Oregon-- Crater Lake 159,360
Indian Territory-- Sulphur Reservation and National Park 629
South Dakota-- Wind Cave ........
---------- Total 3,654,825
Forest Reserves of North America
_State Parks, State Forest Reserves and Preserves, State Forest Stations, and State Forest Tracts in the United States_
Yosemite Valley State Park 36,000 The Big Basin Redwood Park, about 2,300 Santa Monica Forest Station 20 Chico Forest Station 29 Mt. Hamilton Tract 2,500
Ogallah Forestry Station 160 Dodge Forestry Station 160
Blue Hills Reservation 4,858 Beaver Brook Reservation 53 Middles.e.x Fells Reservation 3,028 Stony Brook Reservation 464 Hemlock Gorge Reservation 23 Hart's Hill Reservation 23 Wachusett Mountain Reservation 1,380 Greylock Reservation 3,724 Goodwill Park 70 Rocky Narrows 21 Mount Anne Park 50 Monument Mountain Reservation 260
Mackinac Island State Park 103 Michigan Forest Reserve 57,000
Minnehaha Falls State Park, or Minnesota State Park 51 Itasca State Park 20,000 St. Croix State Park, or the Interstate Park at the Dalles of the St. Croix 500
NEW YORK. Acres.
The State Reservation at Niagara, or Niagara Falls Park. (Area of Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park in Canada--730 Acres) 107 Adirondack Forest Preserve 1,163,414 Catskill Forest Preserve 82,330 The St. Lawrence Reservation, or International Park 181
Twenty Reserves scattered 211,776 The Hopkins Reserve 62,000 Pike County Reservation 23,000 McElhattan Reservation 8,000
Sanitarium Lake Reservation 193
The Interstate Park of the Dalles of the St. Croix 600
The Big Horn Springs Reservation 640
Total 1,685,023
_Canadian National Parks and Timber Reserves_
The Dominion of Canada has established a large number of public parks and forests reserves, of which a list has been very kindly furnished by the Dominion Secretary of the Interior, as follows:
Long Lake Timber Reserve 76,800 Yoho Park (a part of Rocky Mt. Park of Can) .......
Glacier Forest Park 18,720
Rocky Mountain Park of Canada 2,880,000 Foot Hills Timber Reserve 2,350,000 Waterton Lakes Forest Park 34,000 Cooking Lakes Timber Reserve 109,000 Moose Mountain Timber Reserve 103,000 Beaver Hills Timber Reserve 170,000
Turtle Mountain Timber Reserve 75,000 Spruce Woods Timber Reserve 190,000 Riding Mountain Timber Reserve 1,215,000 Duck Mountain Timber Reserve 840,000 Lake Manitoba West Timber Reserve 159,460
Algonquin Park 1,109,383 Eastern Reserve 80,000 Sibley Reserve 45,000 Temagami Reserve 3,774,000 Rondeau Park ........
Missisaga Reserve 1,920,000
Laurentides National Park 1,619,840 ----------- Total 16,769,203
Besides these, there are two or three other reservations in Quebec and New Brunswick and Manitoba that have not as yet been finally reserved, but which are in contemplation. Many of the timber reserves are still to be cut over under license. On the other hand, many of them find their chief function as game preserves, as do also to still greater extent the national parks. A large number of these parks and timber reserves are clothed with beautiful and valuable forests, as yet untouched by the ax.
In order to be in a position to make intelligent recommendations, in case legislation authorizing the setting aside of game refuges should be had, the Boone and Crockett Club, in the year 1901, made some inquiry into the game conditions on certain of the forest reservations and as to the suitability as game refuges of these reserves.
Among the reports was one on the Black Mesa Forest Reserve. Mr. Nelson is a trained naturalist and hunter of wide experience, and possesses the highest qualifications for investigating such a subject. He is, besides, very familiar with the reservation reported on. His report is printed here as giving precisely the information needed by any one who may have occasion to deal with a forest reserve from this viewpoint, and it may well serve as a model for others who may have occasion to report on the reserves. The report was made to the Executive Committee of the Boone and Crockett Club through the editor of this volume, and was printed in _Forest and Stream_ about two years ago. It follows:
Forest Reserves as Game Preserves