would suffer sooner or later with Shen Menghan's character.

At least, if you go out soliciting, you can also experience a little warmth and warmth.

As for men pretending to be women, isn't it because of worry about Shen Menghan?

Her appearance is not ugly, her cultivation base is not too high, and most of her are sealed by the strong, what if she encounters a bad person?

The clothes on Shen Menghan are mysterious weapons-level defensive equipment. Even if someone recognizes Shen Menghan as a female, it is impossible to see through the clothes.

"Cut, I know, it's fake that you let me go out to practice, you see that I have never dared to do anything, it is true that I feel upset!" Shen Menghan hummed.

At this moment, Shen Mengli really didn't have the intention to make jokes with her. His spiritual thoughts had been scanning the room, but he just didn't find Su Han.

"Really gone?"

Shen Mengli let out a sigh of relief: "It would be okay if he really left, but he knows that we will set off today and go to the Alchemy Association. Why hasn't he come yet?"

"Isn't it here, or... I haven't left?"

Thinking of this, Shen Mengli suddenly remembered that when Lu Qingyu shot at the entrance of the Alchemy Association that day, he was about to hit Su Han, but Su Han had disappeared!

At that time, everyone could tell that Su Han possessed an item with a special space!

Shen Mengli's beautiful body trembled suddenly, her eyes widened, and she stared straight at Shen Menghan.

"Couldn't he be in that item... has he seen all my sister?"

The feeling of crying without tears, Shen Mengli at this moment can be regarded as a thorough experience.

If I let my sister know...

That's not going to shake the sky!

" sister is also for your own good."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Mengli grabbed Shen Menghan's little hand and said with affection: Look, it's not easy for my sister. I have to face those stinky men all day, but isn't my sister all for our Shen family? ?"

"I know, sister is also very hard, I was joking with you!" Shen Menghan smiled.

"If this is the case, then you can go out for a few more days for the time being. My sister will definitely give you a reward, okay?" Shen Mengli said.

It doesn't matter how many days after going out, Shen Mengli's main thing is not to let Shen Menghan know that Su Han is here.

She thinks that maybe Su Han has never shown up because of this...

"Don't go!"

No, Shen Menghan turned around, turned his back to Shen Mengli and said, "Sister, I won't go there anymore this time, I want to take a good rest!"


Shen Mengli was a little worried.

If this continues, the competition in the Alchemy Association will be delayed!

"Sister, just listen to your sister once, and go out this time. My sister will never let you out again, okay?" Shen Mengli said softly.

Shen Menghan turned his head and stared at Shen Mengli. After a moment, he said, "Sister, are you hiding something from me?"

Shen Mengli's tone suddenly stagnated: "No!"

Pursing his lips, Shen Menghan lowered his head, rolled his big eyes, and raised his head and said: "Okay, then I will go out, but this is the last time, sister, you can't do this to me!"

"Good, absolutely not, no." Shen Mengli breathed a sigh of relief.