Amber And Her Wolves - 21 Chapter 21 Plan

21 Chapter 21 Plan

After about an hour we went up to the conference room. Everyone was waiting for us so that we could start the meeting. We sat at the head of the table which felt really weird. I looked at everyone and they were staring at me. I know Tommy and Andy as they were good friends with Alec. They always hanged around each other and made fun of me and Daniel a lot. We got our own back every time though. Once when they were in the school showers, Daniel took their clothes and gave them to me. I ran in to the girls changing rooms and chucked their clothes back to Daniel who put them back. The teachers came in and they got in so much trouble for going in the girls changing rooms. It was really funny. Sadly me and Daniel got grounded but it was so worth it. When I zoomed back in they were discussing how the rouges got in and where the hunters were stationed. Rouges entered through the South West side of the territory where there are less patrols. The hunters where positioned near the North West which is closest to where the pack is situated. They had set up camp with about a hundred armed hunters. Scouts said that they patrolled the North West border for about two miles with constant changes. They haven't dared to cross it yet. Something tells me that it might change if I don't go to them. "What's the plan then?" I asked. They all went quiet.

"We aren't given you over, even if we have to prepare for war." Alec said. "Alec, people might get hurt. Innocent people may get hurt." I said. "I have a plan. What if we invite the leader in to the territory so that I can take the potion." I finished. They all thought for a minute and then started to shout over each other. Alec growled and got everyone's attention. "I like the idea. But they are only allowed just over the border. And no way in h.e.l.l am I putting you in chains." Alec shouted. Everyone stopped arguing and nodded in agreement. Whilst everyone was talking about the rest of the plan like how many warriors we would need, Alec whispered in my ear, "I'll put you in chains if you want me to." I started to blush like crazy thinking of it. The meeting quickly ended and we all went to prepare.