Amber And Her Wolves - 7 Chapter 7 Run

7 Chapter 7 Run

I don't know how much time pa.s.sed by I was finally at the lake. I fell to the floor too tired to stand anymore. I mean I had just ran for who knows how long trying to escape wolves. But not just any wolves, werewolves. And that werewolf was my best friend. I walked over to a tree that was in the shade and tried to calm my breathing and my mind. How could Danial not tell me something like this? What the claw marks on my parents, was it them? Did my parents annoy them and they lost control or something? Oh G.o.d, are they going to kill me? Wait if Danial was a werewolf, does that make Alec one too? Was he going to kill me because I rejected him? I was going to die. I heard a twig snap and I was up, bow and arrows ready. I saw the same wolf that Danial s.h.i.+fted into, coming out of the woods towards me. I raised my bow and arrow and he froze. He s.h.i.+fted back to his human self and I could see the hurt all over his eyes. "Amber, please let me explain." He started. He held his hands up in a surrendering way. He came forward one step at a time. He wouldn't stop. I told him to stop or I would shot. He still didn't. I was too scared of him to be anywhere near him. I let the string go and so did the arrow. I shot him in his left shoulder. He screamed and tried to get it out whilst I ran back to the house. It was gone midnight, so I just collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.