Amber And Her Wolves - 36 Chapter 36 Invitation In The Pos

36 Chapter 36 Invitation In The Pos

Anyway, Ash snapped me back to attention by growling at something. I looked up and Ash was standing up and growling at a letter on the table. I sighed and grabbed the letter to look at what it said and who it was from. I knew the scent and it was Alec. What did he want? It was an invitation to a party to celebrate Daniels birthday. The invitation said:

'Dear Alpha's of the Hybrid Moon Pack,

You are invited to join the birthday celebrations of Daniel George future Beta of the Crystal Moon Pack. The party will be held at Crystal Moon pack house on the 13th of April. This will be Daniels 18th birthday where he will also be officially announced as the next Beta. The party will start at 7:30 PM and will continue into the late night. As there is limited s.p.a.ce and many packs attending, we ask that only the top ranking members of your pack attend. Please reply as soon as you can. As this is also a Beta ceremony all Alphas and Betas must attend.

Your sincerely Alpha of the Crystal Moon pack.'

Now I started growling and ripped up the invitation and threw it in to the bin. Stupid rules about stupid ceremonies to make everything official. I am going to hate this next conversation.