Allrounders!! - Chapter 61: Thunderclap Whitefang & His Partner (Serge’S Point Of View) »

Chapter 61: Thunderclap Whitefang & His Partner (Serge’S Point Of View) »

4-5 minutes 25.07.2022


Just as I was sleeping, I got suddenly kicked.


Thinking it was bro, I was about to complain

Hey, I told you yesterday were goin before dawn, so how long do you plan to stay asleep?

just to spot Thunderclap Whitefang looking down at me.

U-Umm, where am I?

Oh right! Yesterday I cried out of frustration. Thunderclap Whitefang and that guy were so mean to me, but I felt scared about going down the mountains by myself. Then I was told that itd surely cause a huge uproar in town

Thunderclap Whitefang sighed deeply.

In my eyes, your nothin but a spoilt crybaby. Its nothin unusual for folks to try leechin off me, but your lookin down on Indra, arent you? Moreover, your obviously regardin her as your rival for some odd reason. But, I got a big problem with you treatin my precious partner as equal or below a lil shit like you. Come, Ill show you the difference between you n her.

He urged me along.

By the way, shes already gotten up several hours ago. Since I said wed leave before dawn, she woke up early and finished all breakfast preparations. What did you actually do ever since comin here? Indra is round your age, you know? And yet Indra had prepared various things round the camp yesterday and today, but you havent lifted a single finger to help, have you? How bout realizin that difference between you two for starters? In the first place, somethin like chowin down some food and then goin sleep is usually impossible for adventurers! Settin up night watches in shifts in light of possible monster attacks is common sense. On top of that, its usually the young, inexperienced rookies who take the initiative in handlin such tasks! And yet youve been sleepin in without a care, snorin as loudly as a boar grunts.

On the way, he continuously showered me with sermons. Thunderclap Whitefang was super pissed and scary.

After walking for a while, I could hear a sound. Just when I wondered what it might be, I spotted that guy swinging a wooden sword at a terrifying speed.

Shes been doin this kind of trainin before breakfast ever since she was five. Even after she partnered up with me, shes been continuin it all the time. Did you do any practice swings yesterday? That or muscle trainin, did you do any of it? She might have a knack for it, but her strength bein equal to mine comes mostly from her hard trainin. I dont want her to be lumped together with some ordinary bum like you. After all, shes the partner I approve of. Thunderclap Whitefang declared powerfully.

When I timidly looked at his face, he wasnt angry nor did he look at me. He was staring at that guy. I followed his line of sight.

Somehow he looks incredibly cool. Hes brandishing his sword as if performing a dance.

After we watched for a while, he apparently finished his training, and came over.

Your stoppin already?

Lets have breakfast now that youre awake. He said over his shoulder and started to walk off.

Despite having moved around so much just moments ago, not a single drop of sweat could be seen on him. His breathing was calm and orderly, too.

This guy is truly strong.

At last I had also understood.

Thunderclap Whitefang walked up next to him with a puzzled expression.

What? Was it wrong of me to have shown him?

It distracted me, and my training is unique anyway. If you wanted to show him something, your training would be much more of a reference, wouldnt it?

No, that wasnt my intent here. Thunderclap Whitefang scratched his head. Sorry for disturbin you.

I was startled. For him to apologize to someone my age

Dont mind it. You followed your own way of thinking, right? Just

At that point, he grinned broadly.

Dont you think this could become an exhibition? If he were to memorize and imitate it, itd lower one of our sources of income.

Wow, your quite the cheapskate, arent you?

Then both laughed.

Watching from behind, I finally realized that these two were partners in the truest sense.