Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012

In the past, Su Han's image in front of others has always been extremely domineering, but today, in front of Dongzu and Beizu, he has realized what real dominance is.

Perhaps, this should not be called domineering, it should be called unreasonable...

In the end, Su Han said, these two old things only added 50 people to each, and the two sides totaled 1,100 people, and they would come to Phoenix Sect in at most half a year.

Of course, according to the two ancestors, their orders will be passed on, but they will never be persecuted. Some people do not like to join the sect and are unwilling to be restrained. They cannot force them. Otherwise, it will not only hurt the hearts of these disciples. That said, it even affected their cultivation mood, and the gain was more than the loss.

Also, whether these disciples will join the Phoenix Sect willingly depends on Su Han.

On the northern ancestor's side, there will be three disciples who have Yue Bei Ling, plus the previous Xiu Ji, a total of four people, plus Su Han, more than half of the disciples who have Yue Bei Ling are in the Phoenix Sect.

Yue Bei Ling, represents the status and strength of these people among all the disciples.

On the Dongzu side, the ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, and even fifth disciples will come.

Of course, all the disciples of the two ancestors, although they will come, but if they are willing to join the Phoenix Sect, then I will say something else.

At the end of the day, Su Han beat the two old guys and got them around. He paid more than ten fruits and a pound of spirits. It turned out that he just changed the words of these two old guys. !

But Su Han is not worried. As long as these two old guys pass on their wishes to let those disciples join the Phoenix Sect, those disciples who want to come will still listen to their words, as to whether they will join the Phoenix Sect willingly and convinced. Su Han is still very confident.

As time goes by, half a year quickly passes.

In the past six months, the Phoenix Sect's achievements have been tremendous, and its development has also been extremely rapid.

The five great guards, except for the holy cold guards, the number of the other guards is over 10,000!

Even the Holy Cold Guards, which originally had only 82 members, now has as many as 300 members. These 300 members are definitely a sharp sword of the Phoenix Sect. In the future, they will be trained for a few years. The strong main force of the Phoenix Sect!

The number of ordinary disciples has reached 150,000.

The three major legions, in addition to the 430 people of the Shadow Army at the beginning, the Blood God Army also reached a thousand in this half a year.

However, the strength of these thousand people is uneven, but the lowest is the Dragon Spirit Realm.

There is also the Destruction Army, the number has reached 1,000.

Regardless of the cultivation level, the number of the three legions can naturally increase at will, but the cultivation level of those who can become a legion is definitely limited.

Moreover, the number of the three legions will definitely not increase indefinitely, because Su Han wants to focus on training these people, and the resources must be huge. If there is an unlimited increase, it will not only consume too much resources, but the three legions' There are few resources that people can allocate.

And as the number of people is large, it is no different from ordinary disciples, and there is no shock at all.

The rapid increase in the number of Phoenix Sect is mainly due to the fact that Liuyun and others are scattered at various staging points in the Eastern Heaven Realm. There are five staging spots in the entire Eastern Heaven Realm, plus the Phoenix Sect itself. There are a total of six staging spots. There are more than 30 million people who want to join the Phoenix Sect!

This is still in the absence of all evaluations, otherwise, the ordinary disciples of the Phoenix Sect will reach at least 200,000, and the number of the three major legions and the five major guards will also be more.

It's better not to go too far!

Su Han has always recruited disciples based on this idea, and he has indeed done this all the time.

Almost all the people who join the Phoenix Sect have the qualifications of a magician, a cultivator, an array mage, a tool refiner, an alchemist, etc.

People who do not have these qualifications can become ordinary disciples as long as they possess martial arts talents.

For many people, it is a great honor to be an ordinary disciple.

And Su Han's cultivation base has also increased in the past six months.

He has the fruit of cultivation, so naturally he will not waste it. He cuts each fruit of cultivation into 16 pieces. After the refining is finished, he eats another piece.

Within half a year, Su Han used the Dragon Spirit Emperor technique to swallow all a fruit, and its speed was much faster than that of Dongzu and Beizu.

Although his martial arts cultivation base has not increased too much, the body cultivation base of the deity has reached the peak of the Dragon God Realm!

Only one step away, you can break the emperor physically and become the dragon emperor realm!

The Dragon Emperor Realm of physical cultivation is definitely much stronger than the Dragon Emperor Realm of Fa Xiu, this is beyond doubt.

If Su Han's body reaches the Dragon Emperor Realm, he will be able to directly sweep Yuanling, Han Yunlai and others.

Although his magic cultivation base is still a Tier 1 Grand Sorcerer, it has already been completely stabilized, and it is still rising rapidly, until now, it has reached the level of the peak of the Tier 1 Grand Sorcerer, and then breaks through, it is Tier 2 The great magister.

There are many fruits in Su Han's, of which naturally there are fruits that are of great benefit to magic, which Su Han calls them magic fruits, but Su Han has been practicing martial arts for the past six months. There was a delay in the magic repair.

Moreover, Su Han discovered that cultivation base fruit and magic fruit cannot be used at the same time. Once they are taken at the same time, it is not that there is no effect, but Su Han can't separate the mind to practice magic and martial arts at the same time.

Once they can't cultivate all, then the two fruits that Su Han swallowed will inevitably be wasted one. For Su Han, he was unwilling to waste this kind of fruit.

Such a fruit is invaluable in the starry sky. Even if one piece is cut into sixteen, the value of each portion is also immeasurable. How can it be wasted?

Within half a year, both the Phoenix Sect's overall cultivation base and the individual cultivation bases of these many disciples have been greatly improved.

And the most gratifying thing is that the master craftsman Dongfang Han finally broke through and refined the first Earth-Ming-class weapon in his life-the Sunbow!

The Earth and Underworld level weapons are extremely precious on the Longwu Continent, but to the Phoenix Sect, the precious thing is not this sunshield bow, but Dongfang Han himself!

First, if Dongfang Han can refine the first Earth-Nether-level equipment, he can refine the second and third pieces. From now on, Dongfang Han is no longer a master refiner, but a master refiner. It can be on an equal footing with Ying Wang, Kong Gu Mingxin and others.

Secondly, Su Han's expectation was really good. After refining the Earth-Ming-level Sunchase Bow, Dongfanghan's mental state was sublimated. At that moment, his cultivation base broke through, and he successfully moved from the Dragon God Realm to the Dragon Sovereign Realm!

Phoenix Sect's Dragon Emperor Realm, one more!