Alliance God-level Summoner - Chapter 678

Chapter 678

Alliance God-level Summoner Chapter 678, Dark Magic Seal


The sudden sound frightened Wan Jiabao's soul to dissipate, and almost fell down the stairs.

He grabbed the armrest tightly, turned around carefully, and through the moonlight outside the window, he saw the majestic old man who was sitting in the main seat of the living room.

"Master... Master~" Wan Jiabao said in a trembling voice.

Since childhood, he has always been extremely afraid of his grandfather, especially when he is alone, his whole heart is trembling.

"Come here~" Wan Zhongshan said in a stern voice.

Wan Jiabao lowered his head and approached slowly with worry and fear.

"Where did you go at night?" Wan Zhongshan said calmly.

"Just... just have a meal with friends!" Wan Jiabao muttered.

Wan Chongshan stared at Wan Jiabao's submissive face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a black gas flashed in the boy's hole.

This is the heir to my family~

Wan Chongshan got up slowly, his tall body blocked the moonlight outside the window, making Wan Jiabao's world completely lost the last ray of light.

"follow me!"

Wan Zhongshan said in a daze, and then went straight to the basement.

Wan Jiabao shrank his neck and followed behind him step by step, his heart thumping.

He didn't understand why Grandpa sat in the darkened living room at night, and why did he take him to the basement?

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But out of fear for his grandfather, he didn't dare to say anything, and could only obediently follow behind.

bang bang bang~

The dull sound of footsteps was like a drum beat, hitting Wan Jiabao's heart one after another. For some reason, he suddenly felt a heart-wrenching fear, as if there was a bloodthirsty monster hiding deep in the ground, waiting for him with its mouth open.

"Master...Master!" Wan Jiabao's voice trembled, "I, can I not go down?"

Wan Chongshan stopped abruptly, turned his body, and a faint black gas flashed again in Tong Kong.


His voice was calm, but with an irresistible majesty, Wan Jiabao's heart tightened, so he could only follow along.

Soon, the grandfather and grandson came to the basement.

In the dark basement, there are only a few small night lights contributing to the faint light. There are bookshelves on all sides, full of dense books. It is like an ancient library, dim, quiet, and with a gloomy atmosphere.

"Grandpa, what are we doing here?" Wan Jiabao swallowed and asked cautiously.

"Wait~" Wan Zhongshan said in a stern voice.

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"Wait for someone?"

"Who would show up in our basement?" Wan Jiabao couldn't help but ask. He thought his grandfather was crazy or had dementia. Even if there were guests, at least he would have to greet them in the living room. Why? Will wait in the basement.

Wan Zhongshan didn't answer, but stood calmly in the same place, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that Grandpa didn't say anything, Wan Jiabao didn't dare to ask any more, so he could only stay where he was, scolding the upcoming guest in his heart.

Damn, when is it bad to visit, you have to come to my house in the middle of the night.

And my grandfather is also true. If there is a guest, he can see it himself. What do you do with me?

Neurosis is neurosis!

Just when Wan Jiabao was madly complaining in his heart, suddenly, the night light in the basement went dark, and the whole space suddenly fell into darkness, and nothing could be seen.

Wan Jiabao was shocked and almost screamed, but soon, the night light turned on again.

"Damn, what the hell, all the lights will be replaced tomorrow!" Wan Jiabao scolded inwardly, but at this moment, he suddenly found that there seemed to be an extra figure in front of his grandfather.


Wan Jiabao shivered, took a few steps back, and his entire face turned pale.

Who is this? How did he show up?

"Wan Chongshan, is this your grandson?" Under the shadow, there was a faint chuckle.

Wan Chongshan bowed and said, "Envoy of God, he is my grandson. He was not trained well enough to make you laugh."

Angel? What is this?

Looking at the wide black robe under the dim yellow light, Wan Jiabao felt as if he was in an ice cave, his teeth were chattering, his mind was completely frozen, and there was only endless coldness and fear.

"I didn't expect that your Wanzhongshan would actually cultivate a waste grandson. This is a huge loss to the organization~" The voice under the black robe was still smiling, but faintly, a trace of displeasure could be heard.

Wan Zhongshan hurriedly said: "God, I will train him well in the future, please rest assured."

Angel, organization?

Despite his extreme fear, Wan Jiabao caught these two words, and he suddenly realized that his grandfather was actually involved in an organization of unknown origin.

Angel, this religious term is related to the villain at first sight.

What is the purpose of that grandfather calling him here, do you want me to join this so-called organization?

At this time, Wan Jiabao's mind was filled with all kinds of emotions, fear, surprise, puzzlement, as well as complaints and hatred.

Just do your thing, why get me involved?


Since I'm a waste, why don't you just let me be a waste?

What a broken organization, what ghosts and gods, I don't want to see, I don't want to see!

Wan Jiabao clenched his fists tightly, his expression twisted, and the beating heart sound was particularly harsh in the silence.

"Haha~" A chuckle came from under the black robe.

"Forget it, no matter what, this time it was you who brought it up on your own initiative."

"Wan Chongshan, can bring his only grandson to me personally, I am very satisfied with this loyalty."

Wan Chongshan respectfully said, "It is an honor for three generations of my Wan family to serve the divine envoy."


It was my grandfather who took the initiative to bring me to this man.

At this time, the resentment in Wan Jiabao's eyes could be condensed into substance, and the nails penetrated deeply into the flesh, almost piercing the skin.

"Okay, then I won't talk anymore. After planting the dark magic seal, I have other important things to tell you."


The man in black robe walked towards Wan Jiabao step by step, Wan Jiabao staggered back in fright, and finally when his back was on the bookshelf, he couldn't help shouting:

"Grandpa, save me!


A big hand pressed down on the top of Wan Jiabao's Immediately afterwards, black air wafted from between his fingers, Wan Jiabao tilted his head, and screamed in pain from his mouth.


The shrill scream made the bookshelves in the basement tremble slightly. Wan Jiabao held his head tightly, blue veins bulged on his forehead, his eyeballs bulged, his face was like a ghost, and his fingernails drew blood marks on his cheeks.

Wan Chongshan was standing behind the divine envoy, watching his grandson in pain, his eyes were extremely calm and calm, and there was no trace of turbulence in his heart.

Jiabao, this is the fate of our ten thousand family. Since we have embarked on this road, we can only go all the way to the dark.


The shrill screams ranged from sharp, to hoarse, to weak

When Wanjiabao was completely silent, the divine envoy took his big hand away and said in a stern voice:

"Head up!"

"Yes, angel!"

A muffled response echoed in the basement.

Wan Jiabao raised his **** face with a respectful demeanor, and a black gas flashed through the boy's hole.

Blood and darkness are perfectly integrated in him, like a monster reborn from hell!

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