Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553


Immediately someone flickered from all around, and their body cultivation erupted, all of them were in the spirit body state, and at least they were also in the spirit body state above the third stage.

They surrounded Su Han and wanted to capture him.

Both Hu Yi and Lu Tianfeng stepped forward, with anger flashing in their eyes.

Su Han had already produced evidence, but Ming Shiqing casually said that the evidence was not enough to prove and convicted Su Han.

Everything happened in front of the two of them. It was not a fool, and it could be seen that Ming Shiqing was deliberately making Su Han die!

Several silhouettes surrounded Su Han, with aura and murderous intent.

However, Su Han's expression was still calm, his eyes passed through the crowd, and Ming Shiqing met.

"Trust me, you made a wrong decision."

Su Han spoke slowly, without the slightest emotion in his tone.

"In the will die ugly."

"When you die, you dare to be so hard-headed, do you want this hall master to kill you personally?!"

"call out!"

As Ming Shiqing's voice fell, his figure flashed and came directly to Su Han.

With his palms clasped, he came straight to Su Han's neck.

But at this moment, the space buzzed, and ripples emerged, and a slender palm that was extremely beautiful came out from it, blocking Ming Shiqing's hand back in the air.

And as the palm of the hand fell, the figure of the peerless Qingcheng slowly emerged beside Su Han.

"Pavilion Master!"

Lu Tianfeng and Hu Yi looked overjoyed and saluted immediately.

"Pavilion Master!"

Ming Shiqing has an ugly face and is also a salute.

All the others bowed their heads at this moment, bowing towards Ren Qinghuan.

"All get up." Ren Qinghuan said indifferently.


Everyone got up, each stepped back, keeping some distance from Ren Qinghuan.

"Ming Shiqing." Ren Qinghuan looked at Ming Shiqing.

"Subordinates are here." Ming Shiqing responded quickly, with a bad feeling in her heart.

"There are rumors from the outside that I have taken a fancy to Su Han's aptitude, so I will protect him in every possible way, what do you think?" Ren Qinghuan said.

"Everything the pavilion master does has a reason, and his subordinates dare not say anything." Ming Shiqing said.

Ren Qinghuan was silent for a while, and said, "From now on, the position of the head of the penalty hall does not need you anymore, so I will be replaced."

When the words fell, Ren Qinghuan grabbed Su Han's hand and walked out slowly.

Ming Shiqing's face changed drastically, and immediately said, "Pavilion Master, why?"


Ren Qinghuan paused and turned her head: "You don't know in your heart?"

"Subordinates are doubtful, but I hope the pavilion master will tell!" Ming Shiqing said.

"Well, the pavilion master of Tianshan Pavilion, how about doing it for you?" Ren Qinghuan said suddenly.

"Subordinates can't afford it!" Ming Shiqing's face changed again.

"Then shut your mouth!"

Ren Qinghuan's tone had real emotions for the first time.

This emotion is called anger.

"Since you still know that I am the pavilion master of Tianshan Pavilion, you only need to obey my orders unconditionally. If you don't know what unconditional obedience is, I can teach you well, are you willing?"


Ming Shiqing stepped back a few steps, and a deep gloom was hidden in that discolored expression.

"Su Han is innocent."

After uttering these four words, Ren Qinghuan grabbed Su Han's hand and left the penalty hall.

Hu Yi and Lu Tianfeng both showed happy expressions, and left afterwards.

In the end, only Ming Shiqing, Ming Qing Lian, and Mu Hui remained.

"Sooner or later, my Ming surname faction will master the Tianshan Pavilion, leaving you a **** with no burial place!" Ming Shiqing gritted his teeth.

Justice is in the hearts of the people.

Whether Su Han is guilty or not is actually very clear to everyone.

From beginning to end, Su Han was waiting for Ren Qinghuan to appear.

If Ren Qinghuan hasn't appeared until the end, then this Tianshan Pavilion, don't stay!

In Ren Qinghuan's room, lights flickered, and two figures emerged.

Letting go of Su Han's hand, the soft and delicate, yet refreshing feeling disappeared immediately.

"How long do you plan to stay in Tianshan Pavilion?" Ren Qinghuan asked.

Su Han pursed his mouth, and said, "The pavilion master does not ask me, are the fragments of the life spar fabricated?"

"I believe in you." Four faint words came out from Ren Qinghuan's mouth.

Su Han took a deep breath, did not say much about the matter, but said: "Pavilion Master, that Ming-surnamed faction..."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Ren Qinghuan raised his eyes and glanced at Su Han: "If you should practice, just practice well. You are the pride of my Tianshan Pavilion. Don't worry about other things."


Su Han curled his lips helplessly.

This beautiful pavilion master really makes people love and hate!

"Answer my question." Ren Qinghuan said again.

"About a month."

Su Han thought for a while, and said, "It's about a month or so. Can Commander Mo Xie come back?"

"Whenever you want to go, I will let him come back anytime."

"it is good."

Su Han answered, clasping his fist and said, "If it's okay, the disciple will leave."

Ren Qinghuan did not speak.

When Su Han opened the door and was about to step out, Ren Qinghuan suddenly spoke The starry sky station is extremely dangerous and dangerous. Nothing like Tianshan Pavilion, you have to be careful. "

"I don't beg you to contribute much to my Tianshan Pavilion. I just hope that when the Tianshan Pavilion crisis comes, you can protect me like I am now protecting you..."

Su Han's body shook, his eyes stayed on Ren Qinghuan's perfect face for a while, and he left.

Going to the starry sky station now, it is definitely impossible.

As Ren Qinghuan said, the starry sky station is extremely dangerous and crisis is everywhere.

Before heading to the starry sky battlefield, you must prepare something that should be prepared, such as pill, and other materials.

As a place where the gods fought, the gravity in the starry sky station was stronger than other places. Walking in the starry sky station was equivalent to a speed that was reduced by eight times and was extremely slow.

In addition to gravity, there are countless remaining formations, which are all large formations laid by god-level figures. At this moment, although they are left and imperfect, they are still terrifying.

In his last life, Su Han didn't know how many times he went to the starry sky station, and the good fortune he got there was no less than ten times, so he was naturally very yearning.

As for the crisis, with the experience of the previous life, although the strength is temporarily insufficient, there are some crises that Su Han clearly remembers and can be completely avoided.

"It's time to refine the pill again. There is a lot of poisonous fog in the starry sky station..."

In the muttering, Su Han headed towards the cave.

Before heading to the Starry Sky Station, he would first go to the Menghan Black Market to buy medicinal materials.

But before that...

He has to wait for someone!