Jimmy Hoffa bopped by Tiger Kab occasionally. Jimmy was Kennedy Hater Number One--for good fucking cause.
Bobby K. had Jimmy dancing to his beat: the old Nuisance Roust/Grand Jury Blues. Jimmy got a wild bug up his ass-- manifested by nostalgia for the Darleen Shoftel shakedown.
Jimmy said, "We could do it again. I could neutralize Bobby by getting at Jack. You got to believe that Jack still likes cooze."
Jimmy was persistent on the topic. Jimmy echoed the hate that the whole Outfit shared.
Sam G. said, "I rue the day I bought Jack Illinois." Heshie Ryskind said, "Kemper Boyd liked Jack, so we figured he had to be kosher."
Boyd was now some triple or quadruple agent. Boyd was a self-proclaimed insomniac. Boyd said rearranging lies kept him up nights.
Boyd was the Cuban Study Group liaison. Boyd was on Cadre sabbatical--a ploy designed to simplify his life.
Boyd fed Bobby pro-CIA distortions. Boyd fed the CIA Study Group secrets.
Boyd pressed Bobby and Jack. Boyd urged them to assassinate Castro and facilitate a second invasion.
The brothers nixed the notion. Boyd called Bobby more proCause than Jack--but only up to some ambiguous point.
Jack said, No second invasion. Jack refused to grant whack-the-Beard approval. The Study Group cooked up an alternative called Operation Mongoose.
It was nifty long-range nomenclature. Let's recapture Cuba some time this century. Here's 50 million dollars a year--fetch, CIA, fetch!
Mongoose spawned JM/Wave. JMIWave was the nifty code name for six buildings on the Miami U campus. JM/Wave featured snazzy graph rooms and the latest in covert study workshops.
JM/Wave was grad school for geeks.
Fetch, CIA, fetch. Monitor your exile groups, but don't act boldly--it might fuck with Jack the Haircut's poll standings.
Boyd still loved Jack. He was in too deep to see through him. Boyd said he loved his civil rights work--because there was no subterfuge involved.
Boyd had trouble sleeping. It's a blessing, Kemper--you don't want my claustrophobic nightmares.
(Washington, D.C., 6/61--11/61)
H He loved his office. Carlos Marcello bought it for him.
It was a spacious three-room suite. The building was very close to the White House.
A professional furnished it. The oak walls and green leather nearly matched Jules Schiffrin's study.
He had no receptionist and no secretary. Carlos did not believe in sharing secrets.
Carlos brought him full circle. The ex--Chicago Phantom was now a Mafia lawyer.
The symmetry felt real. He hitched his star to a man who shared his hatreds. Kemper facilitated the union. He knew that it would jell.
John F. Kennedy took Kemper full circle. They were two charming, shallow men who never grew up. Kennedy sicced thugs on a foreign country and betrayed them when he saw how it looked. Kemper protected certain Negroes and sold heroin to others.
Carlos Marcello played the same rigged game. Carlos used people and made sure they knew the rules. Carlos knew that he would pay for his life with eternal damnation.
They walked hundreds of miles together. They went to mass in jungle towns and contributed extravagant church tithes.
They walked alone. No bodyguards or back scratchers walked with them.
They ate in cantinas. They bought entire villages lunch. He wrote deportation briefs on tabletops and phoned them in to New York.
Chuck Rogers flew them to Mexico. Carlos said, "I trust you, Ward. If you say 'Turn yourself in,' I'll do it."
He fulfilled that trust. Three judges reviewed the evidence and released Marcello on bond. The Littell writ work was consideredaudaciously brilliant.
Grateful Carlos set him up with James Riddle Hoffa. Jimmy was predisposed to fondness--Carlos handed the Fund books back to him and described the circumstances behind their return.
Hoffa became his second client. Robert Kennedy remained his sole adversary.
He wrote briefs for Hoffa's formal litigators. The results confirmed his brilliance.
July '61: A second Sun Valley indictment is dismissed. Littell writs prove the grand jury was improperly impaneled.
August '61: A South Florida grand jury is cut off at the knees. A Littell brief proves that evidence was obtained through entrapment.
He'd come full circle.
He quit drinking. He rented a beautiful Georgetown apartment and finally cracked the Fund book code.
Numbers and letters became words. Words became names--to track against police files, city directories and every financial listing in the public domain.
He tracked those names for four months straight. He chased celebrity names, political names, criminal names and anonymous names. He ran obituary checks and criminal record checks. He quadruple-checked names, dates and figures, and cross-referenced all salient data.
He tracked names linked to numbers linked to public stockholder reports. He assessed names and numbers for his own investment portfolio--and amassed a staggering secret history of financial collusion.
Among the Teamster Central States Pension Fund lendees: Twenty-four U.S. senators, nine governors, 114 congressmen, Allen Dulles, Rafael Trujillo, Fulgencio Batista, Anastasio Somoza, Juan Peron, Nobel Prize researchers, drug-addicted movie stars, loan sharks, labor racketeers, union-busting factory owners, Palm Beach socialites, rogue entrepreneurs, French rightwing crackpots with extensive Algerian holdings, and sixty-seven unsolved homicide victims extrapolatable as Pension Fund deadbeats.
The chief cash conduit/lender was one Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
Jules Schiffrin died abruptly. He might have sensed uncharted Fund potential--machinations past the grasp of the common mobsters.
He could implement Schiffrin's knowledge. He could put the full force of his will behind that one thing.
Five months stone-cold sober taught him this: You're capable of anything.
Part IV
December 1961--September 1963
(Miami, 12/20/61)
A Agency guys called the place "Suntan U." Girls in shorts and halter tops five days before Christmas--no shit.
Big Pete wants a woman. Extortion experience preferred, but not mandat-- Boyd said, "Are you listening to me?"
Pete said, "I'm listening, and I'm observing. It's a nice tour, but the coeds are impressing me more than JM/Wave."
They cut between buildings. The Ops station was cattycorner to the women's gym.
"Pete, are you--?"
"You were saying Fulo and Nestor could run the Cadre business by themselves. You were saying Lockhart went off contract status to start up his own Klan in Mississippi and snitch for the Feds. Chuck's taking his place at Blessington, and my my new gig is funneling guns to Guy Banister in New Orleans. Lockhart's got some gun connections I can tap into, and Guy's touting some guy named Joe Milteer, who's hooked into some guys in the John Birch Society and the Minutemen. They've got beaucoup fucking gun money, and Milteer will be dropping some off at the cabstand." new gig is funneling guns to Guy Banister in New Orleans. Lockhart's got some gun connections I can tap into, and Guy's touting some guy named Joe Milteer, who's hooked into some guys in the John Birch Society and the Minutemen. They've got beaucoup fucking gun money, and Milteer will be dropping some off at the cabstand."
They hit a shady walkway and grabbed a bench out of the sun. Pete stretched his legs and eyeballed the gym.
"That's good retention for a bored listener."
Pete yawned. "JM/Wave and Mongoose are boring. Coastal harassment, gun running and monitoring exile groups is one big snore."
Boyd straddled the bench. College kids and Cuban hard-ons fraternized two benches over.
"Describe your ideal course of action."
Pete lit a cigarette. "We should clip Fidel. I'm for it, you're for it, and the only guys that aren't for it are your pals Jack and Bobby."
Boyd smiled. "I'm starting to think we should do it anyway. If we could develop a patsy to take the fall, the hit would probably never be traced back to the Agency or to us."
"Jack and Bobby would just figure they got lucky."
Boyd nodded. "I should run it by Santo."
"I already did."
"Did he like the idea?"
"Yeah, he did. And he ran it by Johnny Rosselli and Sam G., and they both said they wanted to be in on it."
Boyd rubbed his collarbone. "You got a quorum just like that?"
"Not exactly. They all like the idea, but it sounds like they'll need some more convincing."
"Maybe we should hire Ward Littell to whip up a few briefs. He's certainly the chief convincer of the moment."
"You mean you appreciate the way he snowed Carlos and Jimmy."
"Don't you?"
Pete blew smoke rings. "I appreciate a good comeback as much as the next man, but I draw the line at Littell. And you're smiling because your sissy kid brother fmally started acting half-ass competent."
College girls walked by. Big Pete wants a-- Boyd said, "He's on our side now, remember?"
"I remember. And I remember that your friend Jack used to be."
"He still is. And he listens to Bobby like he listens to no one else, and Bobby's becoming more pro-Cause by the day."
Pete blew nice concentric rings. "That's good to know. Maybe it means we'll tap into our casino money about the time fucking Bobby himself gets elected President."
Boyd looked distracted. It could be shootout side effects-- trauma fucked you up long-range sometimes.
"Kemper, are you listening to--?"
Boyd cut him off. "You were evincing general anti-Kennedy sentiment. You were about to start in on the President, even though he remains our best wedge to get at the casino money, and even though general CIA unpreparedness and not not Kennedy cowardice was the major contributing cause of the Bay of Pigs disaster." Kennedy cowardice was the major contributing cause of the Bay of Pigs disaster."
Pete whooped and slapped the bench. "I should have known better than to rag your boys."
"It's 'boy,' singular."
"I fucking apologize, although I still don't see what's so fucking thrilling about sucking up to the President of the United States."