Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014

With the qualifications of Luo Ling and others, one hundred million spiritual stones would make them reach a level, they understood very well.

To be honest, as the disciples of Dongzu and Beizu, although they have a strong backing, the resources they have obtained are really not that many.

Dongzu and Beizu are just powerful casual cultivators, and they are not big powers. They don't do business. After accepting disciples, they just pass on their own techniques and techniques, and then let these disciples practice on their own. More will give them some resources every month, but never more, because they themselves don't have much.

This is also a hurdle that Luo Ling and the others have been unable to overcome.

They remembered their kindness, so they never left, otherwise, with their current cultivation base, they would have joined other sects long ago.

After reaching the Dragon God Realm, Beizu and Dongzu no longer issued resources and let them find them on their own, which made them even more stretched.

If you are among the big forces, you still have to worry about resources?

As long as your talent is high enough, as long as your cultivation speed is fast enough, there are endless resources for you to use.

Seriously, when Su Han opened his mouth, it was 100 million spiritual stones per person, which really shocked them.

With these billion spirit stones, with their talents, they are enough to cultivate to the Dragon Emperor Realm!

"If it is not enough, then 200 million." Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Han said again.


The words fell, and there was another uproar. The faces of countless people around were envied and jealous, but this is no way. Who can let them not have this kind of talent?


How proud!

This is the thought that arises in everyone's mind at this moment.

There are a total of 1100 people, each of which is 200 million, that is, 220 billion. Such a huge number is equivalent to all the assets of a weak first-class sect.

But Su Han is here, but he opens his mouth without blinking.

Luo Ling and others were completely speechless, Su Han just hit them with spirit stones, what can they say?

Everyone understands that even if it is a super sect, if you want to recruit yourself and others, they will not speak about one hundred or two billion spirit stones. With so many people, the number of spirit stones that needs to be consumed is too much.

On the entire Longwu Continent, the only one who can bear such a price may be the Phoenix Sect at this moment.

And, no matter how talented they are, they are only talents, at least at the moment, they are only Dragon God Realm, a mere Dragon God Realm, and it is not worth 100 million or 200 million Lingshi to negotiate.

Su Han was able to offer such a high price, not because he had money, but because he was telling Luo Ling and others how much Su Han cared about them!

Luo Ling and others obviously knew this too well. The dissatisfaction in their hearts had completely disappeared at this moment. Su Han treated them like this. If they still dissatisfied, they would be a little bit unaware.

"I have the most, I have 300 million spiritual stones."

Su Han said again: "To tell the truth, it can be like me, Longwu Continent does not, even those super sects, and the financially terrifying Wanbao Pavilion, Longwu Merchants, Yunhai Merchants, and Jiutianlou, etc. There will not be such a big handwriting, because you are just a group of dragon gods, not the dragon emperor. It is not worth the price they paid. This is a fact."

Luo Ling and others were silent, not angry, they knew themselves well.

"I took out so many spirit stones, not because I am stupid, nor because I have money, but because I value you very much."

Su Han said again: "First, your talents are very strong, and you can indeed be called geniuses. You have reached the Dragon God Realm at this age. In the future, the Dragon King is expected.

"Secondly, you are all my brothers and sisters. We are both masters and disciples. The relationship is naturally much better than others. Although it is only the first time we met, I know that people who can be accepted as disciples by master are not only Only the talent is strong, and the character is certainly not comparable to others. At least, you should be very kind."

"Third, the Phoenix Sect at this moment is indeed lacking a group of powerful people like you. I also spent a great price to dig you out from the master."

"As long as you are willing to join the Phoenix Sect, your future achievements are definitely not comparable at this moment. I don't look down on Master, but because Master is only a casual cultivator, but I am a force here. I want resources. I give you. I want background. Also for you, what you can't get when you are in casual cultivation, I can give you all here!"

After a few words, Luo Ling and the others looked at each other, they were all lost in thought.

Su Han was first telling them that the casual cultivator was bad, and secondly, he was telling them the benefits of joining the Phoenix Sect.

The most important thing is the three hundred million spirit stones produced by Su Han!

If they usually had 300 million spiritual stones, it would take too much time to get them, but today, as long as they join the Phoenix Sect, they can get them.

Tangled, very tangled!

When they first came, they just came here with the idea of obeying the master's order and taking a look, and then left, it is considered to have completed the master's order.

But at this moment, they can't pull their legs. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. com

Join the Phoenix Sect? It is inevitable that there will be constraints.

Don't join? That's 300 million spiritual stones. After you get it, you don't have to worry about resources anymore, your cultivation level will be quickly improved, and the Dragon Emperor is no longer a dream!

"I know what you are worried about."

Su Han seemed to see the thoughts in their hearts, and immediately said: "To be honest, joining forces will indeed be bound, but I won't let you do things you don't want to do. Of course, not all of them. , Otherwise, I will ask you to do this and not, do that and not do, what else do you need to do? That is the treatment only available in the Dragon Sovereign Realm."

"I can only say that I won't do things that hurt the heavens and reason, and I won't let you do it. But once you join the Phoenix Sect, you will be a disciple of the Phoenix Sect. You must do it, and you should Do it!"

"it is good!"

After these words, Luo Ling and others' hearts were finally shaken.

Luo Ling spoke directly, looking at Su Han, and said in a deep voice: "Three hundred million spirit stones, we join the Phoenix Sect, willingly and willing to listen to you."

"I will join too!"


After Luo Ling, many people spoke up, including the dissatisfied Zi Fang before.

And some people who had conflicts in their hearts, seeing that many people had joined, did not stubbornly insist on what they thought, and immediately agreed.

In this way, after Su Han paid the price of 330 billion spirit stones, a total of 1,100 geniuses from the Dragon God realm joined the Phoenix Sect!

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