Amber And Her Wolves - 33 Chapter 33 Choices

33 Chapter 33 Choices

"Nothing, I just came to get the daughter of our packs witch." I replied keeping my eyes on everyone. The leader laughed. Why was she laughing? "I know that that's a lie. Don't try to lie to me little girl. You two won't be leaving her alive tonight." She replied and I growled. The hunters attacked. s.h.i.+t. I couldn't take them all and I couldn't kill them. Or could I? My brothers were still five minutes away. I couldn't keep an eye on Em and fight at the same time. What the h.e.l.l was I going to do? Em wouldn't be able to fight, she was too scared and knew little offensive magic. I saw the trees and had an idea. I concentrated hard and brought a long branch down. "Em, trust me. sit on here and wait until I come to get you." I said and helped her on. I put the branch back up and made sure that Em was safe up there. Now I had to worry about staying alive. I wouldn't be able to use my bow and arrows at close range. I got my daggers and I was ready. At this point I was so glad my dad taught me self-defence. One hunter tried to hit me from behind and I stabbed his leg. Then the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds shot my shoulder and my leg. Another bullet skimmed my right side. Oh G.o.d this was going to hurt in the morning. I stood back up and kicked another hunter to the ground. Why did I decide to do this, alone? Oh yeah, I'm an idiot. I had to hold out until my brothers got here to help. The bullets were stinging me now because they were poisonous to me. I had to keep going. I saw one hunter trying to climb the tree to get to Em. I used the tree roots to trap the hunter where he was. This distracted me and another hunter kicked my stomach. I fell to the floor and rolled over, coughing up blood. My head started to hurt too and my vision was blurring. Then I heard the best sound ever. My brothers growls. Drew cam over to check on me and helped me to stand up again. He sighed and looked at Ash who was taking the lead on this one. "We will be taken our pack members back now. Along with that hunter there." He said in a very powerful voice. The leader didn't have anything to say. Well she couldn't because Ash teleported back with the hunter, Drew with me and Bradley took Em and Parker. When they laid me on the bed I just fell asleep. I couldn't stay awake and needed to rest. I really didn't want to wake up because I know my brothers were going to have something to say. Plus I didn't want to feel the amount of pain I would be in.