[Where available, Project Gutenberg e-text numbers are shown in brackets.]
_An Essay on the New Species of Writing Founded by Mr. Fielding_ (1751).
Introduction by James A. Work. [_published in Year 16_]
Elizabeth Elstob, _An Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities_ (1715). Introduction by Charles Peake. [_present text_]
G. W. _Magazine, or Animadversions on the English Spelling_ (1703).
Anon., _The Needful Attempt, to make Language and Divinity Plain and Easie_ (1711). Introduction by David Abercrombie. [20130: Year 12]
_Prefaces to Fiction._ Selected, with an introduction, by Claude E.
Samuel Johnson. _Notes to Shakespeare, Vol. II, Histories._ Edited by Arthur Sherbo. (A double issue)
_Parodies of Ballad Criticism._ Selected, with an introduction, by William K. Winsatt, Jr. [22081]
_Two Funeral Sermons._ Selected, with an introduction, by Frank L.
Richard Savage, _An Author to be Let_ (1732). Introduction by James Sutherland. [_published in Year 14_]
Publications for the first ten years (with the exception of Nos. 1-6, which are out of print) are available at the rate of $3.00 a year.
Prices for individual numbers may be obtained by writing to the Society.
The Augustan Reprint Society _William Andrews Clark Memorial Library_ 2205 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles 18, California
Make check or money order payable to The Regents of the University of California.
*First Year (1946-1947)*
Numbers 1-6 out of print.
*Second Year (1947-1948)*
7. John Gay's _The Present State of Wit_ (1711); and a section on Wit from _The English Theophrastus_ (1702). [14800]
8. Rapin's _De Carmine Pastorali_, translated by Creech (1684).
9. T. Hanmer's (?) _Some Remarks on the Tragedy of Hamlet_ (1736).
10. Corbyn Morris' _Essay towards Fixing the True Standards of Wit, etc._ (1744). [16233]
11. Thomas Purney's _Discourse on the Pastoral_ (1717). [15313]
12. Essays on the Stage, selected, with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch. [16335]
*Third Year (1948-1949)*
13. Sir John Falstaff (pseud.), _The Theatre_ (1720). [15999]
14. Edward Moore's _The Gamester_ (1753). [16267]
15. John Oldmixon's _Reflections on Dr. Swift's Letter to Harley_ (1712); and Arthur Mainwaring's _The British Academy_ (1712).
16. Nevil Payne's _Fatal Jealousy_ (1673). [16916]
17. Nicholas Rowe's _Some Account of the Life of Mr. William Shakespeare_ (1709). [16275]
18. "Of Genius," in _The Occasional Paper_, Vol. III, No. 10 (1719); and Aaron Hill's Preface to _The Creation_ (1720). [15870]
*Fourth Year (1949-1950)*
19. Susanna Centlivre's _The Busie Body_ (1709). [16740]
20. Lewis Theobold's _Preface to The Works of Shakespeare_ (1734).
[16346] [_spelled "Theobald" in published text_]
21. _Critical Remarks on Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa, and Pamela_ (1754). [in preparation]
22. Samuel Johnson's _The Vanity of Human Wishes_ (1749) and Two _Rambler_ papers (1750). [13350]
23. John Dryden's _His Majesties Declaration Defended_ (1681). [15074]
24. Pierre Nicole's _An Essay on True and Apparent Beauty in Which from Settled Principles is Rendered the Grounds for Choosing and Rejecting Epigrams_, translated by J. V. Cunningham. [28921]
*Fifth Year (1950-1951)*
25. Thomas Baker's _The Fine Lady's Airs_ (1709). [14467]
26. Charles Macklin's _The Man of the World_ (1792). [14463]
27. Out of print.
28. John Evelyn's _An Apologie for the Royal Party_ (1659); and _A Panegyric to Charles the Second_ (1661). [17833]