Amber And Her Wolves - 28 Chapter 28 "I'm Sorry Alec."

28 Chapter 28 "I'm Sorry Alec."

'I can't feel you through your mark, please tell me your still alive.'

I wanted a fresh start. So I replied,

'Alec, this is Bradley. I'm sorry but Amber died.'

It was harsh but it needed to be done. I told Bradley what I had written and it gave him an excuse not to go around to the pack for a while. Not long after Bradley got a call and confirmed it. He said he would be working from home and didn't want to talk to anyone until he had come to terms with it. I could hear the howling of Alec's wolf. "I'm sorry Alec." I whispered and turned my phone off completely. I wouldn't be needing it. So I also got a new phone to contact people. One number came up that no one recognised. We put it on loud speaker. "h.e.l.lo who is this?" Ash asked.

"I'm Parker. I hear that you are setting up a pack where hybrids are safe. My sister is a hybrid and she will come into her powers soon. Please can we come." The guy said. I knew that voice. It was the warriors voice. Em's older brother. I asked what pack they were from and I heard Em in the background. It confirmed it and I nodded. We gave them the place and they would get there first.

By around 4 o'clock, we had moved to the small cottage which we used as the base of our operation. We also started to cut trees down so that the clearing became bigger and so that the cottage was on the outside of the clearing. This meant we had loads of fire wood for heat until we had our own houses. We had set up some tents and others had come to help. Em and Parker arrived a little after 3 and was surprised to see me. They thought I was dead. I told them not to tell Alec as otherwise this pack would be destroyed before it had even started. I told them I was Beta now, not Luna and I didn't want to be. Em was really happy to see me and stayed by my side the whole time. She helped with whatever I was doing even if she couldn't. I drew the line when she said she wanted to play fight with my brothers. Or when she wanted to train with daggers and bows and arrows, or when she wanted to build the fire. Even Parker drew the line and told her to calm down a bit and leave me to do my work. So I gave her ice cream and she was happy.