=Red Stripe.=
This handsome and productive early apple has been extensively propagated in parts of Indiana, under the names above presented. It was introduced at Fort Wayne by Mr. Rockhill, who is reported to have "made more money from the trees of this variety than from twice as many of any other early apple." Recommended for general cultivation in that State.
Tree hardy in nursery and orchard, productive; Shoots very downy.
Fruit medium to small, long, conical, furrowed or ribbed; Surface polished, pale yellow, mixed and splashed crimson.
Basin very shallow, plaited; Eye very small, closed.
Cavity acute, regular, browned; Stem medium.
Core long, oval, embracing the eye; Flesh whitish, tender, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor acid; Quality good; Table or kitchen; Season, July and August.
=Scalloped Gilliflower.=
This is supposed to be an old European variety. Its peculiarly irregular form makes it quite a remarkable fruit. It is sometimes called _Red Gilliflower_; but that name is also very commonly applied to quite another fruit--the _Red Winter Pearmain_, described on a previous page, in Cla.s.s II., Order I., Section 2., Sub-section 2.
Fruit large, round-conic, very irregular, furrowed and ribbed; Surface yellow, marbled and splashed scarlet.
Basin abrupt, deep, folded or ribbed; Eye medium, closed.
Cavity deep, acute, irregular, wavy; Stem medium.
Core regular, round, very open, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, plump; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality scarcely good; Use, table, kitchen; Season, November, December. Chiefly grown northward.
This large, handsome fruit was exhibited at the American Pomological Society's meeting at Philadelphia, in 1860, by Chas. P. Davis, of Phillipsburgh, New Jersey. The Committee reported it "Good."
Fruit large, roundish-conic, irregular; Surface smooth, yellow, striped, splashed and mixed carmine; Dots scattered, yellow.
Basin abrupt, narrow, folded, plaited; Eye medium, large, closed.
Cavity wide, wavy, brown and yellow; Stem medium, k.n.o.bby.
Core roundish, open, clasping; Seeds angular, imperfect; Flesh yellowish-white, breaking, fine-grained, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, aromatic; Quality good to very good; Use, table, kitchen; Season, September.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 175.--STANARD.]
From Erie County, New York, this fruit has made its way westward, by the Lakes, having been distributed by Col. Hodge, of Buffalo, and brought to the notice of his western friends by Hon. M.L. Dunlap, of Champaign, Illinois, who esteems it very highly. I quote from his account of it:
"This proves one of our most profitable winter apples; the tree bears young and constantly, but fuller on alternate years; fruit large and showy, shoots large and downy; buds prominent, fruit buds large, and the earliest in the orchard to swell; but they do not open as soon as others. Tree spreading, trunk generally crooked." Very hardy.
Fruit large, roundish, conical, ribbed, angular; Surface smooth, yellowish-green, somewhat red, mixed and striped indistinctly; Dots numerous, minute, white.
Basin medium, folded and plaited; Eye large, closed; Segments long.
Cavity wide, acute, wavy, green; Stem medium to long.
Core small, globular, regular, closed or open; Seeds numerous, brown, angular; Flesh yellow, breaking, rather coa.r.s.e, tender; Flavor acid to sub-acid, rich; Quality good; Use, market and table; Season, November to February.
=Summer Queen.=
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 176.--SUMMER QUEEN.]
American. Tree vigorous, large, spreading, productive.
Fruit medium, round-conic, angular; Surface yellow, covered mixed red, striped, splashed scarlet; Dots minute, yellow.
Basin none or very shallow, folded or plaited; Eye medium, closed.
Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem long, slender.
Core medium, regular, open; Seeds numerous, pointed, brown; Flesh firm, yellow, breaking; Flavor acid, very aromatic, spicy; Quality first rate; Use, kitchen; Season, July, August.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 177.--WINESAP.]
Tree vigorous, healthy, hardy, productive, early bearer; Branches open, straggling; Shoots strong, dark reddish-brown; Foliage curled, glaucous, spa.r.s.e.
Fruit medium, conical, often obscurely angular, or slightly ribbed; Surface rather smooth, bright or dark red, mixed and obscurely striped on yellow, which is mostly covered, often veined russet; Dots few, minute, indented.
Basin narrow, shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed.
Cavity wide, reddish brown; Stem medium.
Core regular, somewhat open; Seeds large, rather light; Flesh firm, yellow; Flavor rich, acid to sub-acid; Use, market, kitchen, cider; Season, January to March.