Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

After the joke, the atmosphere of the scene finally calmed down completely.

The running water took a deep breath, looked at Su Han, and slowly said: "To be honest, it's not a day or two for me and the lord. The feelings between the lord and the two lord's wives, I said it was in my witness It's not an exaggeration to go step by step to today. Today, I am honored and happy to be the master of ceremonies and preside over this wedding for the sovereign."

"Everyone knows about the Phoenix Sect."

Liu Yun pursed his mouth, the nervous emotion disappeared, and then what appeared was reminiscence.

Everyone in the field stopped talking, quietly looking at Liuyun and Su Han, waiting for Liuyun to follow.

"I remember that day clearly..."

Liu Yun whispered: "Forty-six years ago, at the time of the Longwu calendar, the Tushen Pavilion was established. At that time, how many members were there? Many people said that there were dozens of people at that time, but in fact, there were only a few. Nothing more than an individual, and the Sect Master at that time had another identity, he was a disciple of the Yunhai Sect."

"It's hard to imagine that a sect with only a few people is also called a sect? Can it be called a power? The people who despised, disdained, and ridiculed us at the beginning are really countless. Until now, I still remember that situation. ."

"We applied for the sect order and finally got it."

"The first time I fought against a nine-liu sect, what kind of sect was it called? Although the time has only passed for decades, my memory seems to be not good."

"That time, we destroyed this sect and Tushen Pavilion's reputation began to rise."

Although these words have nothing to do with Su Han's wedding, nearly hundreds of billions of people in the entire dry land are listening at this moment intently and with relish.

There is no doubt that the development history of the Phoenix Sect is of great interest to everyone on the Longwu Continent.

"Many people say that the sect master is arrogant, arrogant, indispensable, and arrogant."

"I have to say that human speech is terrible. This kind of discourse spreads more widely, and spreads more and more powerfully. In the end, the suzerain became a defiant, cruel and cruel person, and it can even be said to be... ."

"Hehe, it's really funny, I dare to swear to the heavens on the day of the marriage of the lord, that any enemy that our Phoenix Sect destroys is the one who provoked us first, and we have never provoked anyone. , Never provoked any forces, never!"

"Starting from the nine-liu sect, the road of Tushen Pavilion has gradually been paved."

"We destroyed the eight sects, the seven sects, and the six sects..."

"It sounds so simple and so happy. It seems that as long as we want to do it, we can do it, right?"

"No, this is not the case."

"Tu Shen Pavilion provoked the super sect Yuxu Palace, and the entire sect was destroyed by the anger of Yuxu Palace Grand Elder Yuan Ling!"

Hearing this, everyone present was taken aback.

Phoenix Sect, have you ever had this kind of experience?

The Lord of Longwu, was once destroyed by the whole family?

"Many people have only seen the current glory of the Phoenix Sect, but have never seen how many hardships and life-and-death crises have been experienced by the Phoenix Sect along the way."

"That is to say, since that time, our life and death feud with Yuxu Palace was completely forged, and Tushen Pavilion was also renamed...Phoenix Sect!"

"The Phoenix is immortal, the Phoenix is immortal!"

"The Phoenix is not afraid, the Phoenix is fearless!"

"With the blood of my Phoenix, burn all the enemies in the world!"

"This is a passage that every disciple of our Phoenix Sect will utter during every war."

"Because only the phoenix can be reborn from Nirvana and come back!"

"The Phoenix Sect is reborn, even stronger than the original Tushen Pavilion, but because of this, it has provoked more enemies."

"First-class sects, certain families, super sects..."

"They all wanted to destroy my Phoenix Sect, and the Sect Master was hunted and killed no less than ten times, and even once, once by the emperor of the God of War Sect, the peak powerhouse of the Dragon King Realm, under the palm of one hand, he was almost in shape. God will die!"

"The current Sect Master is brilliant? Very brilliant."

"But he has been chased and killed countless times, and no one is willing to try. I believe that if it is placed on any of you, he would rather not be this suzerain than suffer such suffering."

"In the end, we won."

"The Sect Master led us into the dry land with power against the sky, wiped out the masters of the monk alliance, swept all the extraterritorial celestial demons on the Longwu Continent, and gave it back to everyone, a peace, no crisis. The Longwu Continent."


Liuyun smiled, his eyes reddened: "Today is the day of the suzerain's wedding. I shouldn't have this emotion, but after the suzerain's wedding, he will leave Longwu Continent. When he comes back , Maybe I'm too old and even destined to go to Huangquan to make me happy, how can I be happy?"


"The chief of Longwu has left Longwu mainland?"

"how can that be?"

Hearing the news that Su Han was leaving Longwu Continent, the whole field was full of uproar.

Although they are not members of the Phoenix Sect, in their hearts, they all feel that with Su Han, all demons can be suppressed, even if they come from outside the sky, they will be eliminated.

Su Han is not only the spiritual pillar of Phoenix Sect, but also the spiritual pillar of Longwu Continent!

But now, he is leaving?

"I can't stop the decision of Lord Longwu, but before you leave, you must tell me to wait, I'll wait... to see you off!"

"See you off!!!"

Above the void, hundreds of billions of people all got up and knelt there on one knee.

Although most of them can't fly, there is a formation that doesn't make them fall.

"Thank you, everyone." Su Han took a deep breath and clasped his fists towards everyone.

The scene of hundreds of billions of people kneeling at the same time was really too shocking, with a strong sense of visual impact.

"What I just said was the experience of my Phoenix Sect, and in this experience, the two suzerain wives were with the suzerain from beginning to end."

"I have witnessed their feelings and can appreciate their love for the suzerain. Today's status is, at least in my opinion, the suzerain should give them. What do you think?"

"Hahaha, that's natural!"

"It must be given!"

"To live and die together, to share adversity, this is the real couple!"

Everyone yelled at him, causing Su Han's old face to blush.

"Okay, I won't say much nonsense. Next, I will worship the heaven and earth."

Liuyun was silent for a moment, and then said, "But before this prayer, there is another big egg. I hope you can join us and witness the birth of this egg!"