Cavity medium; Stem stout.
Flesh yellow, tender; Flavor sub-acid; Quality good; Season, "November to March," according to Mr. Summer, South Carolina.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 170.--HARRISON.]
This famous Jersey cider apple, from Ess.e.x County in that State, has been carried westward over a great extent of territory, where it succeeds admirably well, and where the necessities of the people have brought to light its good properties for the kitchen as well as for the cider mill.
Tree vigorous, large, spreading, productive.
Fruit small, round-conical, somewhat angular and irregular; Surface not smooth, yellow, rarely blushed; frequent rose-colored spots, and marks radiating from the cavity over the base of the fruit; Dots small, distinct, gray.
Basin none, or very shallow, plaited; Eye small, closed; Segments long.
Cavity medium, regular, brown; Stem long, red, k.n.o.bby.
Core regular, heart-shaped, closed, scarcely meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, small; Flesh yellow, compact, dry till ripe, then juicy; flavor acid to sub-acid, very rich, saccharine; Quality good; Use, especially for cider, also for cooking and for dessert in April. Keeps well.
=Pound Royale.=
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 171.--POUND ROYALE.]
This fine summer apple, received from H.N. Gillett, of Lawrence County, Ohio, has long been considered one of the very best summer apples along the Ohio River.
Tree a pretty good grower, an early and constant bearer, very productive; Shoots dark, foliage dark.
Fruit large, conical, slightly angular; Surface smooth, glossy, greenish; Dots small, green, indented.
Basin medium, folded; Eye medium, closed; Segments long, reflexed.
Cavity acute, wavy, brown; Stem medium, sometimes k.n.o.bby.
Core small, closed or slightly open, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, pointed, dark; Flesh white, very tender, juicy; Flavor very mild sub-acid, delicious; Quality very good to best; Use, table, kitchen; Season, August.
Different from _Pound Royal_ of Downing, which is a winter-keeping fruit.
=Ridge Pippin.=
This fruit appears to be quite a favorite market apple in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, where it originated.
Fruit rather large, round-conic, very irregular, ribbed; Surface yellow, lightly shaded and blushed with red, and sprinkled with russet and crimson spots.
Basin abrupt, furrowed and folded; Eye small, closed.
Cavity wide, regular; Stem short.
Flesh yellow, crisp, juicy; Flavor mild sub-acid, rich.
Season, until March and April.
=The Cook's Favorite.=
This nice autumn apple comes to me from Oliver Albertson, a prominent and intelligent cultivator in Washington County, Indiana, marked "_Best_." Origin unknown.
Fruit medium, flattish-conical, angular; Surface smooth, whitish-yellow; Dots minute.
Basin deep, folded, ribbed; Eye medium, closed.
Cavity wide, wavy, brown; Stem long, slender.
Core medium, roundish, closed, meeting the eye; Seeds numerous, dark; Flesh yellow, breaking, tender; Flavor sub-acid; Quality quite good; Use, kitchen especially--"cooks very well;" Season, September.
=Trenton Early.=
This fine autumn apple has been thought to be the _English Codling_.
Of its origin and history we know little, except that it was one of Silas Wharton's varieties, and that it has been a great favorite wherever known. It was introduced to the notice of the Ohio Pomological Society, 1852, by R.W. Steele, Esq., of Dayton, Ohio, with the following notes: "A large, white apple, of excellent flavor, and is highly esteemed both for eating and cooking. It ripens in August.
The tree is a vigorous grower and an abundant bearer. It was introduced here many years ago by Silas Wharton, of Warren County, to whom this portion of the Miami Valley is largely indebted for the introduction of many excellent varieties of apples and pears."
Fruit large, conical, angular; Surface smooth, very pale yellow or white; Dots rare, minute.
Basin narrow, folded; Eye medium or small, closed.
Cavity wide, regular, brown; Stem medium.
Core large, rather open; Seeds numerous, angular; Flesh white, very tender, juicy; Flavor sub-acid, pleasant; Quality very good; Use, dessert and kitchen; Season, August, September.
BYER'S RED--FALL QUEEN (of some)--BLACKBURN (erroneously.)