Always To Remember - Always To Remember Part 58

Always To Remember Part 58

He laughed. "I have an ache myself."

"I'll be happy to rub it."

Giving him a smile that promised heaven when they got home, she rose from the bench and walked to the

monument. "Come along, Kirk. It's time to go home now."

The little boy hunkered down before the monument shook his head vigorously and ran his hand over the

carved letters. He was only two years old, but already his hands were becoming as rough as his father's.

He loved the feel of stone and carried broken pieces in his pockets.

"Weed," he said.

"Didn't your father read it to you when he brought you here?"

He shook his head, and Meg looked at Clay. He shrugged. "We knew you'd be along eventually, and he

likes your voice better than mine."

She held out her hand. "All right, then. Let's start at the beginning."

She led their son to the front of the monument, and Clay heard his small voice ring out, "My name."

"That's right. Kirk. Kirk Warner is the man on the horse."

Clay listened as she filled the night with the names of those with whom he'd played as a boy. They'd leapt

into manhood with courage. War had denied them the sweet rewards of a long life.

Clay stood and walked to the monument as Meg and Kirk walked around the comer. He knelt beside his

son and together they trailed their fingers over the letters. Clay cleared his throat as he did every night before he read these words to his son. "Within the shadows of honor, courage often walks in silence."

Beneath the words, he'd inscribed the names of Will Herkimer, the man they'd tortured beside him, and

Franz Schultz, whom they'd hanged because he wanted to work a stone quarry and didn't believe in the war. Every name on the monument represented a man who had given his life standing for what he believed in.

Lifting his son into his arms. Clay unfolded his body and wrapped his hand around Meg's. Slowly, they walked away from the monument. He felt his son's head grow heavy on his shoulder and knew he'd fallen asleep as he did every night. Clay wasn't even certain if the boy knew how to fall asleep in bed. He always drifted to sleep on Clay's shoulder, and Clay would tuck him into bed in the room he shared with the twins.

Tomorrow, Joe and Josh would leave with them. Lucian and Taffy would stay behind to manage the farm and raise their own family.

Stopping, he drew Meg against his side. They turned to look one last time at the monument they'd created together. Like their love, it would survive the storms that swept over it.

"We'll come back, Meg."

Reaching up, she caressed his face. "Wherever your dreams take you. Clay, that's where I'll go."

"They'll bring us back here."

With his arm around her, he led her into the shadows where their dreams waited.

Titles by Lorraine Heath.