Almighty Sword Domain - Chapter 2470 – Snowy! It’s Time to Plunder!

Chapter 2470 – Snowy! It’s Time to Plunder!


The area was very quiet!

All the demons were looking at Erya and the crocodile!

All the demons saw the same thing in Erya’s eyes—the desire to kill! Ghastly killing intent! There was killing intent in her eyes!

All of them couldn’t help but shudder!

As for the Primal Royal Crocodile, the viciousness and ferocity in its eyes had vanished. If it tried to be stubborn before Erya at a time like this, it would definitely suffer terribly. In the demon race, the weak could absolutely not challenge the strong, or they would die a miserable death.

The weak should know their place!

Erya gazed coldly at the crocodile, “You haven’t answered me!”

The crocodile’s heart trembled from her gaze. It didn’t dare to hesitate and hurriedly nodded, “Train, I’ll train, I’ll train well…”

Erya turned around and walked over to the Ascension Platform.

All the others didn’t dare to say a word!

Erya glanced at them, “Did you see? That middle aged man who fought Big Brother Yang earlier! Let me ask all of you something, can any one of you defeat that guy? In any case, I definitely can’t.”

A Five World Realm expert!

While Erya was extremely strong, she was still a little inferior when compared to a true Five World Realm expert. Of course, she could fight one, but her chances of winning were very, very slim.

Even Yang Ye had only been able to kill the middle aged man after his bloodline had been activated! Moreover, Yang Ye possessed numerous Divine Treasures!

Erya continued, “In the future, we’ll definitely face more than one expert like that guy. We'll definitely face many of them. So, tell me. What will you do if you encounter someone like him? Run? Fight? Or perhaps you need Big Brother Yang and Big Sister An to deal with them all? Then what about you? All of you are just going to watch from in here?”

They fell silent.

Erya spoke coldly, “Big Brother Yang, Big Sister An, and Snowy allow us to stay here, but do you think it’s something they should do for you? Do you think Snowy is supposed to give those fruits to you too?”

She gazed at the dragon, Oxxy, and the tiger, “Dragon, Oxxy, and Tiger, all three of you almost died for Snowy. You know how to be grateful, but you must realize that many, many people are targeting Snowy. Just like that human man from before. He was here for Snowy too. And more and more experts like him will come in the future, and they may even be stronger than him. If you don’t become stronger, you’ll end up being killed or failing to keep up with Big Brother Yang and Big Sister An. Then, you’ll be abandoned!”

All of them fell silent.


It was something they absolutely couldn’t accept! Yang Ye may not ask them to leave the Primordial Pagoda, but it would be just as Erya had said, they would really be useless and good for nothing.

Erya gazed at the crocodile, mermaid, and qilin, “All of you who are new here should never forget that Big Brother Yang and Big Sister An don’t need all of you. Your strength isn’t bad, but can you even compare to the two of them? Don’t ever take their kindness for granted and just enjoy it all like you deserve it! I’m talking about all of you! All of you should know your place!”

The mermaid fell silent for a short while and bowed slightly to Erya, “You’re right, Senior!”

As far as the mermaid was concerned, Erya was a senior!

Erya waved her hand, “Just call me Erya.”

As she spoke, she sat down and continued, “Let me ask all of you something. Is this place comfortable? Is it nice?”

They nodded.

They had changed their fate in here!

Erya continued, “Bug have you thought about whether you’ll be able to stay here if Big Brother Yang and Big Sister An fall?”

They were stunned because they’d never given that any consideration!

Erya said, “You must understand that this isn’t just Big Brother Yang, Big Sister An, and Snowy’s home, it’s our home too!” She looked up at the sky and continued, “Big Brother Yang was beaten up to such a terrible state and almost lost his life. Didn’t that make all of you think of anything? I did. I wondered if I could still sit down in here and eat without any worries if Big Brother Yang fell one day!”

Meanwhile, Oxxy walked over to Erya and waved the Primordial Axe of Creation to display that he wanted to train!

The dragon spoke abruptly, “Erya, I was unwilling to accept you and couldn’t stand the sight of you in the past. I thought all you knew is how to bully us. But now, now I approve of you.”

Erya glanced at them and said, “From today onward, we’re going into hell training. We have the best spirit energy, fruits, and Snowy in here. If we still can’t advance and grow stronger with all of that, we’re truly beyond trash. Come on, let’s begin now…”

Outside the Primordial Pagoda.

Sword Scroll spoke softly, “I didn’t expect that little girl to have been hiding so much!”

An Nanjing nodded slightly. She was quite surprised too. She was surprised that Erya had been able to say all of that. Besides being surprised, she felt gratified!

Time trickled by, and the blood red glow around Yang Ye gradually returned within his body, and his injuries vanished as well.

He’d been healed!

A short while later, Yang Ye opened his eyes.

An Nanjing asked, “How do you feel?”

Yang Ye stood up, stretched, and said, “I’m fine now!”

He gazed at An Nanjing and continued, “I feel like I’m full of energy!”

“It’s the power of your bloodline!” Meanwhile, Sword Scroll spoke abruptly, “Your bloodline has been fully activated, and it’s the purest form of the Mad Demon Bloodline now. The Mad Demon Bloodline contains an extremely powerful Mad Demon Energy. Now, you can use it at any time. Presently, once you activate your bloodline’s energy, you’re completely on par with a Five World Realm expert. So, I suggest that you stop suppressing your cultivation.”

“Stop suppressing it?” Yang Ye was puzzled, “Why?”

Sword Scroll spoke softly, “If you stop suppressing it, every rise in your cultivation will increase your strength in every aspect. For example, while you’ve activated your Mad Demon Bloodline, you can’t fully utilize its strength. Or like Executor, you can only use 50% of its strength right now. Your combat strength is seriously limited because of your cultivation!”

Yang Ye spoke solemnly, “Should I advance now?”

She shook her head, “No, that isn’t necessary. You just have to stop suppressing it on purpose! Moreover, you’ve suppressed it for too long, so if you allow it to explode forth right now, your body will be absolutely incapable of enduring it. Not only your body, even your mind will not be able to endure it. So, you can’t rush into it, and you have to take it slow. The most important aspect is to possess a strong body, because only a strong enough body can endure greater strength!”

The body!

Yang Ye glanced at his body and nodded. His body was too weak now, especially against Five World Realm experts. His body couldn’t endure their strength at all!

Sword Scroll smiled, “Do you want to head to Eternal Kingdom?”

Yang Ye gazed at her, and she pointed at the Universe Wall, “Break that wall and you can get there!”

Yang Ye shook his head, “Not now.”

She asked, “Why?”

A cold smile curled up on his face, “They will definitely send more experts, so I’ll just wait here to kill them!”

He gazed at Sword Scroll and continued, “You want to go in there?”

She nodded.

Yang Ye thought for a moment and said, “Can we go a little later?”

She smiled, “There’s no rush. I was a little too anxious. It’s not suitable for you to go over there right now. Otherwise, once they discover your presence, you’ll really have entered a tiger’s den. They have to take precautions against the desolate race and Destiny here, but that universe is their territory, and they have nothing to worry about over there. The important matter at hand for you is to improve your body! And then improve your cultivation!”

Yang Ye nodded. He gazed to the side, and the middle aged man’s corpse was still floating there!

Yang Ye waved his right hand and a ray of golden light appeared before him.

It was the thin golden disc!

A Divine Treasure!

It had caused a great deal of trouble for him in the previous battle. Divine Treasures were truly formidable in the hands of Five World Realm experts!

Yang Ye put the Divine Treasure away and walked over to the Universe Wall. There were two corpses by the wall. Yang Ye glanced at them and was about to move his gaze away when Sword Scroll suddenly said, “It’s him!”

Yang Ye gazed at her, “Who?”

She pointed at one of the corpses and spoke softly, “The founding ancestor of Sword Sky City, the Sword Master who I once chose!”

Yang Ye gazed at the corpse. At this moment, he thought of something. The current Governor of Sword Sky City had entrusted him with a task, and it was to see if their founding ancestor was still alive in the Eternal River!

He was dead!

Yang Ye walked over to the corpses and spoke softly, “They are already before the Universe Wall, so how did they die here?”

“They failed to break through it!” Sword Scroll spoke solemnly, “Even a Five World Realm expert would find this wall difficult to break through. It can be said that this entrance Eternal Kingdom gave them doesn’t really exist. But it does make sense because they never wanted to let others enter their exclusive kingdom anyway!”

Yang Ye spoke solemnly, “Has no one ever succeeded throughout history?”

Sword Scroll shook her head slightly, “Only two types of people can get through this wall. One of them is the people they choose. Once those people enter Eternal Kingdom, they will become one of them, and they will be treated as part of Eternal Kingdom. As for the other type of people, they are people like Tian Xiu and the Unfettered One. Their strength is at a level that allows them to enter by force. But how few people like that actually exist?”

She gazed at the corpses and continued, “They arrived here. However, they realized that their hope had turned into despair!”

Suddenly, Yang Ye looked into the distance, and he saw a figure approaching rapidly. Yang Ye was stunned when he saw the person, “It can’t be… Oh, Snowy! Snowy, get out here! Hurry! It’s time to plunder! Oh, no! I mean, come outside to meet an old friend! Hurry!”